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Last modified Sep 09, 2009 09:46 AM
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Place Selinus by R.J.A. Wilson — last modified Jul 03, 2024 02:18 PM
A Greek colonial city located on the southern coast of Sicily, Selinus was said to have been founded as a colony of the city of Megara Hyblaia.
Place Semibratneye Gorodishche by David Braund — last modified Mar 19, 2023 12:46 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 84 C3 Semibratneye Gorodishche
Place Sergetion/Hergetium/Ergetium by R.J.A. Wilson — last modified Aug 20, 2012 02:03 PM
An ancient settlement, attested by literary or documentary sources, whose precise location cannot be determined today
Place Seriphos (settlement) by J. Bennet — last modified Sep 13, 2023 06:34 PM
An ancient settlement on the island of Seriphos. Modern Seriphos town, also known as Chora.
Place Serrone di Bove by L. Quilici — last modified Dec 17, 2021 11:43 AM
The small hill that is known as "Il Poggio di Serrone di Bove" is located in the hinterland of ancient Norba and was the site of ancient settlement activity. Architectural remains on the site include those of a polygonal masonry sub-struction or platform as well as an ancient roadway that may be part of the road tract from Norba to Cora.
Place Sestos by E.N. Borza — last modified May 03, 2024 01:23 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 51 G4 Sestos
Place Sexi/Saxetanum by P.O. Spann — last modified Dec 17, 2019 03:09 PM
Sexi/Saxetanum (modern Almuñécar) was a Phoenician colony established ca. 800 BC that eventually became a Roman one (Sexi Firmum Iulium).
Place Sextantio by S. Loseby — last modified Oct 31, 2023 03:25 PM
Sextantio was a Celtic settlement at a ford on the Ledus fl. and later became a Gallo-Roman town.
Place Shadikanni/Ar(a)ban/(H)Oraba?/*Castellum Arabum by M. Roaf — last modified May 31, 2023 11:11 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 89 C4 Shadikanni/Ar(a)ban/(H)Oraba?/*Castellum Arabum
Place Shah tepe by S.E. Kroll — last modified Oct 20, 2012 07:58 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 90 B3 Shah tepe
Place Shebli by S.E. Kroll — last modified Oct 20, 2012 07:58 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 90 B3 Shebli
Place Sicyon/Demetrias by G. Reger — last modified Nov 15, 2023 02:15 PM
Sicyon/Demetrias was an important ancient city of the Corinthiad, located some 26 km to the west of Corinth. The city had a long history, beginning in the Archaic period when Orthagorid tyrants ruled it. It flourished in later Archaic and Classical times, was a member of the Peloponnesian League, and became a center of Theban power after 371 B.C. The city was long noted for its association with fine arts and during the fourth century B.C. produced the famous sculptor Lysippos. Under Aratos, Sicyon joined the Achaean League in 251 B.C. By the time Pausanias visited the site, declining political fortunes and disastrous earthquakes had reduced it to a ruinous state.
Place Side by C. Foss — last modified Nov 13, 2023 04:53 PM
An ancient settlement on the southern coast of Asia Minor (modern Selimiye in Turkey).
Place Side by G. Reger — last modified Apr 17, 2024 01:11 PM
Pausanias tells us that the ancient settlement of Side was named for a daughter of Danaus and implies its location to have been somewhere on the Malea peninsula of mainland Greece, perhaps in the vicinity of Boiai (modern Neapoli Vion). Camp (BAtlas 58) tentatively places it at modern Velanidia.
Place Sidon/Col. Aurelia Pia by E.M. Meyers — last modified Jan 04, 2024 11:56 AM
Sidon/Col. Aurelia Pia is an ancient maritime city and Phoenician metropolis
Place Sidous by G. Reger — last modified Jun 07, 2018 06:58 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 58 E2 Sidous
Place Sigeion by C. Foss — last modified Oct 05, 2020 11:28 PM
Sigeion was located in the northwest part of the Troad at the mouth of the Scamander river.
Place Sigron by C. Foss — last modified Feb 20, 2024 10:01 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 56 B3 Sigron
Place Sikinos (settlement) by J. Bennet — last modified Dec 20, 2023 05:02 PM
The principal ancient settlement on the Aegean island of the same name. The ancient site is located where the church of Agia Marina now stands on a prominent height, about 5 km southwest of the modern town of Sikinos.
Place Sile by A. Bernand — last modified Jun 22, 2020 07:51 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 74 G3 Sile