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25 June 2024

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Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

15 updated places.


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1364d37c - updated json
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4c0714a6 - updated gis package
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4499226c - updated bibliography
07c3b889 - updated indexes

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24 June 2024

Export Updates 2024-06-24:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

17 new and 31 updated places.


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"main" branch:

d028ef67 - updated legacy csv
6bd7defb - updated json
1da2d578 - updated rdf/ttl
35ff4457 - updated gis package
b411f046 - updated data quality
73995667 - updated bibliography
2ec06887 - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

7e47a42c - updated geojson and names index

21 June 2024

Export Updates 2024-06-21:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

2 new and 41 updated places.


2. pleiades.datasets:

"main" branch:

048b6afc - updated legacy csv
b195ab45 - updated json
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70bcb5ed - updated gis package
a6d7c9a4 - updated data quality
da94b315 - updated bibliography
25b3f99d - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

a122c8d7 - updated geojson and names index

18 June 2024

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18 June 2024

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Last Week in Pleiades (10-17 June 2024)

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jun 17, 2024 10:14 AM
Last week, the editorial college published 30 new and 227 updated place resources, reflecting the work of Ella Arnold, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Sean Gillies, Amelia Grissom, Noah Kaye, Thomas Landvatter, Chris de Lisle, Gabriel McKee, and Richard Talbert.
Last Week in Pleiades (10-17 June 2024)

A terrain map with orange markers indicating updates and pink circles indicating new place resources. The map covers Europe as far north as Scotland, northern Africa (including the Red Sea), and southwest Asia.

New Place Resources

  • The Abba Garima Monastery is an Ethiopian Orthodox church founded in the sixth century CE by Abba Garima, one of the so-called Nine Saints. It is located east of Adwa, in the Mehakelegnaw Zone of the northern Tigray Region of Ethiopia.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • A road station in Pontus along the Roman road from Zela to Neokaisareia.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Richard Talbert
  • An ancient, now-vanished, branch of the Nile River. Geophysical research has demonstrated that the Ahramat Branch, no longer visible to the naked eye, was located west of the main Nile River channel and flowed from south of Lisht to the area of the Giza Plateau area. This channel would have bordered on the complexes of more than 30 ancient pyramids ranging in date from the Old Kingdom to Second Intermediate Period (2686−1649 BCE).
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • Aristomachou Kleros, an agricultural district, was located in the Herakleopolites Nomos of ancient Egypt.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • A sanctuary to the west of the Acropolis of Athens, which was the clubhouse for a private religious association called the Iobakchoi, in the 2nd century AD.
    Creators: Chris de Lisle
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
  • An inlet of the Irish Sea into which the river Lagan (ancient Logia) flows.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker; Tom Elliott
  • An ancient city founded by Egyptian pharaohs ca. 1450 BCE, Doukki Gel succeeds the earlier site of Kerma.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • Burial site in North Ossetia–Alania containing 58 burials associated with the Koban culture (8th-7th centuries BCE), as well as 26 medieval burials (14th century CE).
    Creators: Gabriel Mckee
    Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
  • The remains of an ancient village, perhaps linked to ancient Berenice Troglodytica.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • Jazīrat Sāy, an island in the Nile River located in Sudan.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • An extensive necropolis of the Kerma culture located on Sai Island.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • The archaeological site of Keskese is located approximately 8 km north of Matara. It is the site of numerous stelai dating ca. 500 BCE.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • The so-called Kiosk of Qertassi is an unfinished Roman kiosk that may date to the reign of Trajan. Originally located at Qertassi, the remains of the temple were relocated to New Kalabsha in Southern Egypt as part of the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia in the twentieth century.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • The ruined city of Koumbi Saleh in south-east Mauritania may have been the capital of the Ghana Empire.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • An Early Christian basilica and martyrium at Halmyris.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
  • Matara, in Eritrea, is an archaeological site located along the coast road to Adulis and dating to pre-Aksumite or early Aksumite times. It is possibly to be identified as the Koloe mentioned in a Roman imperial source.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Sean Gillies; Tom Elliott; D.T. Potts; R. Talbert
  • Meinarti Island is located in the Nile River north of the Second Cataract. It lies just upstream of the Sudanese border town of Wadi Halfa.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • A bridge across the Minho River at Lugo with Roman origins. Heavily restored in modern times, the bridge now serves as a pedestrian walkway.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • Roman-era shipwreck near Cape Glavat on the island of Mljet/Milete.
    Creators: Gabriel Mckee
  • Sabu-Jaddi is the site of multi-period Nubian rock art and is located along the Nile River downstream of the third cataract region on the east bank of the Nile. These rock drawings are found on sandstone cliffs between the Sudanese villages of Sabu and Jaddi.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • The Pre-Aksumite settlement of Sembel, located near Asmara in Ethiopia, dates ca. 800 BCE.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • A New Kingdom Egyptian town on the west bank of the Nile opposite Delgo, Sudan.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • An ancient settlement mound located 45 kilometers north of Şanlıurfa, Turkey, Titris Hoyuk lies near the Euphrates River valley. There were several phases of occupation in the third and second millennia BCE.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • The Tower of Chrysokamaro Áyios Nikólaos is a small, fortified complex of Byzantine date located near the village Agios Nikolaos in Chalkidiki, at the beach of Trani Ammouda.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • The ancient monument referred to as "Trajan's Kiosk" or the "Pharaoh's Bed" is an incomplete hypaethral temple that dates to the second century CE. The monument is currently located on Agilkia Island although it was originally built on the island of Philae. It was relocated in the 1960s as part of the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • The Tumba de Servilia was constructed as a mausoleum for the Servilii family in the 1st century CE and is part of the Roman Necropolis of Carmo in Sevilla, Spain.
    Creators: Amelia Grissom; Ella Arnold
    Contributors: Jeffrey Becker; Thomas Landvatter
  • An archaeological site in northern Sudan that includes Tombos Island and the adjacent riverbank. The site is located at the Third Cataract of the Nile River and was occupied form the mid-18th Dynasty of Egypt and through the 25th Dynasty.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • The Tylihul Estuary, located in Odesa Oblast in the south of Ukraine, lies on the northwest coast of the Black Sea. It receives the waters of the Tylihul River.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • Ancient Yeha was located in what is now the northern Tigray Region of Ethiopia. Yeha was likely a capital of the pre-Aksumite kingdom of D'mt. The Cultural Heritage of Yeha has been submitted for consideration to UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • The Yeha Temple is alleged to be among the oldest known extant structures in Ethiopia. It is executed in the Sabaean style and may date to the seventh century BCE.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker

Modified Place Resources