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Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300)

Creators: Sean Gillies Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 09, 2009 09:46 AM
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Place Tempelbezirk Pesch by C. Haselgrove — last modified Sep 05, 2018 03:21 PM
A Gallo-Roman temple complex dated to the 1st-4th centuries CE.
Place Tempio della Tosse by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Jun 16, 2023 08:52 PM
The so-called "Tempio della Tosse" is an ancient Roman building along the river Anio. Its dating is problematic, but it is likely a building of late antiquity that is built on the site of an earlier villa. It has been interpreted as a nymphaeum, a temple, and also as a tomb.
Place Tempio di Venere, Baiae by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Jul 06, 2020 04:26 PM
The so-called "Tempio di Venere" is likely part of a bathing complex dating to the reign of Hadrian. The surviving structure has an octagonal plan.
Place Tempio Grande at Vulci by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Dec 17, 2023 12:28 AM
A major urban sanctuary at Vulci with a long period of use, stretching from the archaic period into the Roman period.
Place Temple A by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Jun 18, 2024 12:29 PM
So-called "Temple A" is a structure of the third century B.C. and is likely the Temple of Juturna that was vowed by Caius Lutatius Catulus following his victory against the Carthaginians in 241 B.C. It was later converted into a church, the apse of which remains visible.
Place Temple B by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 21, 2024 02:00 PM
A temple vowed by Q. Lutatius Catulus at the battle of Vercellae (30 June, 101 B.C.). The sanctuary is a tholos-type temple and was sometimes referred to as 'aedes Catuli'.
Place Temple C by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Jan 22, 2024 09:56 AM
The so-called "Temple C" of the Largo Argentina sacred area may be dedicated to the Italic goddess Feronia.
Place Temple complex (Petinesca) by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Nov 13, 2023 04:22 PM
A Gallo-Roman sanctuary with an enclosed precinct that was linked to the oppidum.
Place Temple D by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Jan 22, 2024 09:52 AM
The temple referred to as "Temple D" in the Largo Argentina is likely the Aedes Lares Permarini, sacred to the lares who protect sailors. The largest of the temples in this sacred area, "Temple D" dates to the second century B.C. and remains largely unexcavated.
Place Temple d'Appolon by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Mar 10, 2023 06:38 PM
The ruins of a Roman-period temple dedicated to Apollo located at the Oppidum de Gaujac (Gard, France).
Place Temple de Diane by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Jul 15, 2018 08:33 PM
The so-called "Temple de Diane" is a first century Roman monument on the Gard river dedicated to Augustus.
Place Temple of Al-Lat at Palmyra by Gabriel Mckee — last modified Oct 28, 2020 11:12 AM
A temple sacred to the goddess Al-Lat in Palmyra. The earliest shrine on the site was constructed in the mid-first century BCE, and was greatly expanded during the second century CE. The temple was closed and its altar destroyed during the 380s CE.
Place Temple of Aphaia on Aegina by J.S. Traill — last modified Mar 08, 2023 09:23 AM
An ancient sanctuary on the island of Aegina, dedicated to the autochthonous deity Aphaia.
Place Temple of Aphrodite (Thessalonica) by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Dec 05, 2022 06:18 AM
The remains of a marble temple executed in the Ionic order.
Place Temple of Aphrodite Euploia by McKenna Hubbard — last modified Mar 28, 2024 09:21 AM
The temple of Aphrodite Euploia is a tholos constructed in the fourth century BC in Knidos, a coastal city on the Datça Peninsula. It was built to house Praxiteles' famous nude statue of Aphrodite.
Place Temple of Apollo (Side) by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Nov 13, 2023 04:54 PM
A Roman temple at Side dating to the reign of Antoninus Pius.
Place Temple of Apollo at Corinth by Tom Elliott — last modified Feb 27, 2023 05:06 AM
The second temple of Apollo at Corinth whose reconstructed remains are visible on the site today. The structure dates ca. 540 B.C.
Place Temple of Apollo at Delphi by Jonathan Mak — last modified Mar 01, 2023 04:11 PM
The Temple of Apollo situated in the center of the oracular sanctuary of that god at Delphi. Visible remains today are a 20th century reconstruction of the temple rebuilt in the fourth century BCE following a destructive landslide (repaired and altered multiple times thereafter). The date and cause of the temple's eventual destruction sometime not earlier than late antiquity remain undetermined.
Place Temple of Apollo at Hierapolis by Gabriel Mckee — last modified Jan 13, 2021 01:00 PM
The Temple of Apollo at Hierapolis, built during the Hellenistic period.
Place Temple of Apollo at Syracuse by Jeffrey Mayfield — last modified Oct 17, 2022 11:09 AM
Temple of Apollo at Syracuse on the island of Ortygia.

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