Last Week in Pleiades (9-16 December 2024)
Tom Elliott
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Last modified
Dec 16, 2024 02:45 PM
Last week the Pleiades editorial college published 5 new and 390 updated place resources, reflecting the work of Jeffrey Becker, Gabriel Bodard, Catherine Bouras, Birgit Christiansen, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette, Greta Hawes, Brady Kiesling, Chris de Lisle, Thomas Seidler, Rosemary Selth, and R. Scott Smith.
A terrain map with orange markers indicating updates and pink circles indicating new place resources. The map covers most of Europe, Central and South Asia, and Africa.
New Place Resources
- Atlantis
Atlantis is the mythical island state used by Plato in the Timaeus and Critias as an example of a powerful and hubristic nation. It has widely been used in later literature, and speculation in pseudo-history and conspiracy theory.
Creators: Gabriel Bodard
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Tom Elliott - Hayots Dzor
Hayots Dzor ("valley of the Armenians") is a valley in the Gürpınar District in the Van Province in the southeast of modern Turkey. Here a stone block with an inscription of the Urartian king Minua, son of Išpuini (9th / 8th century BCE) has been found (CTU A 5-15E) which reports the building of the "Canal of Minua" which is still in use today. The building of the canal is also reported in several other inscriptions which were set up elsewhere at the shore of the canal. In Armenian mythology, Hayots Dzor is the valley where the Armenian progenitor Hayk defeated the army of the invading Assyrian king Bēl and constructed a fortress (Haykaberd) nearby.
Creators: Birgit Christiansen
Contributors: Thomas Seidler, Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Jeffrey Becker - Karagündüz
Karagündüz (Armenian name: Charakonis) is a modern village on the eastern coast of Lake Erceç in southeastern Turkey. Here a stela with an inscription of the Urartian kings Išpuini (9th century BCE) and Minua (9th / 8th century BCE) was found which praises the victory over the cites Mešta, Qua, Šaritu, and Nigibi and the land Paršua and gives detailed information about the numbers of soldiers, spoils and deportees (CTU I A 3-9). Furthermore, a partially preserved stela authored by Minua, son of Išpuini, has been found alone (CTU I A 5-86).
Creators: Birgit Christiansen
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Jeffrey Becker - Seleukeia on the Erythraian Sea
An unlocated Hellenistic city near the Persian Gulf, mentioned in an inscription from Magnesia on the Maeander.
Creators: Chris de Lisle
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Jeffrey Becker - Yeşilalıç rock niche inscription
The modern village formerly known as Ašotakert and/or Aschrut-Darga is situated ca. 60 km to the east of Van at an altitude of 2600 m above the stream Çaybağı which flows into the river Kotur in Iran. Here a rock niche with an inscription of the Urartian kings Išpuini (9th century BCE) and Minua (9th / 8th century BCE) was found. It reports the construction of a "susi temple" of the god Ḫaldi and the establishment of an offering ritual. In this case, the term "susi temple" apparently refers to the niche.
Creators: Birgit Christiansen
Contributors: Thomas Seidler, Jeffrey Becker
Published by: Jeffrey Becker
Updated Place Resources
- Abbotsbury Castle
Abbotsbury Castle is an Iron Age hill fort located on Wears Hill in Dorset, England.
Modifications: Edited Feature type. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for hillfort; wikidata Q3662453. Added NHLE 1002710: Abbotsbury Castle (camp).
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Abusina
Abusina was the site of a Roman auxiliary fort along the Danube, some 30 km SW of Regensburg (at the modern village of Eining).
Modifications: Edited. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated deprecated type.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: H. Bender
Contributors: G. Moosbauer, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, M. Puhane, Sean Gillies - Adro Vello
The remains of a Roman villa and necropolis.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Agia Paraskevi
A barren, uninhabited island in the Nikasiai islands (Naxos).
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Agios Nikolaos (island)
An island that is part of the Nikasiai islands (Naxos).
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Added wikidata Q25106026. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Ryan M. Horne - Akesinos/Sandabal (river)
A tributary of the Indus River.
Modifications: Reimported full relation geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M.U. Erdosy
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Alabum
Alabum was a Roman fort in Britain that was occupied until the fourth century A.D.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Edited type for fort; updated references. Wikidata Alabum (Q4705432).
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Alahan
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 66 C3 Alahan
Modifications: Updated references. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: S. Mitchell
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Alauna/Alione
A Roman fort at present-day Maryport. Part of Cumbrian coastal defenses.
Modifications: Updated Place type. Updated Feature type.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Amardos (river)
The Sefīd-Rūd river flows into the Caspian Sea at Rasht.
Modifications: Wikidata Q1430986. Updated references. Cnxn, reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: S.E. Kroll
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Amphanai?
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 55 D2 Amphanai?
Modifications: Wikidata Amphanae (Q17621065).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Fossey, J. Morin
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, G. Reger, Tom Elliott - Amphitheater Birten
A Roman amphitheater located at Castra Vetera (modern Birten Germany)
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Birten amphitheatre (Q2234744).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Anderidos
Roman fort of the Saxon Shore
Modifications: Edited type and description; updated references. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Anderitum
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 17 A4 Anderitum
Modifications: Wikidata Anderitum (Q2846093). Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: E. Bertrand
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Aphrodites (Oros)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 80 D2 Aphrodites (Oros)
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T. Wilfong, S.E. Sidebotham, J. Keenan
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Arc de Diane
The ruins of a Roman bath complex at Divona Cadurcorum.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Ardotalia (Zerdotalia)
A Roman fort of the first and second centuries A.D. at present day Melandra Castle.
Modifications: Edited type for fort. Created darmc citation to preserve project linkage after DARMC location was withdrawn. Wikidata Ardotalia (Q4788242).
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Sean Gillies - Area della Guastuglia
The archaeological site "Area della Guastuglia" at Gubbio is an architectural complex likely connected with civic religion during Gubbio's Roman phase.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Arius (river)
The Hari River of Afghanistan.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: St J. Simpson, F. Hiebert, P.L. Kohl
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Atrek/Sideris?/Sarnios? (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 96 C2 Atrek/Sideris?/Sarnios? fl.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references. Cnxn, reference. Updated Strabo reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, E.J. Keall
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Auld Bourtreebush
Auld Bourtreebush is a prehistoric stone circle in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Aulodes
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 32 E3 Aulodes
Modifications: Updated references. EDH G001033: Aulodes – Sidi-Raïs.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: R.B. Hitchner
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Aunobari
The visible archaeological remains of the settlement of Aunobari cover ca. 5 hectares.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: R.B. Hitchner
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Alessandro Battisti, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - B(r)ibra?
Roman fort at present-day Beckfoot. Part of the Cumbrian coastal defenses.
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Banna
The Roman fort at Banna, now known as Birdoswald Roman fort.
Modifications: Edited. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Barcombe Hill Roman Signal Station
A Roman signal station on Barcombe Hill, overlooking the Stanegate and Vindolanda.
