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OSM location of modern Ovrios island

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Apr 22, 2022 07:25 AM History
Representative modern location based on OpenStreetMap.
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 23.1410247, 37.8584852 ], [ 23.1410694, 37.8584797 ], [ 23.1410909, 37.8584771 ], [ 23.1411110, 37.8584740 ], [ 23.1411478, 37.8584406 ], [ 23.1412873, 37.8583993 ], [ 23.1413477, 37.8583802 ], [ 23.1414389, 37.8583632 ], [ 23.1414482, 37.8583177 ], [ 23.1415395, 37.8582838 ], [ 23.1416427, 37.8582024 ], [ 23.1417125, 37.8582012 ], [ 23.1417560, 37.8582346 ], [ 23.1417741, 37.8582553 ], [ 23.1418158, 37.8582616 ], [ 23.1418540, 37.8582590 ], [ 23.1418694, 37.8582235 ], [ 23.1418962, 37.8581600 ], [ 23.1419713, 37.8581144 ], [ 23.1419900, 37.8581081 ], [ 23.1420799, 37.8581208 ], [ 23.1421148, 37.8581303 ], [ 23.1421362, 37.8581451 ], [ 23.1421792, 37.8581578 ], [ 23.1422838, 37.8581684 ], [ 23.1423253, 37.8581965 ], [ 23.1423548, 37.8581901 ], [ 23.1423595, 37.8582145 ], [ 23.1423924, 37.8582261 ], [ 23.1424514, 37.8582632 ], [ 23.1425191, 37.8583257 ], [ 23.1426881, 37.8584146 ], [ 23.1428544, 37.8584390 ], [ 23.1428813, 37.8584305 ], [ 23.1429120, 37.8584242 ], [ 23.1429671, 37.8584210 ], [ 23.1430073, 37.8584326 ], [ 23.1430509, 37.8584490 ], [ 23.1430609, 37.8584697 ], [ 23.1430958, 37.8584750 ], [ 23.1431193, 37.8584951 ], [ 23.1431649, 37.8584993 ], [ 23.1431984, 37.8585321 ], [ 23.1432306, 37.8585311 ], [ 23.1433077, 37.8585607 ], [ 23.1433345, 37.8586094 ], [ 23.1434016, 37.8586603 ], [ 23.1434411, 37.8586619 ], [ 23.1434633, 37.8586761 ], [ 23.1434874, 37.8586634 ], [ 23.1434981, 37.8586476 ], [ 23.1435128, 37.8586338 ], [ 23.1435518, 37.8586295 ], [ 23.1436001, 37.8586433 ], [ 23.1436604, 37.8586533 ], [ 23.1437060, 37.8586571 ], [ 23.1437610, 37.8586571 ], [ 23.1438107, 37.8586676 ], [ 23.1438991, 37.8586952 ], [ 23.1439488, 37.8586815 ], [ 23.1439890, 37.8586391 ], [ 23.1440388, 37.8586332 ], [ 23.1441455, 37.8585478 ], [ 23.1442376, 37.8584315 ], [ 23.1442887, 37.8584498 ], [ 23.1444119, 37.8584189 ], [ 23.1444478, 37.8583512 ], [ 23.1445209, 37.8583590 ], [ 23.1445377, 37.8583395 ], [ 23.1445118, 37.8582875 ], [ 23.1445841, 37.8582816 ], [ 23.1446083, 37.8582483 ], [ 23.1445959, 37.8582109 ], [ 23.1447014, 37.8581301 ], [ 23.1447698, 37.8581454 ], [ 23.1448529, 37.8581151 ], [ 23.1448949, 37.8580760 ], [ 23.1449154, 37.8580369 ], [ 23.1449935, 37.8580246 ], [ 23.1450084, 37.8579844 ], [ 23.1450871, 37.8579459 ], [ 23.1451796, 37.8578681 ], [ 23.1452986, 37.8577962 ], [ 23.1454292, 37.8577916 ], [ 23.1454999, 37.8577665 ], [ 23.1455623, 37.8577990 ], [ 23.1457156, 37.8577852 ], [ 23.1458415, 37.8577343 ], [ 23.1458915, 37.8576903 ], [ 23.1459303, 37.8576059 ], [ 23.1459970, 37.8574013 ], [ 23.1462027, 37.8574392 ], [ 23.1465974, 37.8576512 ], [ 23.1465887, 37.8577296 ], [ 23.1465189, 37.8577507 ], [ 23.1464519, 37.8578016 ], [ 23.1463259, 37.8578291 ], [ 23.1462347, 37.8578397 ], [ 23.1461790, 37.8578852 ], [ 23.1461086, 37.8578947 ], [ 23.1460309, 37.8579540 ], [ 23.1459665, 37.8580303 ], [ 23.1458914, 37.8580684 ], [ 23.1458538, 37.8581637 ], [ 23.1457814, 37.8582420 ], [ 23.1457653, 37.8583246 ], [ 23.1456553, 37.8583860 ], [ 23.1455802, 37.8584580 ], [ 23.1455373, 