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a Pleiades place resource

Creators: Jamie Novotny
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Oct 21, 2020 07:46 PM History
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A fortress in the vicinity of Til-garimmu fortified by the Assyrian king Sargon II (r. 721-705 BC) against Urarṭu.

38.70377, 37.822263
    • Anmurru (Akkadian, 720 BC - 540 BC)

unlocated, fort, tower (deprecated)

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Anmurru is mentioned together with Anduarsalla, Kiaka, Luhsu, and Purṭir in royal inscriptions of Sargon II.  According to E. Forrer (Die Provinzeinteilung des assyrischen Reiches [1920] 75 and Map 2), Anmurru might have been located in Nemerli, opposite Keban, ca. 55 km northwest of Malatya.

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Jamie Novotny, and Jeffrey Becker, 'Anmurru: a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2020 <> [accessed: 31 August 2024]

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