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BAtlas Map Label Location

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: S. Mitchell, G. Reger, C. Foss
Contributors: Ryan Horne, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott, Michael Heubel
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Aug 30, 2022 01:46 PM History
Centerline/arc of label location used on the Barrington Atlas map for this feature

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map label location

{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 25.95333759849774, 39.21920858212343 ], [ 25.962260577269603, 39.21813782467092 ], [ 25.970826636890706, 39.21671014806731 ], [ 25.980463453964262, 39.21421171401124 ], [ 25.988315675283502, 39.21421171401124 ], [ 25.99830941150799, 39.21099944165343 ], [ 26.00509087537455, 39.210642522502496 ], [ 26.01294309669396, 39.209214845899055 ], [ 26.021509156314835, 39.208857926748124 ] ] ] }

Not applicable


AWMC BAtlas Data (1:500,000 scale)

