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Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300)

Creators: Sean Gillies Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 09, 2009 09:46 AM
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Place Aepolium by David Braund — last modified Apr 01, 2020 05:25 PM
An ancient settlement (oppidum) placed by Pliny the Elder on the coast of the Black Sea, between the rivers Hister (Danube) and Tyras (Dniester). In the Barrington Atlas, David Braund follows Kacharava 1991 in placing it tentatively in the vicinity of modern "Shabalata" in Ukraine.
Place Aequana by N. Purcell — last modified Sep 14, 2019 06:50 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 44 F4 Aequana
Place Aequanus Pagus by N. Purcell — last modified Jul 23, 2012 03:25 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 44 unlocated *Aequanus Pagus
Place Aequanus Pagus by N. Purcell — last modified Jul 23, 2012 03:25 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 44 unlocated Aequanus Pagus
Place Aequi by L. Quilici — last modified Aug 30, 2022 07:17 AM
The Aequi were an ancient Italic tribe of northeast Latium in the first millennium BC.
Place Aequiculi by W.V. Harris — last modified Feb 24, 2023 08:39 PM
Aequiculi was a municipium in the territory of the Aequi.
Place Aequinoctium by L.F. Pitts — last modified Sep 21, 2015 09:51 PM
Aequinoctium was the site of a Roman fort on the Danube in Upper Pannonia.
Place Aequum by M. Šašel Kos — last modified Feb 15, 2024 09:41 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 20 D6 Aequum
Place Aequum Faliscum by W.V. Harris — last modified Nov 30, 2021 06:23 PM
A settlement along the Via Flaminia, now unlocated. Strabo places it between Otricoli and Rome; the possibility must be allowed that it is taken to the identical with Falerii.
Place Aequum Tuticum/Equus Tuticus by I.E.M. Edlund Berry — last modified Dec 03, 2023 02:57 PM
Aequum Tuticum/Equus Tuticus was an ancient Oscan town. The settlement was located near the intersection of the Via Traiana and the Via Herculia in the territory of the Hirpini.
Place Aere by J.P. Brown — last modified Oct 23, 2012 11:42 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 69 D3 Aere
Place Aerenosii by H.S. Sivan — last modified Oct 18, 2022 10:33 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 25 F3 Aerenosii
Place Aesernia by N. Purcell — last modified Apr 01, 2023 04:35 PM
An ancient settlement (modern Isernia in Italy)
Place Aesis by W.V. Harris — last modified Jun 11, 2024 07:09 AM
An Umbrian town that became a colonia civium Romanorum under the name of Aesis in 247 B.C.
Place Aesis (river) by W.V. Harris — last modified Jul 25, 2023 06:22 PM
Aesis fl. (modern Esino river) is a river of the Marche region of Italy and flows into the Adriatic Sea.
Place Aeso by H.S. Sivan — last modified Oct 15, 2022 11:28 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 25 G3 Aeso
Place Aesontius (river) by H. Bender — last modified Feb 16, 2024 01:58 PM
The Aesontius, known now as either the Soča or Isonzo river, flows from the Trenta Valley in the Julian Alps to the Adriatic Sea.
Place Aestii by R. Warner — last modified Sep 20, 2013 07:13 PM
The Aestii were an ancient people living on the shores of the Baltic Sea, as described by Tacitus.
Place Aethiopes by D.J. Mattingly — last modified Jul 23, 2012 03:00 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 36 unlocated Aethiopes
Place Aethiopia by E.W.B. Fentress — last modified Jun 06, 2023 06:03 PM
Aethiopia is a term used in the Classical sources to refer both to Upper Egypt and the regions south of the Sahara desert. It is employed as early as the time of Homer.

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