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OSM Location: modern Karantina Island

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Aug 29, 2023 03:50 PM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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Show area in GeoNames, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap.


{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 26.7830935, 38.3671692 ], [ 26.7831141, 38.3671564 ], [ 26.7836604, 38.3675043 ], [ 26.7837148, 38.3674713 ], [ 26.7837394, 38.3674897 ], [ 26.7837010, 38.3675211 ], [ 26.7839231, 38.3677496 ], [ 26.7845034, 38.3681145 ], [ 26.7848302, 38.3682790 ], [ 26.7855409, 38.3689951 ], [ 26.7870938, 38.3706765 ], [ 26.7875679, 38.3711253 ], [ 26.7878411, 38.3718046 ], [ 26.7880688, 38.3728224 ] ], [ [ 26.7830187, 38.3672157 ], [ 26.7830935, 38.3671692 ] ], [ [ 26.7858952, 38.3740193 ], [ 26.7859204, 38.3740136 ], [ 26.7859550, 38.3739494 ], [ 26.7860162, 38.3738453 ], [ 26.7859310, 38.3736569 ], [ 26.7856604, 38.3731584 ], [ 26.7839448, 38.3716589 ], [ 26.7832206, 38.3710972 ], [ 26.7830734, 38.3709537 ], [ 26.7831235, 38.3699753 ], [ 26.7829255, 38.3695474 ], [ 26.7833306, 38.3680686 ], [ 26.7831778, 38.3678833 ], [ 26.7832575, 38.3678125 ], [ 26.7830583, 38.3675604 ], [ 26.7829786, 38.3673855 ], [ 26.7829600, 38.3672522 ], [ 26.7830187, 38.3672157 ] ], [ [ 26.7880688, 38.3728224 ], [ 26.7882924, 38.3731800 ], [ 26.7884087, 38.3738322 ], [ 26.7885608, 38.3741618 ], [ 26.7892674, 38.3746106 ], [ 26.7897952, 38.3747509 ], [ 26.7904750, 38.3748841 ], [ 26.7910654, 38.3750735 ], [ 26.7915305, 38.3751015 ], [ 26.7919241, 38.3752488 ], [ 26.7918525, 38.3755152 ], [ 26.7915484, 38.3756415 ], [ 26.7910207, 38.3760762 ], [ 26.7902872, 38.3764759 ], [ 26.7900457, 38.3767564 ], [ 26.7895626, 38.3770650 ], [ 26.7894642, 38.3775138 ], [ 26.7892943, 38.3777101 ], [ 26.7888918, 38.3778013 ], [ 26.7884177, 38.3778644 ], [ 26.7879257, 38.3777241 ], [ 26.7877557, 38.3778293 ], [ 26.7872459, 38.3777171 ], [ 26.7867271, 38.3772964 ], [ 26.7863872, 38.3771702 ], [ 26.7857252, 38.3768266 ], [ 26.7857252, 38.3764269 ], [ 26.7853048, 38.3757116 ], [ 26.7850007, 38.3750945 ], [ 26.7847771, 38.3749472 ], [ 26.7848576, 38.3746807 ], [ 26.7851438, 38.3749823 ], [ 26.7854390, 38.3748350 ], [ 26.7857342, 38.3745124 ], [ 26.7857897, 38.3743631 ], [ 26.7858504, 38.3742546 ], [ 26.7858652, 38.3741123 ], [ 26.7858682, 38.3741029 ], [ 26.7858952, 38.3740193 ] ] ] }

Not applicable


Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Relation 12462062, version 2, osm:changeset=132599823, 2023-02-15T20:19:54Z)