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OSM location of Fosso Marangone

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jan 03, 2021 08:13 AM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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river, drainage

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 11.8715176, 42.0996166 ], [ 11.8714815, 42.0992580 ], [ 11.8714936, 42.0989522 ], [ 11.8713845, 42.0981516 ], [ 11.8710936, 42.0973960 ], [ 11.8706026, 42.0967663 ], [ 11.8704692, 42.0965729 ], [ 11.8704025, 42.0963795 ], [ 11.8703783, 42.0956463 ], [ 11.8702995, 42.0954439 ], [ 11.8698129, 42.0948159 ], [ 11.8693618, 42.0941773 ], [ 11.8691328, 42.0939307 ], [ 11.8689696, 42.0937880 ], [ 11.8687598, 42.0937077 ], [ 11.8683896, 42.0937401 ], [ 11.8678868, 42.0936145 ], [ 11.8676142, 42.0934513 ], [ 11.8674324, 42.0932939 ], [ 11.8673311, 42.0929749 ], [ 11.8671838, 42.0922188 ], [ 11.8670565, 42.0920164 ], [ 11.8669353, 42.0918590 ], [ 11.8665959, 42.0916701 ], [ 11.8663898, 42.0915396 ], [ 11.8662322, 42.0912697 ], [ 11.8657109, 42.0904376 ], [ 11.8655896, 42.0903791 ], [ 11.8654381, 42.0903836 ], [ 11.8653472, 42.0905140 ], [ 11.8652017, 42.0906940 ], [ 11.8650683, 42.0907030 ], [ 11.8646925, 42.0906310 ], [ 11.8645895, 42.0905725 ], [ 11.8644925, 42.0904511 ], [ 11.8644379, 42.0901002 ], [ 11.8644861, 42.0896715 ], [ 11.8646150, 42.0894062 ], [ 11.8646970, 42.0890062 ], [ 11.8647966, 42.0888323 ], [ 11.8649431, 42.0887018 ], [ 11.8651072, 42.0886236 ], [ 11.8657693, 42.0885062 ], [ 11.8659802, 42.0884235 ], [ 11.8662497, 42.0882409 ], [ 11.8663962, 42.0880539 ], [ 11.8664489, 42.0878626 ], [ 11.8664782, 42.0870017 ], [ 11.8665310, 42.0866364 ], [ 11.8665544, 42.0860537 ], [ 11.8664782, 42.0858972 ], [ 11.8662614, 42.0857885 ], [ 11.8656989, 42.0856406 ], [ 11.8652419, 42.0853536 ], [ 11.8650486, 42.0851145 ], [ 11.8650076, 42.0849536 ], [ 11.8651189, 42.0840882 ], [ 11.8650775, 42.0836280 ], [ 11.8650134, 42.0834012 ], [ 11.8649320, 42.0832211 ], [ 11.8647925, 42.0831016 ], [ 11.8647443, 42.0830707 ], [ 11.8645565, 42.0829503 ], [ 11.8644063, 42.0827114 ], [ 11.8643366, 42.0823969 ], [ 11.8642752, 42.0822575 ], [ 11.8641111, 42.0821401 ], [ 11.8638767, 42.0820923 ], [ 11.8629978, 42.0821010 ], [ 11.8628807, 42.0819966 ], [ 11.8628572, 42.0818618 ], [ 11.8629627, 42.0816878 ], [ 11.8634842, 42.0808964 ], [ 11.8635017, 42.0806615 ], [ 11.8634607, 42.0804963 ], [ 11.8633260, 42.0803745 ], [ 11.8631209, 42.0802962 ], [ 11.8625291, 42.0801527 ], [ 11.8619842, 42.0799701 ], [ 11.8618084, 42.0798614 ], [ 11.8611112, 42.0790742 ], [ 11.8609881, 42.0789220 ], [ 11.8608961, 42.0785032 ], [ 11.8608124, 42.0781218 ], [ 11.8605721, 