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OSM location of Basilica of Saint Mary Major

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Oct 12, 2023 12:12 PM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 12.4981178, 41.8979203 ], [ 12.4981777, 41.8979748 ], [ 12.4981632, 41.8979828 ], [ 12.4982094, 41.8980247 ], [ 12.4982263, 41.8980142 ], [ 12.4983398, 41.8981147 ], [ 12.4984770, 41.8980293 ], [ 12.4985065, 41.8980110 ], [ 12.4985405, 41.8980413 ], [ 12.4986889, 41.8979490 ], [ 12.4986454, 41.8979103 ], [ 12.4986855, 41.8978853 ], [ 12.4986085, 41.8978168 ], [ 12.4986686, 41.8977799 ], [ 12.4987604, 41.8977239 ], [ 12.4988086, 41.8976941 ], [ 12.4989167, 41.8977917 ], [ 12.4990355, 41.8977186 ], [ 12.4991453, 41.8976523 ], [ 12.4991504, 41.8975529 ], [ 12.4990409, 41.8974542 ], [ 12.4990264, 41.8974421 ], [ 12.4989018, 41.8973312 ], [ 12.4988056, 41.8972480 ], [ 12.4987496, 41.8971978 ], [ 12.4986412, 41.8971052 ], [ 12.4985386, 41.8971006 ], [ 12.4984317, 41.8971673 ], [ 12.4982247, 41.8972988 ], [ 12.4981284, 41.8973631 ], [ 12.4981136, 41.8973726 ], [ 12.4980490, 41.8973647 ], [ 12.4980321, 41.8973756 ], [ 12.4978973, 41.8974614 ], [ 12.4978830, 41.8974717 ], [ 12.4978825, 41.8975213 ], [ 12.4977648, 41.8976012 ], [ 12.4978830, 41.8977066 ], [ 12.4978636, 41.8977188 ], [ 12.4979111, 41.8977609 ], [ 12.4979270, 41.8977495 ], [ 12.4979771, 41.8977940 ], [ 12.4979526, 41.8978174 ], [ 12.4979435, 41.8978377 ], [ 12.4979422, 41.8978638 ], [ 12.4979524, 41.8978896 ], [ 12.4979704, 41.8979094 ], [ 12.4979952, 41.8979245 ], [ 12.4980295, 41.8979346 ], [ 12.4980661, 41.8979358 ], [ 12.4980980, 41.8979291 ], [ 12.4981178, 41.8979203 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 131564482, version 38, osm:changeset=133818714, 2023-03-18T11:19:41Z)