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Batn el-Harit

a Pleiades name resource

Creators: Adam Prins
Contributors: Sean Manning, Tom Elliott, Mark Depauw, Herbert Verreth, Jen Thum
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified May 07, 2024 02:19 PM History
Modern Name

Batn el-Harit, Harit


geographic name




  • Modern (AD 1700-Present) (confident)


A modern rural settlement and ancient cemetery and tell in the north-west Fayum, Egypt explored by Grenfell et al. the papyrus hunters before the First World War. Roman Army scholars know it as Kasr el Harit, the findspot of a Ptolemaic or Roman scutum (Bishop and Coulston 2006: 61-63), but this name seems to confuse Harit with the nearby ruin called Qasr el-Banat or "Castle of the Maidens" (a common name for ancient ruins in the Arab world)