42.0777565 ], [ 11.8604081, 42.0776043 ], [ 11.8601385, 42.0775478 ], [ 11.8599569, 42.0774738 ], [ 11.8594530, 42.0770998 ], [ 11.8593651, 42.0769650 ], [ 11.8591601, 42.0765258 ], [ 11.8590487, 42.0763040 ], [ 11.8585976, 42.0759256 ], [ 11.8584569, 42.0758908 ], [ 11.8582226, 42.0759473 ], [ 11.8580468, 42.0759995 ], [ 11.8578417, 42.0759734 ], [ 11.8575002, 42.0758204 ], [ 11.8569101, 42.0755559 ], [ 11.8567578, 42.0754081 ], [ 11.8566933, 42.0753037 ], [ 11.8566757, 42.0750949 ], [ 11.8563945, 42.0735988 ], [ 11.8564062, 42.0732857 ], [ 11.8565820, 42.0725550 ], [ 11.8565468, 42.0720374 ], [ 11.8564472, 42.0718721 ], [ 11.8562773, 42.0718200 ], [ 11.8559140, 42.0717591 ], [ 11.8557676, 42.0717417 ], [ 11.8554805, 42.0716329 ], [ 11.8545606, 42.0710675 ], [ 11.8543028, 42.0709762 ], [ 11.8539453, 42.0709109 ], [ 11.8524044, 42.0707935 ], [ 11.8519063, 42.0707065 ], [ 11.8515313, 42.0705586 ], [ 11.8509498, 42.0701379 ], [ 11.8500719, 42.0693811 ], [ 11.8489052, 42.0686537 ], [ 11.8482085, 42.0683048 ], [ 11.8474779, 42.0678423 ], [ 11.8467869, 42.0675269 ], [ 11.8466057, 42.0674723 ], [ 11.8461299, 42.0674386 ], [ 11.8454673, 42.0674092 ], [ 11.8434906, 42.0671569 ], [ 11.8432131, 42.0671653 ], [ 11.8420407, 42.0673798 ], [ 11.8414064, 42.0674933 ], [ 11.8411345, 42.0674933 ], [ 11.8409363, 42.0674639 ], [ 11.8406984, 42.0673882 ], [ 11.8403642, 42.0672116 ], [ 11.8389200, 42.0661773 ], [ 11.8386668, 42.0660668 ], [ 11.8382120, 42.0656979 ], [ 11.8380138, 42.0656180 ], [ 11.8371756, 42.0654162 ], [ 11.8368471, 42.0653153 ], [ 11.8366092, 42.0652817 ], [ 11.8363656, 42.0652691 ], [ 11.8360598, 42.0651681 ], [ 11.8357653, 42.0650210 ], [ 11.8355048, 42.0648906 ], [ 11.8343494, 42.0646047 ], [ 11.8341738, 42.0646005 ], [ 11.8334432, 42.0646846 ], [ 11.8329334, 42.0646762 ], [ 11.8326446, 42.0646173 ], [ 11.8321575, 42.0644113 ], [ 11.8317440, 42.0641716 ], [ 11.8315854, 42.0640539 ], [ 11.8314835, 42.0639278 ], [ 11.8311550, 42.0633559 ], [ 11.8309398, 42.0630195 ], [ 11.8307869, 42.0628640 ], [ 11.8305377, 42.0627210 ], [ 11.8298410, 42.0624981 ], [ 11.8296994, 42.0624182 ], [ 11.8294049, 42.0622164 ], [ 11.8290540, 42.0620182 ], [ 11.8287719, 42.0618732 ], [ 11.8284319, 42.0615509 ], [ 11.8281328, 42.0609844 ], [ 11.8278966, 42.0606863 ], [ 11.8276723, 42.0604607 ], [ 11.8272166, 42.0602834 ], [ 11.8269128, 42.0601008 ], [ 11.8267000, 42.0600268 ], [ 11.8263997, 42.0600284 ], [ 11.8260474, 42.0599852 ], [ 11.8257192, 42.0599773 ], [ 11.8252151, 42.0600226 ], [ 11.8248077, 42.0600740 ], [ 11.8242026, 42.0601727 ] ] }

Not applicable


Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 224085874, version 12, osm:changeset=89799907, 2020-08-23T07:27:56Z)