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OSM location: Luxor Temple

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Oct 07, 2024 04:29 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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Show area in GeoNames, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap.

sanctuary (religious center)

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 32.6380198, 25.6985399 ], [ 32.6380258, 25.6985110 ], [ 32.6384470, 25.6982570 ], [ 32.6384892, 25.6982554 ], [ 32.6386055, 25.6982573 ], [ 32.6386810, 25.6982627 ], [ 32.6387581, 25.6982715 ], [ 32.6387933, 25.6982778 ], [ 32.6388258, 25.6982866 ], [ 32.6389291, 25.6983217 ], [ 32.6389982, 25.6983457 ], [ 32.6389761, 25.6983658 ], [ 32.6389515, 25.6983875 ], [ 32.6388711, 25.6984600 ], [ 32.6393216, 25.6990015 ], [ 32.6397043, 25.6987334 ], [ 32.6396847, 25.6987075 ], [ 32.6397699, 25.6986492 ], [ 32.6399620, 25.6988528 ], [ 32.6398718, 25.6989231 ], [ 32.6398484, 25.6988948 ], [ 32.6394681, 25.6991644 ], [ 32.6395934, 25.6993146 ], [ 32.6396093, 25.6993337 ], [ 32.6396377, 25.6993677 ], [ 32.6396593, 25.6993936 ], [ 32.6398334, 25.6996022 ], [ 32.6397980, 25.6996284 ], [ 32.6398381, 25.6996722 ], [ 32.6398744, 25.6997118 ], [ 32.6399191, 25.6997605 ], [ 32.6398874, 25.6997838 ], [ 32.6399053, 25.6998029 ], [ 32.6399209, 25.6998201 ], [ 32.6399011, 25.6998388 ], [ 32.6399539, 25.6998862 ], [ 32.6403322, 25.7002456 ], [ 32.6403947, 25.7003045 ], [ 32.6404349, 25.7003430 ], [ 32.6404878, 25.7003915 ], [ 32.6405138, 25.7004153 ], [ 32.6405341, 25.7004352 ], [ 32.6405724, 25.7004692 ], [ 32.6406123, 25.7005049 ], [ 32.6406743, 25.7005630 ], [ 32.6407044, 25.7005912 ], [ 32.6406784, 25.7006125 ], [ 32.6405126, 25.7007518 ], [ 32.6403664, 25.7006178 ], [ 32.6403269, 25.7006532 ], [ 32.6402216, 25.7007479 ], [ 32.6401907, 25.7007759 ], [ 32.6401221, 25.7008350 ], [ 32.6399969, 25.7009430 ], [ 32.6397260, 25.7006880 ], [ 32.6396379, 25.7005959 ], [ 32.6394019, 25.7007264 ], [ 32.6390089, 25.7009342 ], [ 32.6389553, 25.7008666 ], [ 32.6386442, 25.7005270 ], [ 32.6383490, 25.6994477 ], [ 32.6382766, 25.6992179 ], [ 32.6381975, 25.6989900 ], [ 32.6381119, 25.6987639 ], [ 32.6380198, 25.6985399 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • New Kingdom Egypt (1548-1086) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 1079039494, version 14, osm:changeset=154863204, 2024-08-05T18:16:36Z)