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OSM location of Mahaweli River

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified May 09, 2023 11:34 AM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap

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Show area in GeoNames, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap.

river, drainage

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 80.5928555, 7.0616778 ], [ 80.5897442, 7.0632962 ], [ 80.5885318, 7.0638286 ], [ 80.5875448, 7.0637221 ], [ 80.5847016, 7.0634985 ], [ 80.5828885, 7.0642971 ], [ 80.5825988, 7.0653086 ], [ 80.5818800, 7.0665756 ], [ 80.5811397, 7.0681834 ], [ 80.5806139, 7.0691949 ], [ 80.5796591, 7.0707281 ], [ 80.5790583, 7.0721441 ], [ 80.5785326, 7.0730917 ], [ 80.5777172, 7.0736028 ], [ 80.5774060, 7.0740180 ], [ 80.5761078, 7.0750615 ], [ 80.5746702, 7.0759984 ], [ 80.5738548, 7.0770951 ], [ 80.5735544, 7.0787667 ], [ 80.5731145, 7.0801508 ], [ 80.5722347, 7.0821524 ], [ 80.5707971, 7.0829722 ], [ 80.5696920, 7.0833875 ], [ 80.5694881, 7.0828232 ], [ 80.5678359, 7.0818011 ], [ 80.5671171, 7.0813007 ], [ 80.5655828, 7.0800124 ], [ 80.5642632, 7.0790435 ], [ 80.5627719, 7.0777445 ], [ 80.5614308, 7.0772761 ], [ 80.5610211, 7.0773770 ], [ 80.5598751, 7.0776594 ], [ 80.5590919, 7.0785324 ], [ 80.5585555, 7.0794587 ], [ 80.5584804, 7.0804595 ], [ 80.5577723, 7.0805607 ], [ 80.5561415, 7.0810504 ], [ 80.5544119, 7.0826548 ] ] }

Not applicable

Less certain

Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 373579163, version 4, osm:changeset=109778788, 2021-08-17T01:10:46Z)