37.8585109 ], [ 23.1454863, 37.8585258 ], [ 23.1454541, 37.8584982 ], [ 23.1454461, 37.8584728 ], [ 23.1453837, 37.8584379 ], [ 23.1453495, 37.8584771 ], [ 23.1453280, 37.8585300 ], [ 23.1453361, 37.8585639 ], [ 23.1453549, 37.8585978 ], [ 23.1453495, 37.8586549 ], [ 23.1452664, 37.8587058 ], [ 23.1452073, 37.8587862 ], [ 23.1451698, 37.8588858 ], [ 23.1451054, 37.8589260 ], [ 23.1449955, 37.8590065 ], [ 23.1449606, 37.8590870 ], [ 23.1448829, 37.8591314 ], [ 23.1448051, 37.8591992 ], [ 23.1447434, 37.8592818 ], [ 23.1446951, 37.8592956 ], [ 23.1447032, 37.8592363 ], [ 23.1446576, 37.8592204 ], [ 23.1446012, 37.8592289 ], [ 23.1445369, 37.8592754 ], [ 23.1444054, 37.8593369 ], [ 23.1442874, 37.8594173 ], [ 23.1442150, 37.8595232 ], [ 23.1441989, 37.8595994 ], [ 23.1441989, 37.8596545 ], [ 23.1442418, 37.8596884 ], [ 23.1443142, 37.8597265 ], [ 23.1443732, 37.8597646 ], [ 23.1444081, 37.8598070 ], [ 23.1444002, 37.8598483 ], [ 23.1442910, 37.8600088 ], [ 23.1443137, 37.8603974 ], [ 23.1443722, 37.8604951 ], [ 23.1443559, 37.8606418 ], [ 23.1443491, 37.8608057 ], [ 23.1442427, 37.8608790 ], [ 23.1430971, 37.8611359 ], [ 23.1413259, 37.8606978 ], [ 23.1407940, 37.8604972 ], [ 23.1393711, 37.8595330 ], [ 23.1387976, 37.8593135 ], [ 23.1381670, 37.8592189 ], [ 23.1376848, 37.8592475 ], [ 23.1373036, 37.8593775 ], [ 23.1370572, 37.8594494 ], [ 23.1369074, 37.8593465 ], [ 23.1368049, 37.8592433 ], [ 23.1364087, 37.8590214 ], [ 23.1355439, 37.8587116 ], [ 23.1354779, 37.8586276 ], [ 23.1353919, 37.8586141 ], [ 23.1352973, 37.8585745 ], [ 23.1352597, 37.8585321 ], [ 23.1353563, 37.8585173 ], [ 23.1354153, 37.8585088 ], [ 23.1354770, 37.8585300 ], [ 23.1355602, 37.8585237 ], [ 23.1355762, 37.8584855 ], [ 23.1359008, 37.8584559 ], [ 23.1360537, 37.8584135 ], [ 23.1360939, 37.8583669 ], [ 23.1360000, 37.8583648 ], [ 23.1359491, 37.8583309 ], [ 23.1360537, 37.8582759 ], [ 23.1361422, 37.8582314 ], [ 23.1362683, 37.8581658 ], [ 23.1364399, 37.8581552 ], [ 23.1366089, 37.8581361 ], [ 23.1366786, 37.8581679 ], [ 23.1368449, 37.8582420 ], [ 23.1370568, 37.8583055 ], [ 23.1370997, 37.8583691 ], [ 23.1372741, 37.8584432 ], [ 23.1374189, 37.8584961 ], [ 23.1374967, 37.8585385 ], [ 23.1375074, 37.8585787 ], [ 23.1375906, 37.8586888 ], [ 23.1377274, 37.8587439 ], [ 23.1378025, 37.8587291 ], [ 23.1379741, 37.8587524 ], [ 23.1381109, 37.8587312 ], [ 23.1383899, 37.8585872 ], [ 23.1386313, 37.8584453 ], [ 23.1386608, 37.8584029 ], [ 23.1386581, 37.8583204 ], [ 23.1386688, 37.8582632 ], [ 23.1387439, 37.8582484 ], [ 23.1387761, 37.8582102 ], [ 23.1388754, 37.8582505 ], [ 23.1390041, 37.8583691 ], [ 23.1392643, 37.8584919 ], [ 23.1394145, 37.8585067 ], [ 23.1396264, 37.8584622 ], [ 23.1396773, 37.8583669 ], [ 23.1395781, 37.8582589 ], [ 23.1397283, 37.8582759 ], [ 23.1398249, 37.8583373 ], [ 23.1399456, 37.8584665 ], [ 23.1400502, 37.8585448 ], [ 23.1401333, 37.8585364 ], [ 23.1402782, 37.8585787 ], [ 23.1404874, 37.8586020 ], [ 23.1406295, 37.8585999 ], [ 23.1407663, 37.8585173 ], [ 23.1408629, 37.8584453 ], [ 23.1409514, 37.8584453 ], [ 23.1410010, 37.8584707 ], [ 23.1410247, 37.8584852 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • Modern (AD 1700-Present) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 8896974, version 4, osm:changeset=63286556, 2018-10-07T18:41:43Z)