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@Pleiades in the Fediverse
16 September 2024

Export Updates 2024-09-16:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

8 new and 58 updated places.


2. pleiades.datasets:

"main" branch:

940227a2 - updated legacy csv
4fdb4f1f - updated json
e1d5298a - updated rdf/ttl
9a2e017f - updated gis package
10ea7fc6 - updated data quality
516b214d - updated bibliography
2a2d3720 - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

5b96b3b6 - updated geojson and names index

16 September 2024

Newly added to the Pleiades Zotero library and quick-lookup reference tool:

Cicero, Orationes (ed. Clark, text at PHI):

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Orationes. Edited by Albert Curtis Clark and William Peterson. 6 vols. Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. Oxonii: E Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1905.

13 September 2024

Export Updates 2024-09-13:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

1 new and 17 updated places.


2. pleiades.datasets:

"main" branch:

a803de94 - updated legacy csv
2a0332b0 - updated json
no change: rdf/ttl
1ecdb91d - updated gis package
2fcc02e2 - updated data quality
46009430 - updated bibliography
084b6450 - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

95f4b403 - updated geojson and names index

12 September 2024

Wikidata -> Pleiades gazetteer alignments updated 2024-09-12:

10,573 Wikidata entities include a Pleiades ID property (28 more than when last
updated on 2024-09-05).

Always latest version in CSV format:

Latest commit hash: 4df25c8

12 September 2024

Export Updates 2024-09-12:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

1 new and 31 updated places.


2. pleiades.datasets:

"main" branch:

aef915f1 - updated legacy csv
15997e96 - updated json
no change: rdf/ttl
67e77e86 - updated gis package
17a95fd2 - updated data quality
1e2faf1b - updated bibliography
879a12ac - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

6e075011 - updated geojson and names index

@Pleiades in the Fediverse - More…
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Pleiades Project Blog

Creators: The Pleiades Editors and Guest Bloggers Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Sep 12, 2024 02:15 PM
This blog is essential reading for contributors, editors, reviewers and staff of partner projects. It's where we'll announce site-wide projects, major maintenance work, new site or dataset features, and community events.

 You can use a feed reader to subscribe to the Atom feed of this blog.

Pleiades also has a Mastodon account in the Fediverse that you can visit in your browser, follow with an ActivityPub-capable application at, or subscribe using RSS.

How to track changes in Pleiades

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

I was recently asked on Facebook if there is "a new places feed from Pleiades". The answer is: yes, and then some. Here are the details.

How to track changes in Pleiades - Read More…

New Help Topic: Using Advanced Search

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

In addition to our ubiquitous "Live Search", Pleiades provides a sophisticated "Advanced Search" form for more complicated queries. Here are some tips for using it.

New Help Topic: Using Advanced Search - Read More…

Adam Rabinowitz joins editorial board

Adam Rabinowitz joins editorial board

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

Pleiades has a new associate editor!

Adam Rabinowitz joins editorial board - Read More…

Updated Citation Guide

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

Explanatory notes have been added for some existing entries, and several areas that were marked "to be added" have now been completed.

Updated Citation Guide - Read More…

New Help Topic: Add a Name

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

The latest guidance how to add new name resources to Pleiades.

New Help Topic: Add a Name - Read More…

Updated help concept: "What are connections?"

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

Direct place-to-place relationships allowing the construction of geographic hierarchies and networks. Rivers to seas, roads to towns, towns to ethnic regions or provinces.

Updated help concept: "What are connections?" - Read More…

New in Help: Tutorial Categories

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

Grouping our how-tos in a more useful way.

New in Help: Tutorial Categories - Read More…

New: How to search for things in Pleiades

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

Our first help document on the subject!

New: How to search for things in Pleiades - Read More…

Reviewers' Guide for Comment

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

We are soliciting comments on a newly-drafted "Reviewers' Guide", which we think also will be of use to everyone interested in adding content to Pleiades.

Reviewers' Guide for Comment - Read More…

Virtual Mountain Mapping Party: 24 January

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

We had so much fun working on mountains last week, let's do it again! 2pm UTC on Thursday, 24 January 2013.

Virtual Mountain Mapping Party: 24 January - Read More…

Virtual Mapping Party: 15 January 2013

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

Come summit with us! The focus of our next mapping party (formerly "hackfests") will be mountains and mountain ranges.

Virtual Mapping Party: 15 January 2013 - Read More…

Tutorials on Titles, Descriptions, and Connections

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

Improving the titles and descriptions of Pleiades place resources, and linking them one to another using connections, are some of the easiest and most valuable ways that community members can help improve Pleiades content.

Tutorials on Titles, Descriptions, and Connections - Read More…

Virtual Hack Day: 18 December 2012

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

Let's spruce up Asia Minor!

Virtual Hack Day: 18 December 2012 - Read More…

Virtual Hack Day: 6 December 2012

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

An online group work session like this is a great way to start learning how to edit and improve content in Pleiades. It's also a good way to meet your fellow community members.

Virtual Hack Day: 6 December 2012 - Read More…

New Citation Guide

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

A new guide to references and citation has been added to the Pleiades help center.

New Citation Guide - Read More…

A New Help Experience

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

Announcing a newly reorganized help and information center for Pleiades.

A New Help Experience - Read More…

New FAQ: Adding a reference to the Peutinger Map

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

We've added an FAQ that makes it easy to add a citation to this important resource.

New FAQ: Adding a reference to the Peutinger Map - Read More…

Content Workshop (Online): Friday, 20 April 2012

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

Between 10am and noon U.S. Central Daylight Time

Content Workshop (Online): Friday, 20 April 2012 - Read More…

Pleiades Content Workshop, Thursday 5 April 2012

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

Beginners welcome! Participate in person in New York, or online.

Pleiades Content Workshop, Thursday 5 April 2012 - Read More…

Giving credit where credit is due

by Tom Elliott last modified Aug 07, 2014 02:31 PM
— filed under:

The Pleiades website now provides a credits page that highlights the broad range of community contributions to its code and content while endeavoring to implement emerging best practice for fair and complete citation in digital humanities publications projects.

Giving credit where credit is due - Read More…