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OSM location of Acropolis

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Feb 25, 2024 05:06 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 23.7281514, 37.9712572 ], [ 23.7281633, 37.9712159 ], [ 23.7282077, 37.9712238 ], [ 23.7281957, 37.9712653 ] ], [ [ 23.7279183, 37.9712345 ], [ 23.7279238, 37.9712000 ], [ 23.7279653, 37.9712041 ], [ 23.7279599, 37.9712386 ] ], [ [ 23.7277137, 37.9712127 ], [ 23.7277169, 37.9711905 ], [ 23.7277392, 37.9711925 ], [ 23.7277360, 37.9712151 ] ], [ [ 23.7278137, 37.9712235 ], [ 23.7278182, 37.9711944 ], [ 23.7278514, 37.9711977 ], [ 23.7278468, 37.9712270 ] ], [ [ 23.7276064, 37.9712018 ], [ 23.7276066, 37.9711752 ], [ 23.7276292, 37.9711753 ], [ 23.7276291, 37.9712041 ] ], [ [ 23.7274907, 37.9711899 ], [ 23.7274951, 37.9711647 ], [ 23.7275219, 37.9711676 ], [ 23.7275175, 37.9711926 ] ], [ [ 23.7273513, 37.9711754 ], [ 23.7273555, 37.9711493 ], [ 23.7273910, 37.9711528 ], [ 23.7273867, 37.9711791 ] ], [ [ 23.7271907, 37.9711606 ], [ 23.7271951, 37.9711191 ], [ 23.7272266, 37.9711212 ], [ 23.7272222, 37.9711631 ] ], [ [ 23.7267978, 37.9711208 ], [ 23.7268008, 37.9710973 ], [ 23.7266564, 37.9710817 ], [ 23.7266529, 37.9711091 ] ], [ [ 23.7270568, 37.9711499 ], [ 23.7270596, 37.9711162 ], [ 23.7269485, 37.9711097 ], [ 23.7269468, 37.9711329 ] ], [ [ 23.7252228, 37.9720775 ], [ 23.7251988, 37.9721077 ], [ 23.7251537, 37.9720887 ], [ 23.7251725, 37.9720609 ] ], [ [ 23.7248880, 37.9719145 ], [ 23.7247167, 37.9718925 ] ], [ [ 23.7247167, 37.9718925 ], [ 23.7247435, 37.9717854 ], [ 23.7247251, 37.9717824 ], [ 23.7247285, 37.9717697 ], [ 23.7247122, 37.9717661 ], [ 23.7247086, 37.9717796 ], [ 23.7246947, 37.9717773 ], [ 23.7246985, 37.9717630 ], [ 23.7246756, 37.9717579 ], [ 23.7246715, 37.9717735 ], [ 23.7246573, 37.9717711 ], [ 23.7246617, 37.9717548 ], [ 23.7246366, 37.9717492 ], [ 23.7246319, 37.9717669 ], [ 23.7245702, 37.9717566 ], [ 23.7245759, 37.9717357 ] ], [ [ 23.7245759, 37.9717357 ], [ 23.7245211, 37.9717235 ], [ 23.7245412, 37.9716456 ], [ 23.7246004, 37.9716552 ], [ 23.7246086, 37.9716234 ], [ 23.7246167, 37.9715921 ], [ 23.7245575, 37.9715826 ], [ 23.7245741, 37.9715184 ], [ 23.7246416, 37.9715293 ], [ 23.7248368, 37.9715596 ] ], [ [ 23.7248368, 37.9715596 ], [ 23.7248259, 37.9714685 ], [ 23.7249012, 37.9714641 ] ], [ [ 23.7249012, 37.9714641 ], [ 23.7250456, 37.9714541 ], [ 23.7250484, 37.9714414 ], [ 23.7250860, 37.9714433 ], [ 23.7256411, 37.9712914 ], [ 23.7256426, 37.9712947 ], [ 23.7258385, 37.9712410 ], [ 23.7258370, 37.9712376 ], [ 23.7260033, 37.9711931 ], [ 23.7261869, 