Modifications: Edited type for station; updated references. Updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Barry
Roman remains identified as a mansio near Cold Knap
Modifications: Edited type and description.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Basilica of Septimius Severus
The Basilica of Septimius Severus belongs to the Severan Forum at Lepcis Magna.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q2124732.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Battery at Caer Mote
An earthwork enclosure that is of indeterminate date, although it is possibly Roman.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Battlesbury Camp
Battlesbury Camp is an Iron Age hillfort located in Wiltshire, England.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Bawtry Roman fort
Site of mid- to late-fourth century Roman fort.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette - Beacon Hill Hillfort
Beacon Hill Hill fort is an Iron Age hill fort in Hampshire, England.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Belvedere tomb
An Etruscan tomb of the seventh century B.C.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Beycesultan
An ancient Anatolian settlement occupied from the Late Chalcolithic period through the Bronze Age.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Gabriel McKee - Blennerhasset Roman fort
Remains of a Roman fort have been identified at Blennerhasset on the River Ellen.
Modifications: Edited type for fort.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - ‘Bomio’
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 8 D3 ‘Bomio’
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Boothby Roman fort
A Roman fortlet that was part of the Stanegate system, dating to the late first to second centuries.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette, Scott Vanderbilt - Bothwellhaugh
The remains of a Roman legionary fort located in North Lanarkshire near Glasgow, Scotland, that was built in connection with the Antonine Wall (ca. A.D. 142-165).
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references. Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Boubon
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 65 B4 Boubon
Modifications: Wikidata Q997591.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Foss, S. Mitchell
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Lindsay Holman, Richard Talbert - Bouleuterion
A Bouleuterion complex at Nicopolis in Epirus.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Boumelos? (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 89 F4 Boumelos? fl.
Modifications: Wikidata Khazir River (Q20391041).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, T. Sinclair, S.E. Kroll, St J. Simpson
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Bovium?
Bovium? was the site of a brickworks that supplied the Roman fort of Deva Victrix.
Modifications: Updated references. EDH G029738: Holt (Ziegelei). Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Created new connection.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Bozkurt
Settlement inhabited from the middle-late Chalcolithic to the Urartian Kingdom in the middle Iron Age. The site is located on the southwest slope linking Mount Ağrı with the Doğubayazıt Plain in Eastern Turkey. Bozkurt comprises a complex of sites, including one mound, two cemeteries, two fortresses, and an outpost-road station.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky - Brandon Camp
An Iron Age hillfort that was re-used by the Roman army as a depot.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort. Wikidata Brandon Camp large univallate hillfort and ring ditch 350m north east of Warwick House. (Q17650916).
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Branodunum
A third-century A.D. Roman fort that was part of the Saxon Shore fortification system.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort; updated references. NHLE 1003983: Roman fort (Branodunum). Edited.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Branogenium
A Roman fort was established near the present-day village of Leintwardine ca. 70 CE. The fort was situated close to the confluence of the river Clun with the river Teme, along the Roman road now known as "Watling Street West".
Modifications: Edited type and description; updated references. Modified summary.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Scott Vanderbilt, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Sean Gillies - Bremetennacum Veteranorum
A Roman auxiliary fort at present day Ribchester
Modifications: Edited. Edited type for fort; updated references. Wikidata Bremetennacum (Q4960578).
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Scott Vanderbilt, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Sean Gillies - Bremia
A Roman fort of the first and second century AD in Wales.
Modifications: Edited type fort fort; edited description; updated references; updated references. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Broch of Mousa
The Broch of Mousa is a drystone broch in Scotland, dating ca. 400-200 BC.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q923376.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Brompton Roman fort
A Roman auxiliary fort likely to have been built to support pre-Flavian campaigns in modern Wales.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Bubasius Sinus
The ancient Bubasius Sinus is now known as the Gulf of Hisarönü (Hisarönü Körfezi in Turkish). The gulf lies Bozan Burnu to the north and Atabol Burnu to the south.
Modifications: Edited modified summary.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Foss, G. Reger
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Perry Scalfano, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Bullsdown Camp
Bullsdown Camp is the site of an Iron Age hill fort in Hampshire, England. The site is now heavily wooded.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort; updated references. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Bulsinius (mountain)
Modifications: Updated references. Cimochowski 1976.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Šašel Kos, P. Kos
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Michael Heubel, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott - Burrium
Roman fort in present day Usk
Modifications: Edited type for fort; edited name and description for clarity; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Bwrdd Arthur
Bwrdd Arthur is the site of an Iron Age hill fort atop a limestone hill in Anglesey, Wales.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Cadbury Camp Hill Fort
A 2.8 ha hill fort near Tickenham, Somerset, England, in use from the Bronze Age to the Anglo-Saxon period.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Edited type for hillfort; updated references; nHLE 1008295: Cadbury Camp, a small multivalate hillfort on Cadbury Hill.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Cadbury Hill hill fort
Cadbury Hill, near Congresbury, North Somerset, is the site of an Iron Age hill fort. On account of other hill forts with the "Cadbury" appellation, this particular fort is sometimes referred to as Cadbury-Congresbury.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated feature type. Edited type for hillfort; updated references; wikidata Q17651200.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Caer Gybi
Caer Gybi is the site of a Roman fortlet in Anglesey, Wales.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Caer y Twr
Caer y Twr is the site of a Roman period hill fort in Anglesey, Wales.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort. Removed deprecated modified location place type.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Ryan M. Horne, Maxime Guénette, Sean Gillies - Caerau Hillfort
Caerau Hillfort is a multivallate Iron Age hillfort in the western suburbs of Cardiff, Wales. The fort covers an area of ca. 51,000 m².
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort; edited description for clarity; wikidata Caerau Hillfort (Q5016882). Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Caermote Roman fort
The earthwork remains of a first-century A.D. Roman fort and a possible second-century fortlet.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated feature type.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott, Scott Vanderbilt - Caersws
A Roman fort at present-day Caersws, Wales.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; edited description for clarity; updated references; wikidata Caersws Roman Fort (Q113710858).
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Caesar's Camp, Bracknell Forest
An Iron Age hill fort located in Berkshire, along the line of the Roman road connecting Londinium and Calleva Atrebatum.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Edited type for hillfort.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Caister-on-Sea
Caister-on-Sea is the site of a third-century A.D. Roman coastal fort.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort; updated references. Wikidata Castrum Gariannonum (Q1735346). Edited.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Calagurris (Nassica) Iulia
Calagurris (Nassica) Iulia (modern Calahorra, Spain) was conquered by Rome in 187 BC and later supported Quintus Sertorius in his war against Cn. Pompeius Magnus.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: H.S. Sivan, S.J. Keay, R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Calstock Roman fort
A Roman fort located in Cornwall.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Updated Feature type. Edited. Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott - Canon Frome
A Roman auxiliary fort.
Modifications: Edited type and fixed reference URL. Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Capena
An ancient urban center in Faliscan territory adjacent to Etruria, Capena was sacked by the Romans in 390 BC.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Carantomagus
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 14 H4 Carantomagus
Modifications: DARMC 8675 = related.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: H.S. Sivan, R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Cardiff Castle
Cardiff Castle incorporates remains of the antecedent Roman fort.
