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OSM location of Şapinuva

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Carolin Johansson, Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jun 15, 2023 02:22 PM History
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Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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archaeological site

{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 35.2393385, 40.2548101 ], [ 35.2398463, 40.2543484 ], [ 35.2399242, 40.2541514 ], [ 35.2399617, 40.2538894 ], [ 35.2396989, 40.2531689 ], [ 35.2394360, 40.2528577 ], [ 35.2387172, 40.2523951 ], [ 35.2383631, 40.2523132 ], [ 35.2382666, 40.2522600 ], [ 35.2377981, 40.2521609 ], [ 35.2375960, 40.2518178 ], [ 35.2374297, 40.2517195 ], [ 35.2368450, 40.2525015 ], [ 35.2360833, 40.2531852 ], [ 35.2363086, 40.2533981 ], [ 35.2365616, 40.2538966 ], [ 35.2359118, 40.2540996 ], [ 35.2355917, 40.2540996 ], [ 35.2350190, 40.2543111 ], [ 35.2347789, 40.2546682 ], [ 35.2355301, 40.2556691 ], [ 35.2357210, 40.2558289 ], [ 35.2361766, 40.2562941 ], [ 35.2379438, 40.2556409 ], [ 35.2393385, 40.2548101 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • 2nd Millennium BCE (2000-1000 BCE) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 242232762, version 2, osm:changeset=115212805, 2021-12-21T14:27:19Z)