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OSM location of قلعة كركوك - قەڵای کەرکووک (Kirkuk Citadel)

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Carolin Johansson, Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jul 09, 2024 11:00 AM History
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Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 44.3968999, 35.4679381 ], [ 44.3961704, 35.4678005 ], [ 44.3951189, 35.4678966 ], [ 44.3942848, 35.4681697 ], [ 44.3935525, 35.4689386 ], [ 44.3935067, 35.4691537 ], [ 44.3934962, 35.4692029 ], [ 44.3936008, 35.4702252 ], [ 44.3937108, 35.4705507 ], [ 44.3941936, 35.4715053 ], [ 44.3947166, 35.4722851 ], [ 44.3948641, 35.4724348 ], [ 44.3949915, 35.4725080 ], [ 44.3951726, 35.4725331 ], [ 44.3953724, 35.4725385 ], [ 44.3958566, 35.4724697 ], [ 44.3968745, 35.4722917 ], [ 44.3972030, 35.4721923 ], [ 44.3974659, 35.4720875 ], [ 44.3977381, 35.4719433 ], [ 44.3979634, 35.4716888 ], [ 44.3981016, 35.4710641 ], [ 44.3980747, 35.4705813 ], [ 44.3976483, 35.4686415 ], [ 44.3975329, 35.4683160 ], [ 44.3972272, 35.4681129 ], [ 44.3968999, 35.4679381 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 602684164, version 21, osm:changeset=130772196, 2023-01-02T05:17:47Z)

The Kirkuk Citadel is located in the center of the city of Kirkuk, Iraq, and is generally considered to be the most ancient part of the settlement. Chronology is debated by scholars with some asserting Gutian origins and others pointing to the Assyrian king Ashur Nasirpal II ca. 850. King Seleucus I Nicator reinforced the citadel with ramparts, towers, and a city plan. Significant Christian, Moslem, and Ottoman modifications are evident, as well as 20th-century interventions carried out by Saddam Hussein.