Modifications: Initial revision. Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Carthago
The ancient city of Carthage, located in modern Tunis (Tunisia). Carthage engaged the Roman state in a series of wars conventionally referred to as the Punic Wars by scholars.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: R.B. Hitchner
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Jonathan Prag, R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Ingrid Luo - Carzield
An Antonine cavalry fort covering ca. 2.6 ha that was excavated by E. Birley and I. A. Richmond in 1939.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne, Maxime Guénette - Caspium/Hyrcanium Mare
The Caspian Sea is a remnant of a larger, inland sea and is now the world's largest enclosed body of water. It has been classified as both a lake and as a sea.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: S.E. Kroll
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Castell Collen
Castell Collen is the site of a Roman auxiliary fort dating to the Flavian period.
Modifications: Edited type for fort and redirected broken link; updated references. Created new location.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Castle an Dinas
Castle an Dinas is an Iron Age hillfort near St. Columb Major in Cornwall, United Kingdom, built during the third and second centuries BC.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Edited type for hillfort; wikidata Castle an Dinas, St Columb Major (Q5050344).
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Castle Dore
Castle Dore is a fort located near Fowey in Cornwall that originated in the Iron Age and was re-occupied in the sixth century AD and again during the Middle Ages.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Update. Edited type for hillfort; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Castle Greg
A well preserved Roman fortlet located midway between Castledykes and Cramond.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Castra Corneli(ana)?
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 32 F2 Castra Corneli(ana)?
Modifications: Wikidata Q11913219.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: R.B. Hitchner
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Castra Martis
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 21 E6 Castra Martis
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Castra of Drobeta
A Roman castrum dating to the reign of Trajan located on the Danube, at Turnu-Severin, Romania.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Castra Vetera
Castra Vetera was established as a Roman fort ca. 15 B.C.
Modifications: Updated references. Edited. Created new name. Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: J. Kunow, C. Haselgrove
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Cawdor
Site of a Roman fortress near Eastern Galcantray that some consider one of the northernmost Roman forts in Great Britain.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references. Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne, Maxime Guénette - Çayönü
Çayönü was a Neolithic settlement located in southern Turkey. Its remains date ca. 7200 to 6600 BC. The site spans the entire Pre-pottery Neolithic sequence and recent investigations suggest that Çayönü may be the site of the first domestication of the pig (Sus scrofa).
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Chanctonbury Ring
Chanctonbury Ring is a prehistoric hill fort located on Chanctonbury Hill in West Sussex, England. It is part of the present-day South Downs Way.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for hillfort; wikidata Q5070867.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - ‘Cicutio’
‘Cicutio’ is a Roman fort located near modern-day Brecon in Wales. The fort was originally built ca. A.D. 75.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references. Created new location.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Ryan M. Horne - Cilurnum
Cilurnum is the site of a fort dating to A.D. 123 on Hadrian's Wall that guarded a military bridge along the Roman road. It is now known as Chester's Roman Fort.
Modifications: Wikidata Q3818331.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Circus at Calagurris
The Circus at Calagurris is located to the northeast of the city and could have accommodated 20,000 spectators.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references; added wikidata ncient Roman circus of Calagurris (Q127514944). Typo in wikidata.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - City wall, Nicopolis
The Roman period city wall of Nicopolis.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Coastal Tower 16b (Old Mawbray)
Coastal Tower 16b, part of the Hadrian's Wall Coastal defences
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Updated feature type. Edited type for tower(defensive); wikidata Mawbray Sandpit tower 16b, 680m WSW of Hailforth, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast (Q17662956). Edited. Cnxn, reference.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette - Coelbren Roman auxiliary fort
A Roman auxiliary fort in the Neath valley located at the confluence of three streams (Camnant, Nant-y-Bryn, and Nant-y-Fedwen), which join to form the Afon Pyrddin.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; wikidata Coelbren Roman Fort (Q13126482).
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Col. Augusta Raurica
Col. Augusta Raurica (modern Augst) was a Roman colony on the south bank of the Rhine established by Iulius Caesar and L. Munatius Plancus in 44 B.C.
Modifications: Wikidata Augusta Raurica (Q610371).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: G.D. Woolf
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Col. Glevum
Site of a Roman legionary fortress (ca. 67 A.D.) and later colonia (founded ca. 97-98 A.D.) at modern day Gloucester.
Modifications: Edited. Edited type for fort.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Richard Talbert, David Mimno - Cold Knap Roman Building
A courtyard building of a non-military nature dating to the later Roman period (second to third century CE) that was located on the seafront at modern Barry (Wales, United Kingdom).
Modifications: Reimported full relation geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Comblessac
A heptagonal Gallo-Roman temple.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references. Wikipedia Temple romano-celtique heptagonal.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Combretovium
Combretovium is a 60 hectare open settlement, with occupation from the late Iron Age and Claudian periods through to the middle of the fourth century.
Modifications: Edited type for fort.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Sean Gillies - Congavata
A Roman fort on Hadrian's Wall, cited: BAtlas 9 D6 ‘Congavata’
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Coriovallum
Coriovallum (modern Heerlen, The Netherlands) was a Roman military settlement along the frontier (limes) in Germania Inferior.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Kunow, C. Haselgrove
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Cyaneae Theater
The Cyaneae Theater dates to the Roman imperial period.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Wikidata Q131422686.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Elizabeth Robinson - Cybele sanctuary
A temple sacred to Cybele located at Neuss am Rhein.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Fossa Sanguinis (Q1794981).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Danebury Hill Fort
Danebury hill fort is an Iron Age hill fort near Hampshire, England. The fort covers ca. 5 ha.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Edited type for hillfort; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Danum?
A Roman auxiliary fort at present-day Doncaster.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Scott Vanderbilt, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Sean Gillies - Deva
Deva or Deva Victrix (modern Chester) was a legionary base in Britannia. It was originally founded by the Legio II Adiutrix in the AD 70s and completed by the Legio XX Valeria Victrix.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references; wikidata Castra Deva Victrix (Q2450247). Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Sean Gillies - Dez/Hithite/Hudhud/Koprates? (river)
This river, known by various names in antiquity, was an upstream tributary (via the Karun river) of the final stage of ancient Tigris/Pastigiris, ultimately debouching into the Persian Gulf. Today its waters still join the Karun. The modern course of the Dez lies within the modern country of Iran.
Modifications: Wikidata Q1207296.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, St J. Simpson, R. Wenke
Contributors: P. Flensted Jensen, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Diospolis Magna/Thebai
Diospolis Magna/Thebai was known in ancient Egypt as Waset, "City of the Sceptre". The site was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T. Wilfong, S.E. Sidebotham, J. Keenan
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jen Thum, Jeffrey Becker, H. Kopp, Herbert Verreth, B. Siewert-Mayer, Mark Depauw, Richard Talbert, Adam Prins, W. Röllig, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Roko Rumora, Francis Deblauwe, Eric Kansa - Doric temple at Kaulonia
The Doric Temple at Caulonia has been dated ca. 420 B.C.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Dover Castle
The twelfth-century medieval castle of Dover, England, sits atop earlier Roman fortifications.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated modified place type (Castle), add wikidata. Updated feature type. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Gabriel Moss - Drobeta
Drobeta is a Dacian settlement that was conquered by the Romans in A.D. 101-2. Trajan's engineer Apollodorus of Damascus built a bridge here that spanned the Danube in 103-5. This bridge, supported by 20 stone pilings and extending 1,135 m connected Drobeta to Pontes (on the right bank of the river).
