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OSM location of Acquedotto dei Sette Bassi

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 07, 2024 02:44 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 12.5705536, 41.8364605 ], [ 12.5713178, 41.8365361 ], [ 12.5718197, 41.8364974 ] ], [ [ 12.5718197, 41.8364974 ], [ 12.5724653, 41.8364164 ] ], [ [ 12.5724653, 41.8364164 ], [ 12.5734489, 41.8365241 ] ], [ [ 12.5734489, 41.8365241 ], [ 12.5734813, 41.8365276 ] ], [ [ 12.5734813, 41.8365276 ], [ 12.5750408, 41.8369368 ] ], [ [ 12.5750408, 41.8369368 ], [ 12.5750729, 41.8369468 ] ], [ [ 12.5750729, 41.8369468 ], [ 12.5751266, 41.8369677 ] ], [ [ 12.5751266, 41.8369677 ], [ 12.5752057, 41.8369957 ] ], [ [ 12.5752057, 41.8369957 ], [ 12.5761136, 41.8374274 ], [ 12.5767171, 41.8379350 ], [ 12.5771837, 41.8386886 ] ], [ [ 12.5771837, 41.8386886 ], [ 12.5772749, 41.8389364 ], [ 12.5774197, 41.8393121 ], [ 12.5774948, 41.8394640 ], [ 12.5776665, 41.8397597 ] ], [ [ 12.5776665, 41.8397597 ], [ 12.5778758, 41.8400592 ] ], [ [ 12.5778758, 41.8400592 ], [ 12.5780529, 41.8403009 ], [ 12.5782017, 41.8405725 ] ], [ [ 12.5782017, 41.8405725 ], [ 12.5782138, 41.8405947 ] ], [ [ 12.5782138, 41.8405947 ], [ 12.5782206, 41.8406073 ] ], [ [ 12.5782206, 41.8406073 ], [ 12.5782661, 41.8406916 ] ], [ [ 12.5782661, 41.8406916 ], [ 12.5783278, 41.8408005 ] ], [ [ 12.5783278, 41.8408005 ], [ 12.5783372, 41.8408180 ] ], [ [ 12.5783372, 41.8408180 ], [ 12.5783452, 41.8408330 ] ], [ [ 12.5783452, 41.8408330 ], [ 12.5784405, 41.8410103 ] ], [ [ 12.5784405, 41.8410103 ], [ 12.5784478, 41.8410228 ] ], [ [ 12.5784478, 41.8410228 ], [ 12.5784747, 41.8410728 ] ], [ [ 12.5784747, 41.8410728 ], [ 12.5784975, 41.8411157 ] ], [ [ 12.5784975, 41.8411157 ], [ 12.5785296, 41.8411722 ] ], [ [ 12.5785296, 41.8411722 ], [ 12.5785840, 41.8412791 ], [ 12.5786711, 41.8414819 ] ], [ [ 12.5786711, 41.8414819 ], [ 12.5786792, 41.8415044 ] ], [ [ 12.5786792, 41.8415044 ], [ 12.5786832, 41.8415159 ] ], [ [ 12.5786832, 41.8415159 ], [ 12.5787348, 41.8417327 ] ], [ [ 12.5787348, 41.8417327 ], [ 12.5787355, 41.8417507 ] ], [ [ 12.5787355, 41.8417507 ], [ 12.5787375, 41.8418016 ] ], [ [ 12.5787375, 41.8418016 ], [ 12.5787268, 41.8418666 ], [ 12.5787107, 41.8419200 ] ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)
  • Late Antique (AD 300-AD 640) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Relation 13383817, version 1, osm:changeset=113136865, 2021-10-29T18:40:40Z)