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OSM location of Roman theater at Saguntum

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jul 10, 2024 10:13 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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theatre, theater

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -0.2783727, 39.6771234 ], [ -0.2782462, 39.6772936 ], [ -0.2781795, 39.6772708 ], [ -0.2780660, 39.6772319 ], [ -0.2780893, 39.6772021 ], [ -0.2775629, 39.6769683 ], [ -0.2776072, 39.6768982 ], [ -0.2776388, 39.6769118 ], [ -0.2776679, 39.6768748 ], [ -0.2776261, 39.6768554 ], [ -0.2776541, 39.6768178 ], [ -0.2776704, 39.6767959 ], [ -0.2775712, 39.6767604 ], [ -0.2775634, 39.6767528 ], [ -0.2775759, 39.6767377 ], [ -0.2775707, 39.6767312 ], [ -0.2775586, 39.6767228 ], [ -0.2775444, 39.6767094 ], [ -0.2775643, 39.6766601 ], [ -0.2775888, 39.6766242 ], [ -0.2777355, 39.6765347 ], [ -0.2778980, 39.6764942 ], [ -0.2779049, 39.6765384 ], [ -0.2779240, 39.6765373 ], [ -0.2779644, 39.6765371 ], [ -0.2780051, 39.6765415 ], [ -0.2780459, 39.6765489 ], [ -0.2780846, 39.6765580 ], [ -0.2781233, 39.6765691 ], [ -0.2781796, 39.6765840 ], [ -0.2782071, 39.6765959 ], [ -0.2782325, 39.6766109 ], [ -0.2782595, 39.6766287 ], [ -0.2782812, 39.6766465 ], [ -0.2782986, 39.6766633 ], [ -0.2783159, 39.6766821 ], [ -0.2783340, 39.6767045 ], [ -0.2783480, 39.6767270 ], [ -0.2783901, 39.6767066 ], [ -0.2784265, 39.6767732 ], [ -0.2784482, 39.6768270 ], [ -0.2784544, 39.6768760 ], [ -0.2784521, 39.6769328 ], [ -0.2784482, 39.6769646 ], [ -0.2784327, 39.6770045 ], [ -0.2784040, 39.6770657 ], [ -0.2783727, 39.6771234 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 1199467403, version 4, osm:changeset=147289736, 2024-02-10T11:57:16Z)