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Drobeta amphitheater
The Drobeta Roman amphitheater.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Drumanagh
Iron Age promontory fort near Loughshinny, Ireland
Modifications: Edited type for promontory; wikidata Drumanagh (Q31070182). Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Dur-(Kuri)galzu
Dur-(Kuri)galzu was founded by the Kassite ruler Kurigalzu ca. 1400 B.C. At its peak the site covered some 225 ha.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, St J. Simpson
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Carolin Johansson, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Gabriel McKee, Richard Talbert, Rune Rattenborg - *Durovernum
Durovernum Cantiacorum, modern Canterbury, was the site of a pre-Roman oppidum and, then, post A.D. 43 of a Roman fort.
Modifications: Edited type, withdrawn fort; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Sean Gillies - Eggardon hill fort
Eggardon Hill is the site of an Iron Age hill fort.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated type.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - el Kurru
El-Kurru is the site of a necropolis used by Nubian royalty. Many of the royal tombs date to the Kushite period.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: N.B. Millet
Contributors: DARMC, Enrico Regazzoni, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Elaioussa/Sebaste
Elaioussa/Sebaste was an ancient Roman city in Asia Minor founded in the second century BC.
Modifications: Updated references; updated Names, Locations. Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: S. Mitchell
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Richard Talbert, Phoebe Acheson - Emissarium of Lake Nemi
An artificial canal originally dating to the fourth century BCE that was built by the inhabitants of Ariccia in order to regulate the waters of Lake Nemi.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Emona
The ancient city of Emona (now modern Ljubljana).
Modifications: Wikidata Q148327.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Šašel Kos, P. Kos
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Erythraion Pr.
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 60 F3 Erythraion Pr.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J. Bennet, G. Reger
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Falkirk
The site of a Roman fort on the Antonine Wall.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Fazouro
A first to third century AD castrum site on the Galician coast.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Castro of Fazouro (Q8342716).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Finca del Secretario
An archaeological site that comprises remains of an urban area of the Roman period ranging in date from the first to the fifth centuries. Among the complexes in evidence are a salting factory, a pottery works, and thermal baths.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Added wikidata Finca del Secretario (Q97634235).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Flower's Barrow
Flower's Barrow hill fort overlooks Worbarrow Bay in Dorset on England's south coast.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort; added wikidata Q5462123.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Maxime Guénette - Fonte Coberta
A Roman dam
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Barragem Romana da Fonte Coberta (Q16496954).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Fort at Great Wall of Gorgan
One of the integral forts spaced along the wall
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, E.J. Keall
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Forum of Col. Augusta Raurica
The Forum of Augusta Raurica.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Forum of Septimius Severus
The Forum of Septimius Severus at Lepcis Magna
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Fossa Philistina
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 40 unlocated Fossa Philistina
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Pearce, R. Peretto, P. Tozzi
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Fundi
Fundi achieved civitas sine suffragio after the Latin War in 338 B.C.
Modifications: Updated references. Changed type.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: N. Purcell
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Richard Talbert, Ryan M. Horne - Gallo-Roman theater at Alba Helviorum
A third and fourth century theater at Alba Helviorum.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - *Gariann(on)um
*Gariann(on)um is the site of a third-century A.D. Roman coastal fort.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Garn Fadryn
A 5-ha Iron Age hill fort located in Wales.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort; edited modified summary, add wikidata Carn Fadryn castle and hillfort (Q26722409). Created new location.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Gelligaer
First Roman fort in present day Gelligaer, Wales
Modifications: Edited type for fort and redirected broken link; updated references. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - [Girsu]/Tello(h)
A Sumerian city-state.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, St J. Simpson, R. Wenke
Contributors: P. Flensted Jensen, Jeffrey Becker, Carolin Johansson, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Rune Rattenborg, Gabriel McKee - Great Temple of Petra
The Great Temple of Petra is one of the major archaeological and architectural components of central Petra. It is located to the south of the Colonnaded Street and southeast of the Temenos Gate and covers 7560 square meters.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Great Wall of Gorgan
A linear fortification system, probably built in the Parthian period and used during the Sasanian period, the so-called "Great Wall of Gorgan" stretches almost 200 km from the east coast of the Caspian Sea to near the town of Pishkamar in modern Iran. If the fortification system had a name in antiquity, it has not survived.
Modifications: Wikidata Q739507.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, E.J. Keall
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Grimde
Grimde is the site of three Gallo-Roman tumuli.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Hadrian's Wall (Cumbrian Coast)
Line of Roman fortifications along Cumbrian Coast running from western terminus of the stone wall commonly referred to as Hadrian's Wall at Maia (Bowness-on-Solway) in the north to Gabrosentum (Moresby) in the south.
Modifications: Deleted deprecated type; wikidata Roman Cumbrian Coast defences (Q122975142).
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Haltwhistle Burn Roman Fortlet and Camp
Site of Roman fortlet and temporary camp. The fortlet guarded the crossing of the Burn by the Stanegate. It pre-dates the construction of Hadrian's Wall, which passes 0.5 km to the north.
Modifications: Updated references. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Scott Vanderbilt - Hambledon Hill
Hambledon Hill is a prehistoric hill fort in Dorset, England, with occupation beginning in the Neolithic period.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references. Edited. Wikidata Q5644220.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Helleh/Granis? (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 94 A4 Helleh/Granis? fl.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references. Updated Pliny reference. Updated reference. Wikidata Q48813086.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, R. Wenke
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, P. Flensted Jensen, Jeffrey Becker - Hydreuma to epi tou Paneiou
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 80 C3 Hydreuma to epi tou Paneiou
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T. Wilfong, S.E. Sidebotham, J. Keenan
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Illeta dels Banyets
A coastal site occupied from the late third millennium B.C. onwards.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Gabriel Moss, Tom Elliott - Incastro River
The Incastro is a river of Latium that drains the waters originating from the Lago di Nemi. Its ancient name is unknown.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Sean Gillies - Indicum Mare
The Indian Ocean.
Modifications: Wikidata Indian Ocean (Q1239).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: D.T. Potts
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Indus/Sinthos/Phison (river)
The Indus River flows 3,180 km (1,980 mi). from the Tibetan Plateau to the Arabian Sea.
Modifications: Wikidata Indus River (Q7348).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M.U. Erdosy
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Inveravon
Site of a small Roman fort on the Antonine Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; wikidata Inveravon Roman fort (Q48798464).
