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OSM location of theater

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Nov 05, 2023 12:02 AM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap

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theatre, theater

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 14.8946052, 37.0576375 ], [ 14.8944764, 37.0576400 ], [ 14.8944791, 37.0576129 ], [ 14.8944867, 37.0575864 ], [ 14.8944992, 37.0575611 ], [ 14.8945162, 37.0575376 ], [ 14.8945375, 37.0575163 ], [ 14.8945624, 37.0574978 ], [ 14.8945905, 37.0574824 ], [ 14.8946212, 37.0574705 ], [ 14.8946875, 37.0574582 ], [ 14.8947780, 37.0574639 ], [ 14.8948095, 37.0574971 ], [ 14.8948282, 37.0575248 ], [ 14.8948339, 37.0575368 ], [ 14.8948540, 37.0575793 ], [ 14.8948619, 37.0576126 ], [ 14.8948634, 37.0576191 ], [ 14.8948028, 37.0576249 ], [ 14.8948011, 37.0576191 ], [ 14.8947957, 37.0576004 ], [ 14.8947793, 37.0575789 ], [ 14.8947552, 37.0575626 ], [ 14.8947433, 37.0575588 ], [ 14.8947260, 37.0575532 ], [ 14.8946945, 37.0575516 ], [ 14.8946726, 37.0575561 ], [ 14.8946646, 37.0575577 ], [ 14.8946385, 37.0575709 ], [ 14.8946187, 37.0575899 ], [ 14.8946073, 37.0576129 ], [ 14.8946057, 37.0576319 ], [ 14.8946052, 37.0576375 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Classical (Greco-Roman; 550 BC-330 BC) (confident)
  • Hellenistic Greek, Roman Republic (330 BC-30 BC) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 216156504, version 9, osm:changeset=115112371, 2021-12-18T23:46:17Z)