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Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300)

Creators: Sean Gillies Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 09, 2009 09:47 AM
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Place Murus by H. Bender — last modified Oct 23, 2012 01:43 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 19 B3 Murus
Place München-Grünwald by H. Bender — last modified Oct 26, 2013 10:57 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 12 E4 München-Grünwald
Place Namare by H. Bender — last modified May 24, 2019 04:40 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 12 I4 Namare
Place Naqb Jedid by D.F. Graf — last modified Jan 31, 2019 08:28 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 76 D3 Naqb Jedid
Place Naulochos by R.J.A. Wilson — last modified May 28, 2014 03:40 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 47 G2 Naulochos
Place Naustathmos by T. Sinclair — last modified Jul 20, 2017 01:51 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 B3 Naustathmos
Place Naxus (station) by R.J.A. Wilson — last modified Nov 18, 2019 06:13 AM
Road station north of Naxos on the Sicilian coastal road from Catina to Tauromenium.
Place Nicia by J.J. Wilkes — last modified Jan 02, 2024 11:13 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 49 D2 Nicia
Place Nimy by C. Haselgrove — last modified Oct 20, 2012 08:12 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 D2 Nimy
Place Niniba by E.W.B. Fentress — last modified Oct 20, 2012 04:01 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 31 H4 Niniba
Place Nitazi/Nitalis by S. Mitchell — last modified Feb 26, 2015 09:24 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 63 D3 Nitazi/Nitalis
Place Nivaria by E.W. Haley — last modified Oct 20, 2012 07:49 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 24 G3 Nivaria
Place Nivirgi Tabernae by D.J. Mattingly — last modified May 26, 2014 12:56 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 35 G2 Nivirgi Tabernae
Place Novem Craris by E. Bertrand — last modified Nov 11, 2023 08:06 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 17 D5 Novem Craris
Place Noviomagus Treverorum by C. Haselgrove — last modified Nov 14, 2012 01:15 PM
This settlement of the Treveri (modern Neumagen in Germany) served for a time as market and road station and was later the site of a late Roman fortification. Extensive funerary remains also survive.
Place Novioregum by H.S. Sivan — last modified Oct 31, 2023 11:09 PM
An ancient road station, identified with the archaeological site at Barzan, in France.
Place Novum Hydreuma by T. Wilfong — last modified Feb 18, 2021 02:18 PM
A Roman road station located along the ancient route leading from Berenike to Edfu (the ancient Apollinopolis Magna).
Place Novum Oppidum by S.J. Keay — last modified Oct 20, 2012 07:55 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 25 E2 Novum Oppidum
Place Nure by S.L. Dyson — last modified Aug 26, 2015 09:33 AM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 48 A2 Nure
Place Obilonna by E. Bertrand — last modified Aug 31, 2013 01:19 PM
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 17 G2 Obilonna