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OSM location of Poseidon Temple

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jun 11, 2023 03:28 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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sanctuary (religious center)

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 23.4788916, 37.5216837 ], [ 23.4790547, 37.5216640 ], [ 23.4793523, 37.5216764 ], [ 23.4796081, 37.5216920 ], [ 23.4796303, 37.5217261 ], [ 23.4796851, 37.5217344 ], [ 23.4797269, 37.5217054 ], [ 23.4797882, 37.5217241 ], [ 23.4798665, 37.5217624 ], [ 23.4799879, 37.5218379 ], [ 23.4801550, 37.5219715 ], [ 23.4802254, 37.5220522 ], [ 23.4803573, 37.5222758 ], [ 23.4804147, 37.5223348 ], [ 23.4805191, 37.5224093 ], [ 23.4806405, 37.5224859 ], [ 23.4807540, 37.5225335 ], [ 23.4808924, 37.5225708 ], [ 23.4809863, 37.5225801 ], [ 23.4813440, 37.5226008 ], [ 23.4812944, 37.5226650 ], [ 23.4811364, 37.5226919 ], [ 23.4810881, 37.5227395 ], [ 23.4811534, 37.5229031 ], [ 23.4811586, 37.5229403 ], [ 23.4812082, 37.5230366 ], [ 23.4812852, 37.5230987 ], [ 23.4812604, 37.5231142 ], [ 23.4812448, 37.5230998 ], [ 23.4812147, 37.5231111 ], [ 23.4811573, 37.5232302 ], [ 23.4810764, 37.5232892 ], [ 23.4809602, 37.5233120 ], [ 23.4808454, 37.5233637 ], [ 23.4807162, 37.5233316 ], [ 23.4805596, 37.5233409 ], [ 23.4804617, 37.5233130 ], [ 23.4803599, 37.5232405 ], [ 23.4802581, 37.5232312 ], [ 23.4801667, 37.5232685 ], [ 23.4801667, 37.5232850 ], [ 23.4801497, 37.5233316 ], [ 23.4797595, 37.5231919 ], [ 23.4796434, 37.5231764 ], [ 23.4795154, 37.5231298 ], [ 23.4795742, 37.5230439 ], [ 23.4796107, 37.5229590 ], [ 23.4796303, 37.5229403 ], [ 23.4793014, 37.5226836 ], [ 23.4794437, 37.5226702 ], [ 23.4791161, 37.5221153 ], [ 23.4790338, 37.5219911 ], [ 23.4788916, 37.5216837 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 242276671, version 2, osm:changeset=19101154, 2013-11-24T23:02:47Z)