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Keşiş Gölü

a Pleiades place resource

Creators: Jamie Novotny Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified May 26, 2023 09:01 AM History
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Keşiş Gölü (“Priest Lake”), which known today as Turna Gölü, is an artificially-created lake located 23 km east of Van, in the Varak Dağı massif. The lake was made by the Urartian king Rusa, son of Erimena, to ensure a constant water supply water supply of the capital Tušpa. Four Urartian inscriptions, including a rock relief, were discovered in its vicinity. The upper part of a stele, the so-called Keşiş Göl stele (CTU I A 14-1), records the creation of Rusai Sue (“Lake Rusa”).
500 km
Base style derived from Mapbox Satellite Streets. | Pleiades layers and interaction design by Sean Gillies, David Glick, Alec Mitchell, Ryan M. Horne, and Tom Elliott.

38.4676036985, 43.6069294743



The Keşiş Göl stele (CTU I A 14-1), records the creation of Rusai Sue as follows: "Rusa says: the abulši... man aga... towards mount Ura. I saw the place of this lake, [truly] the place was void; (there was) no existence of anything, not even a grain field was there pulaue iṣinaue aributai [(not even) a road] was there, no canal had (been) dug, not (even) a fountain was there. I secured the mighty mountainous land (and) collected the water from their pulaue and iṣinaue. I gave it the name 'Lake Rusa.'"

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Jamie Novotny, 'Keşiş Gölü: a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2023 <> [accessed: 14 March 2025]

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