OSM location of Agria Gramvousa
a Pleiades
Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified
Feb 07, 2024 05:02 PM
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap
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Show area in GeoNames, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap.
{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 23.5939641, 35.6339692 ], [ 23.5940771, 35.6340503 ], [ 23.5943018, 35.6345152 ], [ 23.5946020, 35.6351497 ], [ 23.5945883, 35.6355893 ], [ 23.5941970, 35.6369728 ], [ 23.5937454, 35.6373607 ], [ 23.5934194, 35.6374625 ], [ 23.5934116, 35.6379919 ], [ 23.5933303, 35.6384743 ], [ 23.5932525, 35.6387061 ], [ 23.5933631, 35.6389259 ], [ 23.5935580, 35.6393280 ], [ 23.5936086, 35.6395889 ], [ 23.5934224, 35.6399529 ], [ 23.5931859, 35.6400833 ], [ 23.5929803, 35.6400972 ], [ 23.5927889, 35.6399835 ], [ 23.5925620, 35.6400022 ], [ 23.5924890, 35.6401204 ], [ 23.5925661, 35.6402272 ], [ 23.5923873, 35.6404552 ], [ 23.5919382, 35.6403202 ], [ 23.5917864, 35.6403642 ], [ 23.5917521, 35.6404524 ], [ 23.5916521, 35.6405986 ], [ 23.5917007, 35.6407541 ], [ 23.5915293, 35.6410930 ], [ 23.5912551, 35.6413414 ], [ 23.5907790, 35.6416835 ], [ 23.5901185, 35.6418230 ], [ 23.5896243, 35.6425855 ], [ 23.5888931, 35.6434684 ], [ 23.5881476, 35.6441337 ], [ 23.5875221, 35.6443913 ], [ 23.5870392, 35.6445357 ], [ 23.5865918, 35.6453160 ], [ 23.5862149, 35.6456148 ], [ 23.5856256, 35.6461043 ], [ 23.5848306, 35.6461026 ], [ 23.5846288, 35.6457654 ], [ 23.5847088, 35.6455495 ], [ 23.5844917, 35.6454196 ], [ 23.5843315, 35.6450468 ], [ 23.5835839, 35.6447379 ], [ 23.5827808, 35.6445213 ], [ 23.5826281, 35.6443735 ], [ 23.5826947, 35.6441629 ], [ 23.5824838, 35.6437600 ], [ 23.5822774, 35.6437610 ], [ 23.5819840, 35.6443519 ], [ 23.5821610, 35.6447929 ], [ 23.5819252, 35.6450620 ], [ 23.5817615, 35.6449412 ], [ 23.5817728, 35.6452359 ], [ 23.5813792, 35.6454794 ], [ 23.5807157, 35.6460707 ], [ 23.5800068, 35.6467125 ], [ 23.5793543, 35.6472223 ], [ 23.5789335, 35.6475422 ], [ 23.5777054, 35.6479123 ], [ 23.5767526, 35.6480109 ], [ 23.5763819, 35.6480154 ], [ 23.5761921, 35.6480088 ] ], [ [ 23.5761921, 35.6480088 ], [ 23.5760951, 35.6478972 ], [ 23.5761308, 35.6476744 ], [ 23.5764698, 35.6468525 ], [ 23.5769351, 35.6461393 ], [ 23.5774995, 35.6457320 ], [ 23.5779354, 35.6452448 ], [ 23.5782332, 35.6451854 ], [ 23.5784424, 35.6442105 ], [ 23.5790149, 35.6433566 ], [ 23.5794295, 35.6427719 ], [ 23.5800297, 35.6425852 ], [ 23.5801920, 35.6424321 ], [ 23.5815098, 35.6421352 ], [ 23.5821404, 35.6421311 ], [ 23.5831750, 35.6416153 ], [ 23.5834724, 35.6412728 ], [ 23.5839376, 35.6412044 ], [ 23.5850435, 35.6404519 ], [ 23.5855943, 35.6402657 ], [ 23.5860197, 35.6404825 ], [ 23.5861626, 35.6404616 ], [ 23.5861821, 35.6402784 ], [ 23.5866738, 35.6398140 ], [ 23.5866996, 35.6392910 ], [ 23.5862966, 35.6392221 ], [ 23.5861506, 35.6391166 ], [ 23.5860854, 35.6389041 ], [ 23.5861030, 35.6386111 ], [ 23.5866936, 35.6382413 ], [ 23.5883618, 35.6359468 ], [ 23.5885618, 35.6358656 ], [ 23.5887342, 35.6358509 ], [ 23.5891387, 35.6359747 ], [ 23.5898156, 35.6362486 ], [ 23.5901212, 35.6362555 ], [ 23.5903653, 35.6361312 ], [ 23.5908456, 35.6357198 ], [ 23.5914751, 35.6354524 ], [ 23.5920463, 35.6356102 ], [ 23.5925584, 35.6354132 ], [ 23.5927075, 35.6349090 ], [ 23.5931407, 35.6346366 ], [ 23.5936401, 35.6341581 ], [ 23.5939641, 35.6339692 ] ] ] }
Not applicable
- Modern (AD 1700-Present) (confident)
- Data Source:
OpenStreetMap (Relation 865508, version 10, osm:changeset=140162727, 2023-08-21T06:03:57Z)