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OSM location

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jun 21, 2021 10:14 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap.

Show place in Google Earth.

Show area in GeoNames, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap.


{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -2.3608384, 51.3811630 ], [ -2.3608120, 51.3810993 ], [ -2.3604196, 51.3811628 ], [ -2.3603715, 51.3810415 ], [ -2.3603971, 51.3810344 ], [ -2.3603903, 51.3810169 ], [ -2.3604148, 51.3809930 ], [ -2.3604332, 51.3809770 ], [ -2.3604460, 51.3809373 ], [ -2.3611372, 51.3808351 ], [ -2.3611627, 51.3808598 ], [ -2.3611901, 51.3808845 ], [ -2.3612384, 51.3809125 ], [ -2.3612847, 51.3809372 ], [ -2.3612867, 51.3809711 ], [ -2.3613437, 51.3809916 ], [ -2.3614939, 51.3809690 ], [ -2.3615093, 51.3810104 ], [ -2.3615436, 51.3811348 ], [ -2.3613341, 51.3811582 ], [ -2.3613273, 51.3811342 ], [ -2.3611373, 51.3811554 ], [ -2.3611272, 51.3811200 ], [ -2.3610264, 51.3811312 ], [ -2.3608384, 51.3811630 ] ] }

Not visible


Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 90243811, version 15, osm:changeset=87396611, 2020-07-01T11:03:07Z)

The current building at nos. 38-39 Stall Street in Bath marks the location of these structures.