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OSM location of Cyclopean wall tract

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Mar 02, 2023 10:45 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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wall (defensive)

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 22.8406491, 37.6499304 ], [ 22.8405839, 37.6499024 ], [ 22.8405538, 37.6499546 ], [ 22.8405379, 37.6500275 ], [ 22.8405125, 37.6501123 ], [ 22.8405006, 37.6501891 ], [ 22.8405220, 37.6502283 ], [ 22.8406157, 37.6502793 ], [ 22.8407146, 37.6502979 ], [ 22.8408342, 37.6503153 ], [ 22.8409752, 37.6503648 ], [ 22.8410533, 37.6504028 ], [ 22.8411744, 37.6504433 ], [ 22.8412207, 37.6504486 ], [ 22.8412939, 37.6504729 ], [ 22.8413185, 37.6504795 ], [ 22.8413983, 37.6505050 ], [ 22.8414370, 37.6505379 ], [ 22.8415779, 37.6505992 ], [ 22.8416286, 37.6506394 ], [ 22.8416953, 37.6506217 ], [ 22.8422907, 37.6503535 ], [ 22.8424341, 37.6502981 ], [ 22.8428337, 37.6501523 ], [ 22.8430684, 37.6500293 ], [ 22.8433311, 37.6498426 ], [ 22.8432876, 37.6498056 ], [ 22.8431668, 37.6498903 ], [ 22.8429619, 37.6500112 ], [ 22.8427816, 37.6501156 ], [ 22.8424386, 37.6502290 ], [ 22.8419276, 37.6504406 ], [ 22.8416524, 37.6505751 ], [ 22.8415416, 37.6505222 ], [ 22.8414483, 37.6504767 ], [ 22.8413430, 37.6504300 ], [ 22.8412823, 37.6504146 ], [ 22.8412548, 37.6504032 ], [ 22.8412181, 37.6503905 ], [ 22.8411095, 37.6503607 ], [ 22.8409966, 37.6503102 ], [ 22.8408879, 37.6502792 ], [ 22.8407833, 37.6502594 ], [ 22.8406855, 37.6502440 ], [ 22.8406471, 37.6502371 ], [ 22.8406028, 37.6502129 ], [ 22.8405787, 37.6501949 ], [ 22.8406119, 37.6500375 ], [ 22.8406491, 37.6499304 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • 2nd Millennium BCE (2000-1000 BCE) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 945299147, version 1, osm:changeset=105054880, 2021-05-21T00:32:22Z)