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OSM location of Odeon at Kom el-Dikka

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Thomas Landvatter
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Aug 08, 2018 01:35 PM History
Representative location based on a way derived from OpenStreetMap.

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theatre, theater

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 29.9038924, 31.1947583 ], [ 29.9039394, 31.1946734 ], [ 29.9039611, 31.1946811 ], [ 29.9039709, 31.1946609 ], [ 29.9040140, 31.1946765 ], [ 29.9040228, 31.1946780 ], [ 29.9040318, 31.1946772 ], [ 29.9040400, 31.1946741 ], [ 29.9040469, 31.1946691 ], [ 29.9040517, 31.1946626 ], [ 29.9040540, 31.1946546 ], [ 29.9040533, 31.1946463 ], [ 29.9040495, 31.1946386 ], [ 29.9040431, 31.1946324 ], [ 29.9040347, 31.1946283 ], [ 29.9039992, 31.1946141 ], [ 29.9040080, 31.1945980 ], [ 29.9039739, 31.1945843 ], [ 29.9040262, 31.1944885 ], [ 29.9041073, 31.1945252 ], [ 29.9041521, 31.1945497 ], [ 29.9041855, 31.1945851 ], [ 29.9042040, 31.1946278 ], [ 29.9042058, 31.1946733 ], [ 29.9041905, 31.1947169 ], [ 29.9041624, 31.1947520 ], [ 29.9041233, 31.1947783 ], [ 29.9040768, 31.1947935 ], [ 29.9040272, 31.1947962 ], [ 29.9039788, 31.1947861 ], [ 29.9038924, 31.1947583 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Late Antique (AD 300-AD 640) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 604768231, version 1, osm:changeset=60394031, 2018-07-04T00:59:50Z)