37.9711457 ], [ 23.7262551, 37.9711323 ], [ 23.7262970, 37.9711244 ], [ 23.7262989, 37.9711185 ], [ 23.7264165, 37.9710978 ], [ 23.7265186, 37.9710914 ], [ 23.7265237, 37.9710986 ], [ 23.7266529, 37.9711091 ] ], [ [ 23.7267978, 37.9711208 ], [ 23.7269468, 37.9711329 ] ], [ [ 23.7270568, 37.9711499 ], [ 23.7271907, 37.9711606 ] ], [ [ 23.7272222, 37.9711631 ], [ 23.7272702, 37.9711670 ], [ 23.7273513, 37.9711754 ] ], [ [ 23.7273867, 37.9711791 ], [ 23.7274907, 37.9711899 ] ], [ [ 23.7275175, 37.9711926 ], [ 23.7275883, 37.9712000 ], [ 23.7276064, 37.9712018 ] ], [ [ 23.7276291, 37.9712041 ], [ 23.7277137, 37.9712127 ] ], [ [ 23.7277360, 37.9712151 ], [ 23.7278137, 37.9712235 ] ], [ [ 23.7278468, 37.9712270 ], [ 23.7278827, 37.9712309 ], [ 23.7279183, 37.9712345 ] ], [ [ 23.7279599, 37.9712386 ], [ 23.7280591, 37.9712470 ], [ 23.7281305, 37.9712534 ], [ 23.7281514, 37.9712572 ] ], [ [ 23.7281957, 37.9712653 ], [ 23.7283362, 37.9712908 ], [ 23.7283367, 37.9713078 ], [ 23.7280249, 37.9718314 ], [ 23.7280720, 37.9718489 ], [ 23.7280479, 37.9718893 ], [ 23.7280008, 37.9718719 ], [ 23.7279888, 37.9718920 ], [ 23.7279490, 37.9718773 ], [ 23.7279062, 37.9719040 ], [ 23.7278216, 37.9719102 ], [ 23.7277107, 37.9719308 ], [ 23.7276670, 37.9719342 ], [ 23.7275394, 37.9720043 ], [ 23.7274831, 37.9720651 ], [ 23.7273295, 37.9720607 ], [ 23.7272037, 37.9720857 ], [ 23.7270988, 37.9721533 ], [ 23.7270792, 37.9721639 ], [ 23.7270584, 37.9721742 ], [ 23.7270464, 37.9721777 ], [ 23.7270340, 37.9721800 ], [ 23.7270133, 37.9721839 ], [ 23.7269174, 37.9722895 ], [ 23.7266839, 37.9722842 ], [ 23.7264734, 37.9722416 ], [ 23.7263589, 37.9723279 ], [ 23.7261592, 37.9723015 ] ], [ [ 23.7261592, 37.9723015 ], [ 23.7261506, 37.9723004 ], [ 23.7261401, 37.9722990 ] ], [ [ 23.7261401, 37.9722990 ], [ 23.7259245, 37.9722706 ], [ 23.7255913, 37.9722589 ], [ 23.7255748, 37.9721837 ], [ 23.7254737, 37.9721409 ], [ 23.7252869, 37.9720950 ], [ 23.7252806, 37.9720952 ], [ 23.7252228, 37.9720775 ] ], [ [ 23.7251725, 37.9720609 ], [ 23.7251336, 37.9720384 ], [ 23.7249167, 37.9719813 ], [ 23.7249298, 37.9719338 ] ], [ [ 23.7249298, 37.9719338 ], [ 23.7248848, 37.9719261 ], [ 23.7248880, 37.9719145 ] ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Archaic (Greco-Roman; 750-550 BCE/BC) (confident)
  • Classical (Greco-Roman; 550 BC-330 BC) (confident)
  • Hellenistic Greek, Roman Republic (330 BC-30 BC) (confident)
  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)
  • Late Antique (AD 300-AD 640) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Relation 4423249, version 18, osm:changeset=138803626, 2023-07-21T09:35:14Z)