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette - *Ituna (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 9 D4 *Ituna fl.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ivor / Xion (river)
The modern Oued Ksob of western Morocco.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references. Initial revision. Updated formatting of Initial Provenance field.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Richard Talbert, M. Joann McDaniel, Brian Z. Lund, M. Euzennat, Mary E. Downs, J. Desanges
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies - Jarrahi/Hedyphon? (river)
The ancient Hedyphon River is probably to be associated with the modern Jarahi River.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, St J. Simpson, R. Wenke
Contributors: P. Flensted Jensen, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker, Chris de Lisle - Kanope (island)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 74 C2 Kanope Ins.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Bernand
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Michael Heubel, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott - Kaulonia
Kaulonia is an Achaean colony of Magna Graecia founded in the eighth or seventh century BC.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: I.E.M. Edlund Berry, A.M. Small
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Kelsborrow Castle
Kelsborrow Castle is an Iron Age hill fort located in the county of Cheshire in northern England.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Khirbet et-Tannur
Located some 70 km from Petra, Khirbet et-Tannur is the site of a well-preserved, open-air Nabataean sanctuary.
Modifications: Wikidata Q48792829.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: S.T. Parker
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Kilbianoi (Ano)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 56 G5 Kilbianoi (Ano)
Modifications: Wikidata Cilbiani Superiores (Q111494169).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Foss, G. Reger, S. Mitchell
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott - Kilbianoi (Kato)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 56 G5 Kilbianoi (Kato)
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Foss, G. Reger, S. Mitchell
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott - Kinneil
The site of a Roman fortlet on the Antonine Wall. The fortlet measures ca. 21.5 x 18.5 m, covering an area of ca. 0.04 ha.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references, add wikidata Kinneil fortlet (Q81444113). Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Kirkbride
A Roman fort at Bowness on Solway on the Stanegate.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Maxime Guénette - Kirkhill Roman signal station
A Roman signal station dating to the Flavian period.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Kirkhill,Roman signal station 400m NNE of (Q56665606). Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Kirkintilloch
Roman fort on the Antonine Wall, in East Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Kirmington
A Roman fort of early Claudian date.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort; updated references. Edited.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne, Maxime Guénette - Kisurra
Kisurra (modern Tell Abu Hatab) was established in the Early Dynastic II period (ca. 2700 BCE). The importance of this settlement, which was located only a few kilometers north of Šuruppak (modern Fārā) and which was situated on the western bank of the Euphrates River, declined significantly during the Old Babylonian Period. Numerous cuneiform tablets have been unearthed at Tell Abu Hatab since 1902.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q910253. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky, Jamie Novotny
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Carolin Johansson, Tom Elliott, Rune Rattenborg - Knowlton Church and Earth Works
A cluster of Neolithic and Bronze Age earthworks with a twelfth century Norman church built in the center.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Küçük Ağrı Dağı
A peak of the Ararat massif, known as Little Ararat.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Little Ararat (Q4278782).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Kyros (river)
The modern Kura river, which rises in Turkey and then, after flowing through Georgia and Azerbaijan, it empties into the Caspian Sea.
Modifications: Reimported full relation geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: S.E. Kroll
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ladle Hill Iron Age Fort
Ladle Hill is an Iron Age hill fort located in north Hampshire, England.
Modifications: Edited. Added Wikidata reference.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Lake Farm Roman fort
Large Roman military installation near present-day Wimborne Minster in Dorset. It was established very shortly after Claudian invasion (ca. 44 CE), and later served as a vexillation fortress.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort; updated references. Edited.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott, Scott Vanderbilt - Lapford
Two distinct Roman forts; the smaller covering ca. 1.9 ha and the larger up to 8 ha.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Latium Adiectum
A region of ancient Italy characterized as an area of Latin colonial expansion; also referred to as Latium Novum.
Modifications: Wikidata Latium adiectum (Q3827510).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: N. Purcell
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Lees Hall Roman Camp
Lees Hall Roman Camp is an archaeological site that was once an ancient Roman temporary camp located near Hadrian's Wall (Northumberland, England). Once there were more than 40 temporary Roman camps located near Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Lees Hall Roman camp (Q17650311).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Lentia
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 12 H4 Lentia
Modifications: Wikidata Castra Lentia (Q940178). Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: H. Bender
Contributors: G. Moosbauer, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, M. Puhane, Sean Gillies - Li Muri necropolis
A necropolis with four dolmens surrounded by small kerbstone circles.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Litus Saxonicum
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 11 D1 Litus Saxonicum
Modifications: Wikidata Saxon Shore (Q1773614).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Haselgrove, J. Kunow
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Michael Heubel, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott - Litus Saxonicum
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 14 B1 Litus Saxonicum
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: H.S. Sivan, R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Longthorpe
A Roman vexillation fortress of the first century A.D. was located at Longthorpe near Peterborough. The site was first identified via crop marks in 1961 and some excavations were carried out between 1967 and 1971. Nothing of the site is now visible as it has been consumed by a golf course. The fort had two phases: the first phase of 11 ha (27 acres) dates as early as A.D. 44-48 (definitely occupied by 61-62. A contracted phase of 4.5 ha (11 acres) followed later.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Longthorpe II
A Pre-Roman Iron Age farmstead with a relatively short occupational history gave way to a Roman installation that was situated outside the confines of the first-century fort at Longthorpe near Peterborough. This installation was termed a "works-depot" by its excavators and shows evidence of both ceramic production and metalworking. The installation was likely established soon after the fort's own foundation in the late 40s. It is an unusual site for this period.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Lunt Roman fort
A turf and timber Roman fort near Coventry, England. The site's ancient name remains unknown.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort; updated references. Edited.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Gabriel Moss, Maxime Guénette - Lupanar
The Lupanar (or Lupanare Grande) (VII, 12, 18–20) is located east of the forum at the intersection of Vico del Lupanare and Vico del Balcone Pensile. It is the largest of Pompeii's brothels.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Athanasia Varveri, Valeria Vitale
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Lurg Moor
A Roman fortlet located on Lurg Moor dating from the Antonine period, ca. AD 140.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated wikidata. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Lycia
Lycia was a region of southwestern Asia Minor.
Modifications: Wikidata Lycia (Q18927).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Foss, S. Mitchell
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, Jeffrey Becker, Richard Talbert, Tom Elliott - Lyne
A Roman auxiliary fort in Scotland guarding the road from Trimontium to Castledykes.
Modifications: Edited type; updated references. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Maes Knoll Camp
Maes Knoll hill fort is an Iron Age hillfort in Somerset, England.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Added wikidata Q6729282. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Mains Rigg signal tower
The Mains Rigg signal tower was revealed by excavations (1928; 1971-2) to measure 6.5 m square.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for tower; wikidata Roman signal station on Mains Rigg (Q17678003). Updated Feature type.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette, Scott Vanderbilt - Maniolai (islands)
Islands mentioned in Ptolemy. They may correspond to the modern Andaman islands in the Bay of Bengal.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M.U. Erdosy
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Masseria De Carolis
A Roman villa with an associated bath complex destroyed by the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius, the Masseria De Carolis site is located in the comune of Pollena Trocchia near Naples, Italy.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Mausoleum of Lucius Pomponius Grecinus
A Roman funerary monument of the first century B.C. that is traditionally associated with the prefect Lucius Pomponius Grecinus.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q131426847.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Metalla
A Roman mining center located in the Iglesiente region of Sardinia. The Roman settlement succeeded an earlier nuragic village.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: S.L. Dyson
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Metchley Fort
A Roman fort built in the area of modern Birmingham, England, soon after the Roman invasion of A.D. 43. The fort, about 200 square meters in area, was in use periodically until its abandonment ca. A.D. 120.
