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OSM location of Parking Pasteur

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jun 22, 2022 12:26 PM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 5.4458795, 43.5345189 ], [ 5.4456610, 43.5344606 ], [ 5.4456765, 43.5344161 ], [ 5.4456516, 43.5344115 ], [ 5.4459362, 43.5337051 ], [ 5.4459433, 43.5336875 ], [ 5.4459739, 43.5336930 ], [ 5.4459909, 43.5336551 ], [ 5.4460069, 43.5336446 ], [ 5.4460400, 43.5336427 ], [ 5.4464891, 43.5337498 ], [ 5.4466100, 43.5337786 ], [ 5.4466395, 43.5337921 ], [ 5.4466611, 43.5338121 ], [ 5.4466724, 43.5338361 ], [ 5.4466738, 43.5338488 ], [ 5.4466719, 43.5338615 ], [ 5.4466598, 43.5338853 ], [ 5.4466374, 43.5339047 ], [ 5.4466074, 43.5339176 ], [ 5.4465730, 43.5339224 ], [ 5.4465386, 43.5339186 ], [ 5.4465224, 43.5339136 ], [ 5.4465087, 43.5339057 ], [ 5.4465029, 43.5339212 ], [ 5.4465183, 43.5339253 ], [ 5.4465394, 43.5339346 ], [ 5.4465568, 43.5339473 ], [ 5.4465700, 43.5339626 ], [ 5.4465792, 43.5339855 ], [ 5.4465783, 43.5340093 ], [ 5.4465704, 43.5340250 ], [ 5.4464601, 43.5341983 ], [ 5.4464062, 43.5341883 ], [ 5.4463537, 43.5341785 ], [ 5.4463286, 43.5342421 ], [ 5.4461914, 43.5345874 ], [ 5.4458795, 43.5345189 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 87164335, version 5, osm:changeset=61173579, 2018-07-29T20:28:48Z)