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OSM location of Römisches Forum Waldgirmes

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Aug 30, 2024 05:34 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 8.5414461, 50.5889872 ], [ 8.5417346, 50.5886410 ], [ 8.5411740, 50.5884453 ], [ 8.5408856, 50.5887904 ], [ 8.5409506, 50.5888143 ], [ 8.5409293, 50.5888391 ], [ 8.5409242, 50.5888528 ], [ 8.5409269, 50.5888641 ], [ 8.5409358, 50.5888735 ], [ 8.5409488, 50.5888799 ], [ 8.5409644, 50.5888829 ], [ 8.5409845, 50.5888824 ], [ 8.5410022, 50.5888776 ], [ 8.5410176, 50.5888684 ], [ 8.5410378, 50.5888452 ], [ 8.5410938, 50.5888644 ], [ 8.5410229, 50.5889503 ], [ 8.5411637, 50.5889993 ], [ 8.5412312, 50.5889136 ], [ 8.5412906, 50.5889348 ], [ 8.5412705, 50.5889618 ], [ 8.5412678, 50.5889726 ], [ 8.5412706, 50.5889830 ], [ 8.5412806, 50.5889931 ], [ 8.5412941, 50.5889997 ], [ 8.5413115, 50.5890030 ], [ 8.5413291, 50.5890027 ], [ 8.5413475, 50.5889969 ], [ 8.5413606, 50.5889889 ], [ 8.5413811, 50.5889652 ], [ 8.5414461, 50.5889872 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 30630960, version 13, osm:changeset=152350364, 2024-06-06T21:22:39Z)