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Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300)

Creators: Sean Gillies Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 09, 2009 09:46 AM
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Place Tulul Jezzaz by A. Hausleiter — last modified Jan 10, 2024 02:29 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 93 B2 Tulul Jezzaz
Place Tulul Khattab by M. Roaf — last modified Jan 11, 2024 05:22 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 91 F4 Tulul Khattab
Place Tulul Rughath by M. Roaf — last modified Oct 11, 2023 04:18 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 91 F4 Tulul Rughath
Place Tumuli of Koninksem by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 22, 2021 07:22 AM
A pair of Gallo-Roman tumuli dating to the first through third centuries AD.
Place Tumulus aux Six Frères by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 18, 2021 08:19 PM
The Tumulus aux Six Frères (tumulus of the six brothers) is a Gallo-Roman burial mound at Dhuy in Belgium.
Place Tumulus of Avennes by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 18, 2021 08:36 PM
The Tumulus of Avennes is a Gallo-Roman burial mound dated to the Flavian period located in Liège Braives, Belgium.
Place Tumulus of Avernas by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 18, 2021 08:36 PM
A Gallo-Roman burial mound located near Avernas-le-Bauduin, Belgium.
Place Tumulus of Glimes by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 18, 2021 08:19 PM
A Gallo-Roman tumulus located near Incourt, Belgium.
Place Tumulus of Havelange by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 09, 2022 09:21 AM
The Tumulus of Havelange is a Gallo-Roman burial mound located at Havelange, Belgium.
Place Tumulus of Marcinelle by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 22, 2021 07:23 AM
A Gallo-Roman tumulus located nesr Marcinelle Charleroi in Belgium.
Place Tumulus of Noirmont by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 18, 2021 08:37 PM
A second century Gallo-Roman tumulus at Chastre, Belgium.
Place Tumulus of Noville by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 22, 2021 07:22 AM
A Gallo-Roman tumulus near Noville, Belgium.
Place Tumulus of Vissoul by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 22, 2021 07:22 AM
A Gallo-Roman burial mound located near Vissoul in Belgium.
Place Tumulus of Xhendremael by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 18, 2021 08:36 PM
The Tumulus of Xhendremael (known also as Li Tombe di Hên'mâl) is a Gallo-Roman burial mound near Xhendremael in Belgium. In 1933 the remains of a Roman villa were discovered in its vicinity.
Place Tuna by A. Bursche — last modified Oct 20, 2012 06:52 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 2 G2 Tuna
Place Tunes by R.B. Hitchner — last modified Jul 28, 2023 01:16 AM
Tunes was a Libyan city in Africa Proconsularis. Rome prevailed in a land battle south of Tunes in 256 BC during the First Punic War.
Place Tungri by J. Kunow — last modified Sep 22, 2022 08:03 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 F2 Tungri
Place Tuniza? by R.B. Hitchner — last modified Jul 20, 2023 10:25 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 32 B3 Tuniza?
Place Tup Khona by F.T. Hiebert — last modified Oct 20, 2012 07:05 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 99 C1 Tup Khona
Place Turaniana by P.O. Spann — last modified Jul 12, 2018 05:24 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 27 C5 Turaniana

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