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OSM location of Tanis

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jun 11, 2024 09:29 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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archaeological site

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 31.8908375, 30.9717760 ], [ 31.8911865, 30.9723663 ], [ 31.8912589, 30.9728789 ], [ 31.8912227, 30.9735547 ], [ 31.8911412, 30.9737566 ], [ 31.8912046, 30.9750537 ], [ 31.8914864, 30.9774043 ], [ 31.8913263, 30.9778931 ], [ 31.8910445, 30.9784752 ], [ 31.8904463, 30.9798193 ], [ 31.8902826, 30.9801461 ], [ 31.8901083, 30.9804619 ], [ 31.8895832, 30.9812987 ], [ 31.8890941, 30.9820718 ], [ 31.8890663, 30.9821785 ], [ 31.8890688, 30.9823893 ], [ 31.8891002, 30.9828086 ], [ 31.8892477, 30.9831729 ], [ 31.8885673, 30.9834387 ], [ 31.8880182, 30.9834813 ], [ 31.8879934, 30.9834195 ], [ 31.8878816, 30.9834174 ], [ 31.8877897, 30.9832257 ], [ 31.8877540, 30.9831370 ], [ 31.8872207, 30.9831512 ], [ 31.8871313, 30.9830915 ], [ 31.8869291, 30.9830624 ], [ 31.8864307, 30.9829978 ], [ 31.8863661, 30.9829488 ], [ 31.8861350, 30.9830553 ], [ 31.8860230, 30.9827781 ], [ 31.8856466, 30.9827714 ], [ 31.8859669, 30.9836665 ], [ 31.8824054, 30.9836446 ], [ 31.8808593, 30.9840799 ], [ 31.8802818, 30.9832412 ], [ 31.8788256, 30.9810375 ], [ 31.8785221, 30.9807559 ], [ 31.8775234, 30.9801773 ], [ 31.8763887, 30.9792240 ], [ 31.8760060, 30.9788026 ], [ 31.8764159, 30.9783405 ], [ 31.8764023, 30.9777541 ], [ 31.8764159, 30.9770396 ], [ 31.8756980, 30.9752940 ], [ 31.8754285, 30.9749910 ], [ 31.8753606, 30.9746784 ], [ 31.8753764, 30.9745522 ], [ 31.8755870, 30.9740687 ], [ 31.8762438, 30.9737561 ], [ 31.8762914, 30.9737862 ], [ 31.8764408, 30.9736736 ], [ 31.8763978, 30.9736318 ], [ 31.8771139, 30.9730279 ], [ 31.8773744, 30.9728434 ], [ 31.8785996, 30.9723658 ], [ 31.8795915, 30.9720434 ], [ 31.8798316, 30.9719036 ], [ 31.8802505, 30.9715580 ], [ 31.8807307, 30.9710201 ], [ 31.8811610, 30.9702531 ], [ 31.8820646, 30.9688588 ], [ 31.8826014, 30.9680452 ], [ 31.8829886, 30.9674354 ], [ 31.8839874, 30.9656663 ], [ 31.8841957, 30.9653343 ], [ 31.8843724, 30.9651109 ], [ 31.8845286, 30.9649381 ], [ 31.8847755, 30.9647284 ], [ 31.8851333, 30.9644390 ], [ 31.8865261, 30.9633962 ], [ 31.8896424, 30.9609240 ], [ 31.8905165, 30.9615998 ], [ 31.8910012, 30.9620892 ], [ 31.8915742, 30.9626485 ], [ 31.8909831, 30.9631146 ], [ 31.8897271, 30.9644390 ], [ 31.8880493, 30.9654627 ], [ 31.8877143, 30.9672803 ], [ 31.8877469, 30.9673199 ], [ 31.8890031, 30.9680642 ], [ 31.8891694, 30.9682060 ], [ 31.8892432, 30.9683309 ], [ 31.8893738, 30.9701249 ], [ 31.8908375, 30.9717760 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 188053938, version 6, osm:changeset=37445204, 2016-02-25T19:46:09Z)