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OSM location

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Apr 11, 2024 12:09 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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archaeological site

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 22.2827654, 39.3560398 ], [ 22.2843104, 39.3563053 ], [ 22.2855120, 39.3571017 ], [ 22.2865420, 39.3577653 ], [ 22.2867136, 39.3589599 ], [ 22.2875719, 39.3598890 ], [ 22.2884302, 39.3616144 ], [ 22.2891169, 39.3633397 ], [ 22.2886019, 39.3640033 ], [ 22.2875719, 39.3645342 ], [ 22.2870569, 39.3654632 ], [ 22.2870569, 39.3666576 ], [ 22.2877436, 39.3679847 ], [ 22.2889452, 39.3691791 ], [ 22.2886861, 39.3701585 ], [ 22.2887989, 39.3703726 ], [ 22.2888526, 39.3705441 ], [ 22.2888619, 39.3707444 ], [ 22.2888433, 39.3709448 ], [ 22.2887755, 39.3711939 ], [ 22.2886424, 39.3714845 ], [ 22.2882586, 39.3715678 ], [ 22.2872286, 39.3715678 ], [ 22.2861986, 39.3710370 ], [ 22.2858126, 39.3707657 ], [ 22.2843104, 39.3697099 ], [ 22.2836237, 39.3689137 ], [ 22.2815638, 39.3679847 ], [ 22.2807055, 39.3667903 ], [ 22.2798472, 39.3650650 ], [ 22.2791605, 39.3636052 ], [ 22.2791605, 39.3620125 ], [ 22.2793322, 39.3608180 ], [ 22.2798472, 39.3597562 ], [ 22.2800188, 39.3586944 ], [ 22.2808771, 39.3573672 ], [ 22.2813921, 39.3564380 ], [ 22.2817354, 39.3557744 ], [ 22.2827654, 39.3560398 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 35824349, version 3, osm:changeset=76513835, 2019-11-01T20:49:51Z)