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OSM location of Lago di Giulianello

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified May 23, 2022 03:32 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 12.8518595, 41.6905949 ], [ 12.8518045, 41.6907964 ], [ 12.8517429, 41.6909517 ], [ 12.8518152, 41.6913813 ], [ 12.8518027, 41.6915922 ], [ 12.8513718, 41.6920606 ], [ 12.8511769, 41.6921063 ], [ 12.8509967, 41.6920891 ] ], [ [ 12.8501630, 41.6887414 ], [ 12.8502985, 41.6888954 ], [ 12.8504366, 41.6890078 ], [ 12.8504956, 41.6891220 ], [ 12.8506017, 41.6895012 ], [ 12.8509492, 41.6899064 ], [ 12.8516060, 41.6902617 ], [ 12.8517938, 41.6904379 ], [ 12.8518595, 41.6905949 ] ], [ [ 12.8499162, 41.6924188 ], [ 12.8496686, 41.6924280 ], [ 12.8493932, 41.6924228 ], [ 12.8491652, 41.6923307 ], [ 12.8490194, 41.6922229 ], [ 12.8488326, 41.6919401 ], [ 12.8482606, 41.6914101 ], [ 12.8481695, 41.6912786 ], [ 12.8480553, 41.6905236 ], [ 12.8480357, 41.6902603 ], [ 12.8480444, 41.6900064 ], [ 12.8479161, 41.6897354 ], [ 12.8471830, 41.6891448 ], [ 12.8472032, 41.6888018 ], [ 12.8479332, 41.6882589 ], [ 12.8486581, 41.6878138 ], [ 12.8491062, 41.6876678 ], [ 12.8494045, 41.6877611 ], [ 12.8495246, 41.6879722 ], [ 12.8494871, 41.6882286 ], [ 12.8494708, 41.6883264 ], [ 12.8495702, 41.6884289 ], [ 12.8496963, 41.6885091 ], [ 12.8497499, 41.6885772 ], [ 12.8500128, 41.6886332 ], [ 12.8501630, 41.6887414 ] ], [ [ 12.8499162, 41.6924188 ], [ 12.8502703, 41.6923066 ], [ 12.8505251, 41.6921965 ], [ 12.8506726, 41.6920763 ], [ 12.8508684, 41.6920543 ], [ 12.8509967, 41.6920891 ] ] ] }

Not applicable


Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • twenty-first century of the common era (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Relation 12049979, version 1, osm:changeset=96217558, 2020-12-21T21:15:43Z)