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OSM location of teatro greco

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Nov 06, 2023 06:23 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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Show area in GeoNames, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap.

theatre, theater

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 15.2752647, 37.0757361 ], [ 15.2754196, 37.0757396 ], [ 15.2754749, 37.0757835 ], [ 15.2754648, 37.0758443 ], [ 15.2754557, 37.0758750 ], [ 15.2754415, 37.0759161 ], [ 15.2754360, 37.0759523 ], [ 15.2754604, 37.0759688 ], [ 15.2755317, 37.0759805 ], [ 15.2755097, 37.0760157 ], [ 15.2754943, 37.0760366 ], [ 15.2754670, 37.0760680 ], [ 15.2754374, 37.0760965 ], [ 15.2754091, 37.0761196 ], [ 15.2753847, 37.0761371 ], [ 15.2753643, 37.0761501 ], [ 15.2753401, 37.0761641 ], [ 15.2753063, 37.0761811 ], [ 15.2752679, 37.0761972 ], [ 15.2752337, 37.0762091 ], [ 15.2751826, 37.0762229 ], [ 15.2751506, 37.0762293 ], [ 15.2751109, 37.0762351 ], [ 15.2750718, 37.0762384 ], [ 15.2750358, 37.0762395 ], [ 15.2749914, 37.0762382 ], [ 15.2749498, 37.0762343 ], [ 15.2749159, 37.0762293 ], [ 15.2748808, 37.0762221 ], [ 15.2748451, 37.0762127 ], [ 15.2748159, 37.0762033 ], [ 15.2747937, 37.0761951 ], [ 15.2747686, 37.0761847 ], [ 15.2747514, 37.0761767 ], [ 15.2747128, 37.0761562 ], [ 15.2746636, 37.0761239 ], [ 15.2746270, 37.0760942 ], [ 15.2746041, 37.0760693 ], [ 15.2745766, 37.0760394 ], [ 15.2745902, 37.0760327 ], [ 15.2746307, 37.0760126 ], [ 15.2745735, 37.0759379 ], [ 15.2745527, 37.0758806 ], [ 15.2745549, 37.0758513 ], [ 15.2746161, 37.0758409 ], [ 15.2746114, 37.0758054 ], [ 15.2746146, 37.0757693 ], [ 15.2747900, 37.0757571 ], [ 15.2747950, 37.0757951 ], [ 15.2748525, 37.0757951 ], [ 15.2748535, 37.0758173 ], [ 15.2748633, 37.0758177 ], [ 15.2748724, 37.0758400 ], [ 15.2748898, 37.0758652 ], [ 15.2749136, 37.0758871 ], [ 15.2749493, 37.0759075 ], [ 15.2749823, 37.0759183 ], [ 15.2750171, 37.0759235 ], [ 15.2750560, 37.0759225 ], [ 15.2750939, 37.0759144 ], [ 15.2751259, 37.0759011 ], [ 15.2751529, 37.0758835 ], [ 15.2751734, 37.0758637 ], [ 15.2751907, 37.0758377 ], [ 15.2752004, 37.0758110 ], [ 15.2752255, 37.0758093 ], [ 15.2752255, 37.0757919 ], [ 15.2752672, 37.0757903 ], [ 15.2752647, 37.0757361 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 214610849, version 43, osm:changeset=140198197, 2023-08-21T19:40:32Z)