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Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300)

Creators: Sean Gillies Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 09, 2009 09:46 AM
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Place Tarbelli (Quattuorsignani) by H.S. Sivan — last modified Sep 06, 2022 11:15 AM
The Tarbelli (Quattuorsignani) were a people of western Aquitania.
Place Tarbelos (mountain) by C. Foss — last modified Dec 19, 2022 02:29 PM
Sandras Dağ.
Place Tarchna/Tarquinii by W.V. Harris — last modified Jul 25, 2023 04:01 PM
An ancient city of Etruria and the leading city of the doudecim populi Etruriae, Tarquinia (called Tarch(u)na or Tarchna in Etruscan) was a major urban center of ancient Italy.
Place Taresuni by W.V. Harris — last modified Jan 06, 2024 04:45 PM
An ancient people whose territory is unlocated
Place Targu by David Braund — last modified Oct 20, 2012 06:55 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 88 F3 Targu
Place Tarhuna by D.J. Mattingly — last modified Nov 13, 2019 01:24 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 35 F2 Tarhuna
Place Taricheiai Nesoi by R.B. Hitchner — last modified Sep 14, 2022 09:19 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 33 H1 Taricheiai Nesoi
Place Taricheiai/Zouchis by D.J. Mattingly — last modified Feb 28, 2023 11:15 AM
An ancient settlement located at the eastern end of the Zouchis Limne (modern Bahiret el Bibane on the Tunisian coast). The modern name of the site is Henchir el-Mdeina.
Place Tarinates by N. Purcell — last modified Jan 06, 2024 04:47 PM
An ancient people whose territory is unlocated
Place Tarinates by W.V. Harris — last modified Jan 06, 2024 04:46 PM
An ancient people whose territory is unlocated
Place Tarm by A. Hausleiter — last modified Nov 16, 2023 10:58 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 94 unlocated Tarm
Place Tarmita/Termez by F.T. Hiebert — last modified Oct 25, 2023 12:40 PM
Termez, located in modern Uzbekistan, was part of the Graeco-Bactrian kingdom and later the Kushan empire. It eventually became an important center of Buddhism.
Place Tarnaias? by G.D. Woolf — last modified Jul 17, 2019 09:33 AM
The chief settlement of the Nantuates.
Place Tarnis (river) by H.S. Sivan — last modified Aug 24, 2024 10:06 AM
The Tarn river.
Place Tarnów Opolski Roman Cemetery by L.F. Pitts — last modified Jun 20, 2020 09:36 AM
A Roman cemetery at modern Tarnów Opolski in Poland.
Place Tarona by David Braund — last modified Feb 26, 2022 12:20 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 unlocated Tarona
Place Tarona by David Braund — last modified Jul 23, 2012 03:15 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 23 unlocated Tarona
Place Taronitis by M. Roaf — last modified Sep 14, 2022 09:11 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 89 E3 Taronitis
Place Tarouthinou by R. Müller Wollermann — last modified Jul 23, 2012 03:21 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 75 unlocated Tarouthinou
Place Tarpeites by David Braund — last modified Sep 20, 2022 10:14 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 84 D3 Tarpeites

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