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OSM location of Qasr Ibrĭm

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jul 22, 2024 10:15 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 31.9927722, 22.6503833 ], [ 31.9926810, 22.6503289 ], [ 31.9925925, 22.6502620 ], [ 31.9923670, 22.6501259 ], [ 31.9921339, 22.6499303 ], [ 31.9920905, 22.6498707 ], [ 31.9920748, 22.6496828 ], [ 31.9920963, 22.6495838 ], [ 31.9921848, 22.6494699 ], [ 31.9922921, 22.6493907 ], [ 31.9925711, 22.6492199 ], [ 31.9927159, 22.6491704 ], [ 31.9928634, 22.6490912 ], [ 31.9929948, 22.6489798 ], [ 31.9930565, 22.6489699 ], [ 31.9931075, 22.6489724 ], [ 31.9931531, 22.6490070 ], [ 31.9931826, 22.6490714 ], [ 31.9932684, 22.6493288 ], [ 31.9933623, 22.6495293 ], [ 31.9933757, 22.6496556 ], [ 31.9933462, 22.6497298 ], [ 31.9932872, 22.6497892 ], [ 31.9931772, 22.6498907 ], [ 31.9930780, 22.6499749 ], [ 31.9930243, 22.6500442 ], [ 31.9929895, 22.6500789 ], [ 31.9929546, 22.6500937 ], [ 31.9928983, 22.6501135 ], [ 31.9928688, 22.6501531 ], [ 31.9928688, 22.6502051 ], [ 31.9928634, 22.6502719 ], [ 31.9928527, 22.6503091 ], [ 31.9928339, 22.6503437 ], [ 31.9928071, 22.6503734 ], [ 31.9927722, 22.6503833 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 251383456, version 7, osm:changeset=127605609, 2022-10-16T09:08:02Z)