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OSM location of Lago di Monterosi

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Dec 15, 2020 05:44 AM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap

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Show area in GeoNames, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap.


{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 12.3013391, 42.2087957 ], [ 12.3018112, 42.2087917 ], [ 12.3025538, 42.2086498 ], [ 12.3031375, 42.2083447 ], [ 12.3038413, 42.2079505 ], [ 12.3045280, 42.2074737 ], [ 12.3046309, 42.2072003 ], [ 12.3047210, 42.2068650 ], [ 12.3048713, 42.2065200 ], [ 12.3049977, 42.2064076 ], [ 12.3052605, 42.2059944 ], [ 12.3052659, 42.2058911 ], [ 12.3050352, 42.2058036 ], [ 12.3050889, 42.2055732 ], [ 12.3051640, 42.2054460 ], [ 12.3051693, 42.2053188 ], [ 12.3053410, 42.2052433 ], [ 12.3053249, 42.2051003 ], [ 12.3053410, 42.2050089 ], [ 12.3052981, 42.2048420 ], [ 12.3052176, 42.2047069 ], [ 12.3051157, 42.2045996 ], [ 12.3049172, 42.2045440 ], [ 12.3049923, 42.2044327 ], [ 12.3049548, 42.2043294 ], [ 12.3048541, 42.2041994 ], [ 12.3045042, 42.2039638 ], [ 12.3043030, 42.2039718 ], [ 12.3041394, 42.2040393 ], [ 12.3038121, 42.2038545 ], [ 12.3031765, 42.2036400 ], [ 12.3027902, 42.2035625 ], [ 12.3027366, 42.2038327 ], [ 12.3025140, 42.2038069 ], [ 12.3024684, 42.2036698 ], [ 12.3024094, 42.2036280 ], [ 12.3020097, 42.2036817 ], [ 12.3009851, 42.2040115 ], [ 12.3001804, 42.2039757 ], [ 12.2993329, 42.2040950 ], [ 12.2986999, 42.2042499 ], [ 12.2983994, 42.2044208 ], [ 12.2982546, 42.2048102 ], [ 12.2977986, 42.2050447 ], [ 12.2975250, 42.2053506 ], [ 12.2974499, 42.2055771 ], [ 12.2975250, 42.2060142 ], [ 12.2976377, 42.2065030 ], [ 12.2977074, 42.2067414 ], [ 12.2979006, 42.2070553 ], [ 12.2980829, 42.2074050 ], [ 12.2983619, 42.2076752 ], [ 12.2986408, 42.2078897 ], [ 12.2989842, 42.2081520 ], [ 12.2993758, 42.2083586 ], [ 12.2999337, 42.2085732 ], [ 12.3003843, 42.2086765 ], [ 12.3008372, 42.2087643 ], [ 12.3012909, 42.2088474 ], [ 12.3013391, 42.2087957 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Modern (AD 1700-Present) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 22874728, version 4, osm:changeset=40226644, 2016-06-23T10:23:39Z)