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OSM location of Teatro Romano

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Aug 14, 2024 09:51 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

Show place in Google Earth.

Show area in GeoNames, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap.

theatre, theater

{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ -6.3390386, 38.9151125 ], [ -6.3389884, 38.9150777 ], [ -6.3389357, 38.9150458 ], [ -6.3388617, 38.9150125 ], [ -6.3387966, 38.9149944 ], [ -6.3387155, 38.9149779 ], [ -6.3386522, 38.9149757 ], [ -6.3385926, 38.9149808 ], [ -6.3385348, 38.9149891 ], [ -6.3384978, 38.9149971 ], [ -6.3384561, 38.9150062 ], [ -6.3384138, 38.9150231 ], [ -6.3383660, 38.9150458 ], [ -6.3383317, 38.9150707 ], [ -6.3383133, 38.9150862 ], [ -6.3382857, 38.9151094 ], [ -6.3382449, 38.9151445 ], [ -6.3382222, 38.9151786 ], [ -6.3382048, 38.9152064 ], [ -6.3381895, 38.9152357 ], [ -6.3381801, 38.9152695 ], [ -6.3381764, 38.9152908 ], [ -6.3381700, 38.9153320 ], [ -6.3381670, 38.9153759 ], [ -6.3381669, 38.9154030 ], [ -6.3381788, 38.9154524 ], [ -6.3381933, 38.9154910 ], [ -6.3382105, 38.9155234 ], [ -6.3382389, 38.9155651 ], [ -6.3382761, 38.9156068 ], [ -6.3382916, 38.9156257 ], [ -6.3383132, 38.9156458 ], [ -6.3383208, 38.9156530 ], [ -6.3384018, 38.9155973 ], [ -6.3384343, 38.9155729 ], [ -6.3385056, 38.9156304 ], [ -6.3385376, 38.9156599 ], [ -6.3385604, 38.9156421 ], [ -6.3386302, 38.9155922 ], [ -6.3390545, 38.9152706 ], [ -6.3390659, 38.9152786 ], [ -6.3390744, 38.9152725 ], [ -6.3389519, 38.9151790 ], [ -6.3390386, 38.9151125 ] ], [ [ -6.3388769, 38.9152730 ], [ -6.3384889, 38.9155664 ], [ -6.3384184, 38.9155077 ], [ -6.3385320, 38.9154226 ], [ -6.3385257, 38.9154174 ], [ -6.3385011, 38.9153979 ], [ -6.3384975, 38.9153793 ], [ -6.3384962, 38.9153724 ], [ -6.3384975, 38.9153402 ], [ -6.3385040, 38.9153186 ], [ -6.3385113, 38.9153046 ], [ -6.3385266, 38.9152882 ], [ -6.3385506, 38.9152688 ], [ -6.3385583, 38.9152626 ], [ -6.3385911, 38.9152475 ], [ -6.3386148, 38.9152428 ], [ -6.3386337, 38.9152390 ], [ -6.3386823, 38.9152380 ], [ -6.3386893, 38.9152396 ], [ -6.3387237, 38.9152475 ], [ -6.3387406, 38.9152567 ], [ -6.3387480, 38.9152607 ], [ -6.3388022, 38.9152141 ], [ -6.3388769, 38.9152730 ] ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)
  • Late Antique (AD 300-AD 640) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Relation 1316310, version 12, osm:changeset=141043331, 2023-09-09T23:43:26Z)