Modifications: Edited type for fort. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Gabriel Moss, Maxime Guénette, Sean Gillies - Methana/Anthana?
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 58 D3 Methana/Anthana?
Modifications: Added Shipley and New Pauly references; cleaned up skylax reference.
Modified by: Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: G. Reger, J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Milecastle 1 (Stott's Pow)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 10 (Walbottle Dene)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Reference. Edited type for fortlet; updated references; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 11 (Throckley Bank Top)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Updated deprecated Place type.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Milecastle 13 (Rudchester Burn)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; wikidata Milecastle 13 (Q6851147); updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 14 (March Burn)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 20 (Halton Shields)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 21 (Down Hill)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references. Edited. Cnxn, reference.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 29 (Tower Tye)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references, add wikidata Q15253380.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 35 (Sewingshields)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; added Milecastle 35 (Sewingshields), update references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 37 (Housesteads)
One of the milecastles along Hadrian's Wall, approximately 400 meters to the west of Housesteads Roman fort (Vercovicium)
Modifications: Wikidata Q16156512.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies - Milecastle 39 (Castle Nick)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for tower. Edited. 1518: Milecastle 39 (Castle Nick).
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 4
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 40 (Winshields)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; wikidata Milecastle 40 (Q16156553). Created new location.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 45 (Walltown)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 48 (Poltross Burn)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 49 (Harrow's Scar)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 55 (Low Wall)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 62 (Walby East)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 63 (Walby West)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 64 (Drawdykes)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type fort fortlet; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 65 (Tarraby)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 67 (Stainton)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references, add wikidata Milecastle 67 (Q16156868). Cnxn, reference.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 69 (Sourmilk Bridge)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 71 (Wormanby)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Milecastle 76 (Drumburgh)
A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Moches/Tarsouras?/Thersos?/Kyaneos?/Gyenos? (river)
The Mokvi river flows from the southern slopes of the Kodori Range to the Black Sea.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q14920275.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T. Sinclair, David Braund
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Diane Braund, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Monastery of Simeon Stylites the Younger
A sixth-century AD monastery named for Simeon Stylites the Younger who lived atop a pillar on Thaumaston Oros.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Monemvasia
A Medieval refuge settlement founded ca. AD 583 that developed into an important center from the tenth century onward.
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Catherine Bouras, Tom Elliott - Monte Gentili
A villa associated with Aulus Vitellius Germanicus.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata villa of Aulus Vitellius Germanicus (Q131428027).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Monte Novo do Castelinho
A Roman earthen embankment dam of ca. 56 m length.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Monterfil II at Corseul
Remains of the commercial quarter of the Gallo-Roman settlement.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - *Moridunum
*Moridunum (Carmarthen) was the civitas capital of the Demetae in Roman Wales.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Moridunum
Axminster Roman Fort probably dating to the second century AD
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort and edited description for clarity; updated references; tM GEO ID 18986: Moridunum (Sidford?). Edited.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Mount Ararat
The Ararat massif in eastern Asia Minor measures ca. 40 km (25 mi) in diameter and has two peaks, Greater Ararat and Lesser Ararat.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Gabriel McKee, Sarah Bond - Mount Caburn hill fort
Atop Mount Caburn are the remains of a Pre-Roman Iron Age hill fort.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Feature type = hillfort. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Multangular Tower
The Multangular Tower at York once stood at the west corner of the Roman legionary fortress.
Modifications: Edited type for tower (wall). Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Edited wikidata Multangular Tower And Wall Attached To South East (Q17530586).
Modified by Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Musti
Musti was a Roman municipium located along the road from Carthage to Tebessa. The site, known in modern times as Henchir Mest or Henchir Mist, lies just east of the modern town of El Krib in Tunisia's Siliana governorate.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: R.B. Hitchner
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Necropolis of Filigosa
A Chalcolithic necropolis near Macomer in Sardinia.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q1975256. Cnxn, reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Sean Gillies - Nemorensis (lake)
Nemorensis Lacus (modern Lake Nemi) is a small, volcanic lake in Latium located south of Rome. The lake is known for its adjacent sanctuary of the goddess Diana and for the recovery of several sunken Roman ships of the first century AD.
Modifications: Updated references. Updated TM GEO ID 63259: Nemorensis Lacus (Lago di Nemi); added EDH G012171: Nemi (Lago di Nemi).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Nether Denton Roman fort
A Roman fort site at Nether Denton that was identified via cropmarks. The fort formed part of the Stanegate frontier system, and thus pre-dates Hadrian's Wall. It was abandoned ca. 122.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette, Scott Vanderbilt - Nossa Senhora da Tourega
An imperial villa located in the territory of Ebora.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Nuraghe Ruggiu at Filigosa
Nuraghe Ruggiu (Macomer)
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Cnxn, reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne, Sean Gillies - Oakmere hill fort
Oakmere hill fort is an Iron Age hill fort located in the county of Cheshire in northern England.
Modifications: Updated deprecated type. Edited type for hillfort.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Oakwood Roman fort
A Roman fort dating ca. A.D. 80 located southwest of Selkirk.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort; wikidata Oakwood, Roman fort and camp SSE of (Q56666921). Edited.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Okehampton Roman fort and fortlet
A Roman fort and a series of five associated enclosures situated on a hilltop overlooking the valley of the River Okement to the northwest and Okehampton town to the southwest. Excavations suggest that the site was occupied ca. A.D. 50-80.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort and fortlet; wikidata Okehampton Roman fort, fortlet and associated enclosures (Q17674536).
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Old Burrow
A first-century Roman fortlet measuring 44 by 85 meters.
Modifications: Edited type for fortlet. Feature type = fortlet.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Oram's Arbour
Oram's Arbour, now a park, was the site of Iron Age occupation prior to the establishment of Venta. Location based on OpenStreetMap.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Osireion
The Osireion at Abydos is located to the rear of the temple of Seti I. It is an integral part of Seti I's funeral complex and was built to resemble an 18th Dynasty Valley of the Kings tomb.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Ossaia
Site of a Late Republican and Imperial Roman villa (first to fifth centuries A.D.)
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: W.V. Harris
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Osteria del Gladiatore
A Roman tavern in Pompeii.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Athanasia Varveri
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Ostrakina (mountain)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 58 unlocated Ostrakina M.
