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Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300)

Creators: Sean Gillies Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 09, 2009 09:46 AM
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Place Villa Romana di Casalotti by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Sep 08, 2024 11:21 PM
A villa site that includes a bathing complex, dating from the second to fourth centuries CE.
Place Villa Romana di Caselette by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Aug 15, 2024 05:10 PM
A Roman villa of the first century CE located near Farchetto, Italy.
Place Villa Romana di Collesecco by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Oct 14, 2020 11:20 AM
A villa rustica located in the Sabina, ca. 1 km from Cottanello (Rieti). The imperial villa was superimposed over a villa of the republican period.
Place Villa Romana di Punta San Limato by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Jun 28, 2023 09:48 AM
The ruins of a Roman villa located in the modern Italian locality of Punta San Limato, province of Caserta.
Place Villa Romana di S. Andrea by Jeffrey Becker — last modified May 17, 2021 11:46 AM
The partially preserved structural remains of an Imperial villa dating to the third and fourth centuries.
Place Villa romana di via Carciano by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Sep 08, 2024 09:28 PM
A Roman villa dating to the second century A.D.
Place Villa rustica of Szentendre-Skanzen by Holger R.E. Jürgenliemk — last modified Feb 14, 2020 05:41 PM
A so-called Roman "Villa Rustica" covering some 5,200 square meters located at the Szabadtéri Néprajzi Múzeum (Skanzen), Szentendre.
Place Villa Rustica, Loerrach-Brombach by Stephan Maurer — last modified Sep 05, 2023 06:43 PM
Ruins of a villa rustica, located south of modern Brombach in Baden-Württemberg.
Place Villa S. Silvestro by W.V. Harris — last modified Apr 09, 2023 06:06 AM
The remains of a Republican temple podium now support a Christian church at Villa S. Silvestro in Umbria. The temple's podium likely dates, in its first phase, to the third century B.C.
Place Villa San Marco by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Jun 26, 2020 09:39 AM
The Villa San Marco originates in the Augustan period and was subsequently expanded during the reign of Claudius. Its owner may have been a freedman of Claudius.
Place Villa Sora by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Jan 26, 2024 09:26 PM
A coastal villa in the 'contrada Sora' area of Torre del Greco, a district with a great many archaeological remains.
Place Villa Tiberii by N. Purcell — last modified Jan 14, 2024 10:50 PM
A coastal villa at Sperlonga associated with the Roman emperor Tiberius.
Place Villa Torlonia by L. Quilici — last modified May 26, 2020 12:16 AM
A Jewish catacomb discovered in 1919 on the grounds of the Villa Torlonia park in Rome.
Place Villa Torlonia by L. Quilici — last modified Apr 07, 2023 08:54 PM
The extant Villa Torlonia occupies the site of an ancient Roman villa.
Place Villa urbana by Jeffrey Becker — last modified Feb 05, 2024 09:47 AM
A Roman villa that has now been reconstructed.
Place Villacidro by S.L. Dyson — last modified Dec 18, 2023 07:51 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 48 A3 Villacidro
Place Villahermosa del Campo Roman bridge by H.S. Sivan — last modified Jul 11, 2022 03:09 PM
The so-called Villahermosa del Campo Roman bridge crosses the River Huerva to the south of Ponlarrones in Spain.
Place Villamagna by L. Quilici — last modified Feb 05, 2024 11:15 AM
A large imperial Roman villa known from letters of Marcus Aurelius.
Place Villar de Brenes by Jr. — last modified Feb 01, 2018 12:05 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 26 E4 Villar de Brenes
Place Villard-Notre-Dame by E. Bertrand — last modified Apr 14, 2023 06:55 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 17 G3 Villard-Notre-Dame

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