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OSM Location of modern Ilisos

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Aug 03, 2023 06:45 PM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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river, drainage

{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 23.6959709, 37.9582318 ], [ 23.6957013, 37.9580932 ], [ 23.6953249, 37.9578876 ], [ 23.6947640, 37.9575767 ], [ 23.6941812, 37.9572322 ], [ 23.6938937, 37.9570583 ], [ 23.6934467, 37.9567734 ], [ 23.6931771, 37.9565931 ], [ 23.6929343, 37.9564290 ] ], [ [ 23.6961061, 37.9582967 ], [ 23.6959709, 37.9582318 ] ], [ [ 23.7335863, 37.9675566 ], [ 23.7328726, 37.9672498 ], [ 23.7325526, 37.9670621 ], [ 23.7321749, 37.9669382 ], [ 23.7318973, 37.9667775 ], [ 23.7307474, 37.9658849 ], [ 23.7301634, 37.9655616 ], [ 23.7292854, 37.9653192 ], [ 23.7281086, 37.9650486 ], [ 23.7275283, 37.9647121 ], [ 23.7274177, 37.9646480 ], [ 23.7269542, 37.9641455 ], [ 23.7266288, 37.9635586 ], [ 23.7265928, 37.9635157 ], [ 23.7265167, 37.9634524 ], [ 23.7250242, 37.9622900 ], [ 23.7242887, 37.9617756 ], [ 23.7238779, 37.9614832 ], [ 23.7237182, 37.9614073 ], [ 23.7236303, 37.9613825 ], [ 23.7235193, 37.9613644 ], [ 23.7233232, 37.9613546 ], [ 23.7226210, 37.9613561 ], [ 23.7222258, 37.9613446 ], [ 23.7215960, 37.9612565 ], [ 23.7208070, 37.9610917 ], [ 23.7205984, 37.9610603 ], [ 23.7204038, 37.9610229 ], [ 23.7198996, 37.9609584 ], [ 23.7197680, 37.9609823 ], [ 23.7195356, 37.9610308 ], [ 23.7192868, 37.9611139 ], [ 23.7190582, 37.9612346 ], [ 23.7186899, 37.9614067 ], [ 23.7178153, 37.9618363 ], [ 23.7170245, 37.9627486 ], [ 23.7166546, 37.9630764 ], [ 23.7158483, 37.9636790 ], [ 23.7157206, 37.9637503 ], [ 23.7155264, 37.9638428 ], [ 23.7152795, 37.9639326 ], [ 23.7149455, 37.9640129 ], [ 23.7144770, 37.9640517 ], [ 23.7139763, 37.9640139 ], [ 23.7131633, 37.9638718 ], [ 23.7118789, 37.9636472 ], [ 23.7113823, 37.9635917 ], [ 23.7107454, 37.9635582 ], [ 23.7084198, 37.9634643 ], [ 23.7075216, 37.9633972 ], [ 23.7063711, 37.9631835 ], [ 23.7052365, 37.9628928 ], [ 23.7044549, 37.9625697 ], [ 23.7032792, 37.9619261 ], [ 23.7020564, 37.9613372 ], [ 23.7009469, 37.9607955 ], [ 23.6997272, 37.9601742 ], [ 23.6986272, 37.9595629 ], [ 23.6974781, 37.9589783 ], [ 23.6961061, 37.9582967 ] ], [ [ 23.6929343, 37.9564290 ], [ 23.6921428, 37.9558914 ], [ 23.6917116, 37.9555675 ], [ 23.6913789, 37.9553144 ], [ 23.6903285, 37.9544818 ], [ 23.6899033, 37.9541246 ], [ 23.6894956, 37.9537507 ], [ 23.6890300, 37.9533040 ], [ 23.6884724, 37.9527518 ], [ 23.6879965, 37.9522534 ], [ 23.6877502, 37.9519798 ], [ 23.6869051, 37.9510106 ], [ 23.6862383, 37.9501359 ], [ 23.6854283, 37.9489206 ], [ 23.6848573, 37.9479995 ], [ 23.6843004, 37.9470007 ], [ 23.6826900, 37.9434225 ], [ 23.6822850, 37.9425455 ], [ 23.6820921, 37.9421646 ] ], [ [ 23.7350667, 37.9680512 ], [ 23.7342808, 37.9679561 ], [ 23.7335863, 37.9675566 ] ], [ [ 23.7671893, 37.9877116 ], [ 23.7666267, 37.9872061 ], [ 23.7659238, 37.9866198 ], [ 23.7656842, 37.9864139 ], [ 23.7652336, 37.9858647 ], [ 23.7651487, 37.9857676 ], [ 23.7649594, 37.9856448 ], [ 23.7644204, 37.9853020 ], [ 23.7641730, 37.9850586 ], [ 23.7639366, 37.9846474 ], [ 23.7637176, 37.9842127 ], [ 23.7635694, 37.9839904 ], [ 23.7633141, 37.9837693 ], [ 23.7627988, 37.9835171 ], [ 23.7622205, 37.9832712 ], [ 23.7620313, 37.9831284 ], [ 23.7614262, 37.9823297 ], [ 23.7612229, 37.9821135 ], [ 23.7609487, 37.9819061 ], [ 23.7606320, 37.9817446 ], [ 23.7601419, 37.9815844 ], [ 23.7596360, 37.9815148 ], [ 23.7589284, 37.9814416 ], [ 23.7586731, 37.9813956 ], [ 23.7584178, 37.9812925 ], [ 23.7579246, 37.9810242 ], [ 23.7576822, 37.9808910 ], [ 23.7575265, 37.9808292 ], [ 23.7570389, 37.9807360 ], [ 23.7567064, 37.9806747 ], [ 23.7564948, 37.9805943 ], [ 23.7563093, 37.9805010 ], [ 23.7562030, 37.9804012 ], [ 23.7561006, 37.9802658 ], [ 23.7560548, 37.9801348 ], [ 23.7560344, 37.9800611 ], [ 23.7558106, 37.9791170 ], [ 23.7555951, 37.9781092 ], [ 23.7554915, 37.9775478 ], [ 23.7553635, 37.9774277 ], [ 23.7549039, 37.9770677 ], [ 23.7544325, 37.9767211 ], [ 23.7529756, 37.9757873 ], [ 23.7527239, 37.9756918 ], [ 23.7524721, 37.9756400 ], [ 23.7513930, 37.9754494 ], [ 23.7505441, 37.9752310 ], [ 23.7496730, 37.9750376 ], [ 23.7493189, 37.9749981 ], [ 23.7482738, 37.9748641 ], [ 23.7478094, 37.9747620 ], [ 23.7470873, 37.9744968 ], [ 23.7454128, 37.9735289 ], [ 23.7446809, 37.9731059 ], [ 23.7431342, 37.9720657 ], [ 23.7414716, 37.9708641 ], [ 23.7404325, 37.9701594 ], [ 23.7394569, 37.9697081 ], [ 23.7384879, 37.9691811 ], [ 23.7379236, 37.9687137 ], [ 23.7376028, 37.9685055 ], [ 23.7373201, 37.9683308 ], [ 23.7370288, 37.9682031 ], [ 23.7363502, 37.9680074 ], [ 23.7350667, 37.9680512 ] ] ] }

Not applicable


Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Relation 15629080, version 2, osm:changeset=133974732, 2023-03-22T11:46:49Z)