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OSM location of Olympia

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified May 23, 2023 01:03 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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archaeological site, sanctuary (religious center)

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 21.6340495, 37.6402566 ], [ 21.6346925, 37.6403179 ], [ 21.6348347, 37.6402351 ], [ 21.6349500, 37.6399675 ], [ 21.6351747, 37.6395211 ], [ 21.6350627, 37.6392186 ], [ 21.6344261, 37.6388124 ], [ 21.6338824, 37.6385888 ], [ 21.6333535, 37.6383817 ], [ 21.6331869, 37.6381189 ], [ 21.6330938, 37.6379721 ], [ 21.6326876, 37.6376856 ], [ 21.6323518, 37.6374197 ], [ 21.6310225, 37.6366590 ], [ 21.6307429, 37.6365016 ], [ 21.6303271, 37.6361965 ], [ 21.6293399, 37.6360668 ], [ 21.6289505, 37.6359824 ], [ 21.6286317, 37.6360105 ], [ 21.6284132, 37.6366280 ], [ 21.6281415, 37.6373537 ], [ 21.6278919, 37.6373531 ], [ 21.6278015, 37.6377631 ], [ 21.6277801, 37.6379968 ], [ 21.6279514, 37.6385280 ], [ 21.6279935, 37.6391107 ], [ 21.6279532, 37.6396509 ], [ 21.6277208, 37.6399407 ], [ 21.6276116, 37.6403874 ], [ 21.6280352, 37.6404425 ], [ 21.6280617, 37.6403096 ], [ 21.6279723, 37.6402903 ], [ 21.6279884, 37.6401491 ], [ 21.6281403, 37.6401637 ], [ 21.6282392, 37.6401841 ], [ 21.6282272, 37.6403243 ], [ 21.6282217, 37.6404177 ], [ 21.6282822, 37.6404496 ], [ 21.6287011, 37.6404846 ], [ 21.6288165, 37.6403699 ], [ 21.6289105, 37.6400806 ], [ 21.6289659, 37.6400759 ], [ 21.6290470, 37.6400685 ], [ 21.6290926, 37.6401073 ], [ 21.6291925, 37.6403636 ], [ 21.6295717, 37.6401055 ], [ 21.6301194, 37.6396138 ], [ 21.6304211, 37.6394003 ], [ 21.6305907, 37.6393312 ], [ 21.6308848, 37.6392394 ], [ 21.6310016, 37.6392127 ], [ 21.6311828, 37.6392051 ], [ 21.6315528, 37.6392552 ], [ 21.6318821, 37.6393821 ], [ 21.6324212, 37.6396405 ], [ 21.6326879, 37.6397993 ], [ 21.6331905, 37.6399810 ], [ 21.6334978, 37.6401196 ], [ 21.6340495, 37.6402566 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Archaic (Greco-Roman; 750-550 BCE/BC) (confident)
  • Classical (Greco-Roman; 550 BC-330 BC) (confident)
  • Hellenistic Greek, Roman Republic (330 BC-30 BC) (confident)
  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 39984003, version 41, osm:changeset=130862872, 2023-01-04T11:35:29Z)