Modifications: Wikidata Profitis Ilias summit (Q24992937).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: G. Reger, J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Palmyra
Palmyra is an ancient oasis and trading city with monumental remains located in modern Syria. Under Zenobia, It was the capital of the breakaway Palmyrene Empire, which led to Aurelian razing the city. In 1980, Palmyra was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Modifications: Raja 2024. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J.P. Brown, P.-L. Gatier
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, H. Kopp, W. Röllig, Thomas Carlson, B. Siewert-Mayer, Gabriel Bodard, Rune Rattenborg, Richard Talbert, Adam Prins, Valeria Vitale, Carolin Johansson, Tom Elliott, DARMC, David Michelson, R. Warner, Ingrid Luo, Francis Deblauwe, Eric Kansa - Panagia Aimatousa
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 72 D3 Panagia Aimatousa
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: D. Rupp
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Paturro Roman villa
A luxury terraced villa in Spain's Murcia region that was first built in the Republican period and then abandoned by the third century A.D.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Villa romana del Paturro (Q5474005).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Peel Gap Tower
A tower situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for tower.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Pen Coed-foel Camp
Pencoedfoel is the location of an ancient hill fort in Wales.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort; wikidata Pen Coed-foel Camp (Q13126362).
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Pen Llystyn
An earth and timber fort originally covering 1.8 ha located at the base of the Lleyn peninsula, between Segontium and Tomen-y-Mur, Pen Llystyn was subsequently destroyed by quarrying.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette, Scott Vanderbilt - Penydarren Roman fort
Roman fort built ca. 74-78 CE and occupied no later than the first third of the second century, now built over by a sports stadium.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Phoinikon
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 80 C2 Phoinikon
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T. Wilfong, S.E. Sidebotham, J. Keenan
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Pilsdon Pen
Pilsdon Pen (277 m above sea level) is a Cretaceous outcrop located in Dorset, South West England. It is the site of a multivallate Durotrigian hillfort dating to the Iron Age. Peter Gelling and Margaret Gelling of the University of Birmingham conducted excavations at the site in the 1960s.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for hillfort; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Pommeroeul
A Gallo-Roman settlement and associated necropolis were discovered in the vicinity of the modern Belgian village of Pommerœul in the 1970s.
Modifications: Cleaned up references; added Veselka 2024; added Cattelain 2023; modified summary; modified place type += cemetery; added Terfve 1998; updated Locations, Names; wikidata Q103190075. Created new location. DARMC location 14362 = related. Created new name.
Modified by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: C. Haselgrove, J. Kunow
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Ponte Acque Alte
A Roman bridge along the Via Appia near Cisterna di Latina.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q131426565.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Ponte del Diavolo
Site of an ancient Roman bridge across the Raganello near Civita. The ancient bridge was largely rebuilt in 2005.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Portus Lemanis
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 8 I3 Portus Lemanis
Modifications: Updated references. Edited. DARMC location 19181 = related. Created new location.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Poundbury hillfort
A Middle Bronze Age hillfort near Dorchester, England.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Prestatyn
The modern-day site of a Romano-British settlement dating from first and second centuries A.D.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Puig de Sa Morisca
A first millennium B.C., pre-Roman settlement of Majorca.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Pulvar/Araxes? (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 94 D3 Pulvar/Araxes? fl.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, R. Wenke
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne, P. Flensted Jensen, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Pyramid K.1 at El-Kurru
The oldest tomb at El-Kurru.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Pyramid of Kenchreai
A pyramidal structure located near the modern village of Hellenikon in Greece, whose ancient name is unknown. It is variously interpreted as one of several mass graves mentioned by Pausanias or as a fort or guard tower for a farm or other installation. Possibly of classical date.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Added wikidata, add idai gaz, add topostext.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Brady Kiesling
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Tom Elliott
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Brady Kiesling - Quartucciu
The archaeological site of Pill'è Matta preserves remains of a Punic-Roman necropolis in use from the fourth century B.C. until the fifth century A.D.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Radani (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 91 F3 Radani fl.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, St J. Simpson
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Rainsborough Camp
A bivallate Iron Age hillfort.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Edited type for hillfort.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Regulbium
Regulbium was a Roman 'Saxon Shore' fort.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Rha/Attila (river)
The modern Volga river is the longest river in Europe.
Modifications: Wikidata Q626.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: David Braund
Contributors: Gabriel McKee, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Diane Braund, Tom Elliott - Rhypes
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 58 C1 Rhypes
Modifications: Updated references. Added manto. Edited.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Brady Kiesling, Catherine Bouras, Greta Hawes, R. Scott Smith
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: G. Reger, J. McK. Camp II
Contributors: DARMC, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Catherine Bouras, Richard Talbert, R. Scott Smith, Greta Hawes - Rigodounon?
A Roman auxiliary fort at present-day Castleshaw.
Modifications: Edited type for fort. Removed deprecated modified location place type.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Sean Gillies - Ring of Brodgar
The Ring of Brodgar (also known as Brogar, or the Ring o' Brodgar) is a Neolithic henge and stone circle monument in Orkney, Scotland.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Rollright Stones
A complex of three Neolithic and Bronze Age megalithic monuments dating from the fourth to second millennia B.C. located on the borders of Oxfordshire and Warwickshire in the English Midlands.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Roman amphitheater
The Roman amphitheater is located on the opposite bank of the wadi from Bararus.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Arachne Amphitheater von Bararus (Bararus municipium), Rougga.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Roman amphitheater at Beth Govrin/Eleutheropolis
A Roman amphitheater at Beth Govrin/Eleutheropolis dating after the Jewish revolt of the first century A.D.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Amphitheatre of Eleutheropolis (Q30335930).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Roman amphitheater at Deva
The second-century A.D. Roman amphitheater at Deva Victrix (modern Chester, England) was the largest military amphitheater in Britain.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Chester Roman Amphitheatre (Q2844408).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Contributors: Scott Vanderbilt - Roman amphitheater at Santa Maria Capua Vetere
Sometimes referred to as the "Anfiteatro Campano", the Roman amphitheater at Santa Maria Capua Vetere is the second largest in the Roman world. Begun under Augustus, it was further renovated under Hadrian and Antoninus Pius.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Sean Gillies - Roman bath house, Callendar Park, Falkirk
The remains of a Roman bath house were discovered in Callendar Park, Falkirk in 1980.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Roman Bath House, Prestatyn
At the Prestatyn Roman Site, a bath complex was identified via excavation (1934-7; 1981). The bathhouse measures approximately 11.7 by 4.5 meters.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Prestatyn Roman Site (Q122218015).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Roman baths at Fundi
Imperial baths located on Fundi's decumanus maximus.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Roman Forts and Camps at Cawthorn
A series of contiguous Roman forts.
Modifications: Edited type for fort. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Removed deprecated modified location place type. Updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Charlotte Tupman, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Roman theater at Amiternum
The Roman theater at Amiternum could seat approximately 2,000 people. It was abandoned after the fourth century and became a necropolis.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Roman theater at Carthage
The Roman theater at Carthage was built around the middle of the second century A.D. It was re-discovered in 1904.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Roman theater at Casinum
The Roman theater at Casinum dates to the Augustan period.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Roman theater at Italica
The Roman theater at Italica could accommodate 3,000 spectators. It predates the Hadrianic rebuilding of the city.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Roman villa at Can Terrés
A Roman villa occupied from the first century B.C. until the fourth / fifth centuries A.D. The villa included a bath complex.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Royan et Zalexan
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 90 unlocated Royan et Zalexan
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: S.E. Kroll
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Rutupiae
The Roman fort at Rutupiae was erected at the location where the Claudian landings took place in A.D. 43.
