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Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300)

Creators: Sean Gillies Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 09, 2009 09:47 AM
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Place Cuttiae by M. Pearce — last modified Mar 15, 2024 05:42 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 39 D3 Cuttiae
Place D(a)edalium by R.J.A. Wilson — last modified Jul 07, 2018 08:27 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 D4 D(a)edalium
Place Dableis by C. Foss — last modified Dec 22, 2020 07:46 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 86 A3 Dableis
Place Daghbag South by J. Keenan — last modified Oct 20, 2012 05:27 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 80 D3 Daghbag South
Place Daiara/Thiara by T. Sinclair — last modified Jul 07, 2013 10:52 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 67 G3 Daiara/Thiara
Place Darentiaca by E. Bertrand — last modified Oct 20, 2012 06:21 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 17 E4 Darentiaca
Place Dasmin(i)um by J.J. Wilkes — last modified Jun 29, 2023 11:15 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 21 D6 Dasmin(i)um
Place Davianum by E. Bertrand — last modified Dec 08, 2021 05:12 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 17 F4 Davianum
Place Deciana by H.S. Sivan — last modified Jul 19, 2024 08:21 PM
Deciana is an important pass through the Pyrenees. The ancient Roman Via Augusta passes through Deciana.
Place Decimoputzu by S.L. Dyson — last modified Feb 04, 2022 11:19 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 48 A3 Decimoputzu
Place Deir Abu Sha'ar el-Qibli by S.E. Sidebotham — last modified Oct 20, 2012 05:25 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 78 D3 Deir Abu Sha'ar el-Qibli
Place Deir el-Atrash by S.E. Sidebotham — last modified Feb 23, 2023 11:49 AM
A Roman fort in the Ghozza district of the Egyptian Eastern Desert, located in the Deir el-Atrash wadi along an ancient route between Kaine (modern Qena) and the quarries at Mons Porphyrites (modern Gebel Dokhan).
Place Delgovicia by A.S. Esmonde Cleary — last modified Jan 31, 2021 11:18 PM
Now an unlocated place, Delgovicia was a statio located on the road running from Eburacum eastward to the coast.
Place Deobrigula by E.W. Haley — last modified Aug 26, 2017 11:23 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 24 H2 Deobrigula
Place Dessobriga by E.W. Haley — last modified Apr 21, 2017 10:49 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 24 G2 Dessobriga
Place Dilis by S. Loseby — last modified Mar 26, 2024 11:43 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 15 E3 Dilis
Place Diolindum? by H.S. Sivan — last modified Aug 02, 2024 11:11 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 14 F4 Diolindum?
Place Domana by T. Sinclair — last modified Feb 20, 2015 11:27 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 E4 Domana
Place Domeros by E.N. Borza — last modified Jun 07, 2018 04:36 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 51 B3 Domeros
Place Doriones by A.G. Poulter — last modified Apr 19, 2019 11:47 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 22 B5 Doriones