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OSM location of Parys Mountain Copper Mines (pits, opencast and spoil areas)

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Maxime Guénette
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Dec 19, 2024 10:50 AM History
Location based on OpenStreetMap

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mountain, mine

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -4.3444330, 53.3925136 ], [ -4.3439931, 53.3925488 ], [ -4.3423301, 53.3923569 ], [ -4.3408710, 53.3923665 ], [ -4.3404314, 53.3924800 ], [ -4.3405706, 53.3919794 ], [ -4.3401039, 53.3918482 ], [ -4.3394122, 53.3918082 ], [ -4.3382749, 53.3916643 ], [ -4.3370515, 53.3915539 ], [ -4.3360648, 53.3912932 ], [ -4.3353674, 53.3915587 ], [ -4.3353832, 53.3918226 ], [ -4.3352974, 53.3917715 ], [ -4.3351096, 53.3912852 ], [ -4.3344605, 53.3913652 ], [ -4.3344286, 53.3911460 ], [ -4.3334467, 53.3911348 ], [ -4.3328086, 53.3910501 ], [ -4.3323311, 53.3909317 ], [ -4.3320361, 53.3908389 ], [ -4.3316603, 53.3906710 ], [ -4.3310649, 53.3906582 ], [ -4.3309525, 53.3905894 ], [ -4.3311239, 53.3904374 ], [ -4.3302712, 53.3905414 ], [ -4.3299761, 53.3904039 ], [ -4.3295202, 53.3903847 ], [ -4.3284041, 53.3902775 ], [ -4.3278945, 53.3906550 ], [ -4.3273798, 53.3906982 ], [ -4.3259582, 53.3906438 ], [ -4.3247995, 53.3906086 ], [ -4.3243701, 53.3902455 ], [ -4.3252820, 53.3898488 ], [ -4.3253091, 53.3894985 ], [ -4.3260011, 53.3889578 ], [ -4.3262908, 53.3885387 ], [ -4.3264461, 53.3881052 ], [ -4.3255559, 53.3878669 ], [ -4.3253517, 53.3875837 ], [ -4.3255180, 53.3872638 ], [ -4.3257273, 53.3871934 ], [ -4.3266338, 53.3873854 ], [ -4.3303246, 53.3867007 ], [ -4.3319553, 53.3863104 ], [ -4.3312100, 53.3855985 ], [ -4.3319661, 53.3854625 ], [ -4.3373198, 53.3841827 ], [ -4.3389345, 53.3837412 ], [ -4.3404258, 53.3833860 ], [ -4.3435854, 53.3828325 ], [ -4.3444169, 53.3822629 ], [ -4.3457312, 53.3821349 ], [ -4.3473727, 53.3818053 ], [ -4.3478665, 53.3816694 ], [ -4.3481773, 53.3813862 ], [ -4.3493200, 53.3810854 ], [ -4.3497652, 53.3811686 ], [ -4.3497759, 53.3814982 ], [ -4.3503017, 53.3814310 ], [ -4.3504736, 53.3817398 ], [ -4.3499208, 53.3819877 ], [ -4.3498564, 53.3822501 ], [ -4.3502858, 53.3823765 ], [ -4.3502480, 53.3824965 ], [ -4.3504146, 53.3828053 ], [ -4.3514926, 53.3824933 ], [ -4.3511385, 53.3829572 ], [ -4.3507684, 53.3834404 ], [ -4.3510315, 53.3835604 ], [ -4.3518842, 53.3834212 ], [ -4.3521846, 53.3836260 ], [ -4.3524370, 53.3837332 ], [ -4.3526352, 53.3838052 ], [ -4.3530751, 53.3836036 ], [ -4.3534828, 53.3836164 ], [ -4.3538261, 53.3832548 ], [ -4.3542877, 53.3834484 ], [ -4.3548078, 53.3834372 ], [ -4.3550545, 53.3836708 ], [ -4.3551404, 53.3839939 ], [ -4.3553445, 53.3842835 ], [ -4.3538690, 53.3853153 ], [ -4.3544215, 53.3855009 ], [ -4.3548456, 53.3856625 ], [ -4.3539068, 53.3863056 ], [ -4.3540675, 53.3864224 ], [ -4.3556822, 53.3853953 ], [ -4.3566209, 53.3859776 ], [ -4.3570018, 53.3862368 ], [ -4.3570340, 53.3864224 ], [ -4.3558967, 53.3868671 ], [ -4.3562779, 53.3872910 ], [ -4.3544644, 53.3881788 ], [ -4.3537349, 53.3885403 ], [ -4.3522382, 53.3883836 ], [ -4.3521097, 53.3884939 ], [ -4.3518627, 53.3888059 ], [ -4.3518788, 53.3891258 ], [ -4.3521258, 53.3894985 ], [ -4.3513424, 53.3902039 ], [ -4.3506021, 53.3896569 ], [ -4.3487570, 53.3902439 ], [ -4.3474960, 53.3907478 ], [ -4.3458385, 53.3917299 ], [ -4.3446690, 53.3922929 ], [ -4.3444330, 53.3925136 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment

associated modern

  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 382598308, version 6, osm:changeset=94509006, 2020-11-20T15:22:08Z)