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people, tribe

Creators: Sean Gillies Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 09, 2009 09:46 AM
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Place Leuci by J. Kunow — last modified Apr 15, 2015 04:23 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 F4 Leuci
Place Leuni? by E.W. Haley — last modified Sep 23, 2022 10:09 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 24 C3 Leuni?
Place Lexianae by D.T. Potts — last modified Jan 23, 2014 09:49 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 4 C3 Lexianae
Place Lexovii by J. Kunow — last modified Sep 07, 2022 02:24 PM
The Lexovii were a Celtic people on the western banks of the lower Sequana river.
Place Libicii by M. Pearce — last modified Sep 26, 2022 06:10 PM
Libicii, an ancient tribe of Cisalpine Gaul.
Place Libicii? by S. Loseby — last modified Apr 14, 2023 06:59 AM
The Libicii? were a tribe of Cisalpine Gauls.
Place Libyarchai by D.J. Mattingly — last modified Sep 20, 2022 09:47 PM
An ancient people of North Africa who, according to Ptolemy, lived in the north of Marmarica.
Place Libyphoenices by P.O. Spann — last modified Dec 30, 2023 10:36 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 27 unlocated Libyphoenices
Place Libyphoenices by R.B. Hitchner — last modified Jul 26, 2023 09:58 AM
A numerous, loosely affiliated people of the Byzacium and Tripolitana coasts
Place Licates by H. Bender — last modified May 26, 2024 09:37 PM
A tribe of the Vindelici, dwelling on the banks of the river Licus.
Place Ligauni by S. Loseby — last modified Sep 20, 2022 11:21 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 16 B2 Ligauni
Place Likninoi? by S.L. Dyson — last modified Sep 15, 2022 09:37 PM
An ancient people, tribe, or cultural group. Located: Tartagine and Asco area.
Place Limici by E.W. Haley — last modified Sep 21, 2022 10:25 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 24 D2 Limici
Place Limnaioi by David Braund — last modified Sep 27, 2022 01:46 PM
An ancient people, tribe, or cultural group. Located: W Azov UKR.
Place Lingones by M. Pearce — last modified Feb 26, 2021 04:44 PM
An ancient people, tribe, or cultural group.
Place Lingones by G.D. Woolf — last modified May 25, 2019 11:15 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 18 B2 Lingones
Place Lobetanoi by P.O. Spann — last modified Nov 17, 2023 10:02 PM
The Lobetanoi were a pre-Roman tribe of Iberia mentioned only once by Ptolemy. Their homeland is thought to have been located in the mountainous area near Albarracín in the southwest Province of Teruel.
Place Lougei by E.W. Haley — last modified Sep 16, 2022 09:28 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 24 D2 Lougei
Place Lougoi by A.S. Esmonde Cleary — last modified Sep 09, 2022 12:57 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 9 D2 Lougoi
Place Loukouidonensioi by S.L. Dyson — last modified Sep 14, 2022 08:59 PM
An ancient people, tribe, or cultural group. Located: near Nossa Signore di Castro.