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OSM location of Kandelioussa (island)

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan Horne
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Apr 18, 2024 11:29 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap.

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 26.9676154, 36.4967258 ], [ 26.9678336, 36.4967466 ], [ 26.9682273, 36.4969270 ], [ 26.9686843, 36.4968995 ], [ 26.9689104, 36.4969155 ], [ 26.9695918, 36.4971276 ], [ 26.9697349, 36.4970943 ], [ 26.9701396, 36.4972000 ], [ 26.9711387, 36.4979392 ], [ 26.9715123, 36.4981029 ], [ 26.9717557, 36.4983842 ], [ 26.9720265, 36.4984679 ], [ 26.9721998, 36.4986824 ], [ 26.9724622, 36.4989506 ], [ 26.9728616, 36.4992727 ], [ 26.9733667, 36.4999935 ], [ 26.9738294, 36.4999271 ], [ 26.9742965, 36.4999135 ], [ 26.9748612, 36.5001548 ], [ 26.9749552, 36.5003176 ], [ 26.9752119, 36.5003890 ], [ 26.9756114, 36.5006231 ], [ 26.9762873, 36.5009488 ], [ 26.9765892, 36.5012809 ], [ 26.9768565, 36.5014454 ], [ 26.9770146, 36.5017694 ], [ 26.9772133, 36.5018321 ], [ 26.9779267, 36.5027947 ], [ 26.9783112, 36.5032261 ], [ 26.9783721, 36.5034589 ], [ 26.9784270, 36.5038172 ], [ 26.9785631, 36.5038225 ], [ 26.9788291, 36.5037255 ], [ 26.9792740, 36.5037592 ], [ 26.9796838, 36.5040219 ], [ 26.9798205, 36.5041626 ], [ 26.9799245, 36.5045908 ], [ 26.9801002, 36.5046369 ], [ 26.9802076, 36.5047552 ], [ 26.9803410, 36.5050898 ], [ 26.9807346, 36.5055289 ], [ 26.9806437, 36.5051851 ], [ 26.9807852, 36.5051505 ], [ 26.9809211, 36.5052377 ], [ 26.9809306, 36.5055765 ], [ 26.9814768, 36.5063205 ], [ 26.9815122, 36.5065929 ], [ 26.9813654, 36.5068179 ], [ 26.9816985, 36.5069696 ], [ 26.9819626, 36.5071957 ], [ 26.9820478, 36.5074480 ], [ 26.9822675, 36.5076444 ], [ 26.9824202, 36.5078111 ], [ 26.9826993, 36.5079340 ], [ 26.9827454, 36.5079994 ], [ 26.9826630, 36.5080808 ], [ 26.9824180, 36.5081623 ], [ 26.9822013, 36.5080920 ], [ 26.9818597, 36.5081807 ], [ 26.9815810, 36.5084233 ], [ 26.9810661, 36.5086007 ], [ 26.9809804, 36.5086918 ], [ 26.9808843, 36.5087114 ], [ 26.9806987, 36.5085749 ], [ 26.9804702, 36.5085592 ], [ 26.9801098, 36.5084415 ], [ 26.9798932, 36.5085251 ], [ 26.9795696, 36.5084082 ], [ 26.9792889, 36.5081964 ], [ 26.9787490, 36.5081006 ], [ 26.9783773, 36.5081331 ], [ 26.9776613, 36.5080228 ], [ 26.9760012, 36.5075245 ], [ 26.9747175, 36.5075444 ], [ 26.9746676, 36.5076334 ], [ 26.9734697, 36.5074186 ], [ 26.9733303, 36.5072436 ], [ 26.9732446, 36.5069651 ], [ 26.9717117, 36.5068144 ], [ 26.9713497, 36.5069141 ], [ 26.9712238, 36.5068759 ], [ 26.9710471, 36.5067821 ], [ 26.9709405, 36.5066723 ], [ 26.9702303, 36.5066138 ], [ 26.9699863, 36.5066888 ], [ 26.9697691, 36.5068284 ], [ 26.9695828, 36.5069624 ], [ 26.9685265, 36.5069289 ], [ 26.9676369, 36.5067235 ], [ 26.9671798, 36.5065713 ], [ 26.9670309, 36.5064487 ], [ 26.9668215, 36.5059444 ], [ 26.9668339, 36.5057764 ], [ 26.9670435, 36.5056926 ], [ 26.9671933, 36.5055293 ], [ 26.9666448, 36.5055004 ], [ 26.9664974, 36.5054165 ], [ 26.9660602, 36.5049808 ], [ 26.9655859, 36.5047531 ], [ 26.9654764, 36.5042522 ], [ 26.9654401, 36.5039870 ], [ 26.9655760, 36.5038840 ], [ 26.9652374, 36.5036920 ], [ 26.9648783, 36.5033054 ], [ 26.9646138, 36.5026261 ], [ 26.9643109, 36.5022668 ], [ 26.9642163, 36.5020479 ], [ 26.9641380, 36.5018944 ], [ 26.9635817, 36.5020074 ], [ 26.9631166, 36.5020705 ], [ 26.9626888, 36.5018994 ], [ 26.9623506, 36.5015649 ], [ 26.9619733, 36.5008933 ], [ 26.9617895, 36.5005130 ], [ 26.9617684, 36.5001458 ], [ 26.9612269, 36.4997197 ], [ 26.9610212, 36.4995524 ], [ 26.9610077, 36.4994034 ], [ 26.9612937, 36.4993289 ], [ 26.9617505, 36.4992740 ], [ 26.9619206, 36.4991926 ], [ 26.9619362, 36.4989609 ], [ 26.9615760, 36.4988271 ], [ 26.9609925, 36.4985877 ], [ 26.9604253, 36.4981653 ], [ 26.9600957, 36.4977756 ], [ 26.9599065, 36.4975023 ], [ 26.9599583, 36.4973853 ], [ 26.9603434, 36.4973336 ], [ 26.9627167, 36.4970324 ], [ 26.9628035, 36.4970487 ], [ 26.9628639, 36.4970782 ], [ 26.9628403, 36.4971215 ], [ 26.9628521, 36.4971763 ], [ 26.9630441, 36.4971561 ], [ 26.9631171, 36.4971011 ], [ 26.9632785, 36.4970657 ], [ 26.9632869, 36.4969925 ], [ 26.9633906, 36.4969404 ], [ 26.9634984, 36.4969273 ], [ 26.9646910, 36.4966462 ], [ 26.9650556, 36.4967194 ], [ 26.9651666, 36.4968898 ], [ 26.9654727, 36.4969948 ], [ 26.9654670, 36.4968388 ], [ 26.9657159, 36.4968145 ], [ 26.9657745, 36.4966873 ], [ 26.9661194, 36.4966160 ], [ 26.9666885, 36.4965598 ], [ 26.9676154, 36.4967258 ] ] }

Not applicable


Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Modern (AD 1700-Present) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 8673601, version 5, osm:changeset=90438515, 2020-09-05T04:14:53Z)