Modifications: Edited type for fort. Removed deprecated modified location place type.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Sean Gillies - S'Altare de Logula
The Tomb of the Giants Sa Perda 'e S'Altare is a giants' tomb located in the municipality of Birori, province of Nuoro, Sardinia.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Sa Mandra Manna
A fortified site in Sardinia with megalithic architecture.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q65038144.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Sa Sedda 'e sos Carros
A middle Bronze Age (ca. 1300 B.C.) nuragic settlement.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Samara Bend
An area surrounding a sharp bend in the Volga River. The region contains a number of major archaeological sites of the Neolithic Age.
Modifications: Wikidata Q427143. Reimported full relation geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Gabriel McKee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Sambraceni
An ancient people whose territory is unlocated; Pliny placed them along the Indus river, north of Taxila.
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M.U. Erdosy
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Segedunum
Segedunum was a Roman fort located at modern-day Wallsend, North Tyneside in the northeast of England. The fort was located at the eastern end of Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Wikidata Q637958.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Segelocum
Segelocum was a settlement of Roman Britain located along the road from Lincoln to Doncaster where it crossed the river Trent.
Modifications: Edited type for only settlement. Wikidata Segelocum Roman town (Q17646245).
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Sean Gillies, Ryan M. Horne - Shamīt
Find place for cuneiform inscription.
Modifications: Wikidata Q131414346.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Carolin Johansson, Rune Rattenborg
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Shaur/Choaspes?/Eulaeus?/Uknu? (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 93 E2 Shaur/Choaspes?/Eulaeus?/Uknu? fl.
Modifications: Wikidata Q1472376. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, St J. Simpson, R. Wenke
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, P. Flensted Jensen, Jeffrey Becker - Shore Temple of Mahabalipuram
The so-called "Shore Temple" of Mahabalipuram is a granite-built tomb at the "Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram" UNESCO World Heritage Site. It dates to the eighth century CE.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Skinburness
Milefortlet 9, Skinburness
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Updated Feature type. Edited type for fortlet; updated references. Edited.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Sklavokampos
A Late Minoan structure that first excavated in the 1930s. The Sklavokampos complex contained at least 17 rooms and yielded a range of evidence, including at least 39 sealings.
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Brady Kiesling - Slack Roman Fort (Camulodonum?)
The remains of a first-century A.D. earthwork and the buried remains of a Roman fort at Slack. These remains might be associated with the Roman toponym Camulodonum.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Sorviodunum
Sorviodunum (Old Sarum) is the site of pre-Roman habitation in Salisbury, England, where occupation began as early as 3,000 B.C. The oval Pre-Roman fort, covering some 11 ha, was re-used during the Roman and Norman periods.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Spetisbury Rings
Spetisbury Rings, also known as Crawford Castle, is a hillfort with Pre-Roman Iron Age earthen embankment fortifications located in north Dorset, England, near the River Stour. Tradition holds that invading Romans razed this indigenous stronghold in the first century CE.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort. Wikidata Spetisbury Rings (Q17642339).
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Street of Facades, Petra
The so-called "Street of Facades" is a necropolis that is lined with tall, rock-cut tombs that have elaborate facades.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Šuruppak
An ancient Sumerian city located about 35 miles south of Nippur on the banks of the Euphrates river. A place from the TAVO index.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: B. Siewert-Mayer, W. Röllig, H. Kopp
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Francis Deblauwe, Jeffrey Becker, Rune Rattenborg, Carolin Johansson, Ryan M. Horne, Eric Kansa, Gabriel McKee - Tamion?
Tamion? (modern Cardiff, Wales). A series of Roman forts occupied the same site in Cardiff, located on a river terrace adjacent to the River Taff, and represent continuous occupation from the late 50s AD until the late fourth century.
Modifications: Edited toye for fort. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Richard Talbert - Tanella di Pitagora
A third to second century B.C. tomb in the hinterland of Cortona.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Cnxn, reference.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Sean Gillies - Tap o' Noth hill fort
Tap o' Noth hill fort is located in Aberdeenshire, Scotland; a well preserved vitrified wall survives at the site.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Removed deprecated modified location place type. Updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Tchogha Zanbil
An ancient Elamite complex founded ca. 1250 BC by the king Untash-Napirisha. Tchogha Zanbil was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Carolin Johansson, W. Röllig, Tom Elliott, H. Kopp, B. Siewert-Mayer, Eric Kansa, Francis Deblauwe, Rune Rattenborg - Temple of Diana at Nemi
A site sacred to Diana near Lake Nemi, comprised of a Tuscan-style sanctuary and a sacred grove.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Richard Talbert, Ryan M. Horne - Temple of Khnum at Esna
A temple dedicated to the god Khnum constructed during the Ptolemaic and Roman period in the city of Esna (Latopolis).
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Gabriel McKee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Temple of Ramesses II
The Temple of Ramesses II at Abydos in Egypt.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Temple of Trajan at Pergamon
The Temple of Trajan at Pergamon, also referred to as the Traianeum, was dedicated to Trajan and Zeus Philios and completed during the reign of Hadrian.
Modifications: Wikidata Q2448404.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Ryan M. Horne
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Templebrough
At Templebrough an archaeological sequence of three superimposed Roman forts and a vicus were discovered. The first fort dates ca. A.D. 43.
Modifications: Edited type for fort. Removed deprecated modified location place type.
Modified and published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Sean Gillies - Tentyra
The Ptolemaic temple to Hathor at Dendera.
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T. Wilfong, S.E. Sidebotham, J. Keenan
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Adam Prins, Jen Thum, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, DARMC, Herbert Verreth, Richard Talbert, Nate Nagy, Mark Depauw - Termas romanas de las Bóvedas
The Roman Baths of Las Bóvedas are near the mouth of the Guadalmina River.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Termas romanas de Las Bóvedas (Marbella) (Q5938445).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - The Frith
The Frith is an Iron Age hillfort in Hampshire, England, that covers 1.6 hectares.
Modifications: Edited type for hillfort.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Theater at Pausilipum
A small Roman theater with a capacity of approximately 2,000 spectators.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Theatrum Pompei
Rome's first permanent theater, located in the Campus Martius. The complex was completed under the second consulship of Pompeius Magnus in 55 B.C.
Modifications: Edited. Wikidata Q944814. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Themiskyra
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 87 B3 Themiskyra
Modifications: Wikidata Q122875. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T. Sinclair, David Braund
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Diane Braund, DARMC, Richard Talbert, R. Scott Smith, Greta Hawes - Thermodon (river)
The Terme River or Terme Çayı.
Modifications: Wikidata Q684421.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: T. Sinclair, David Braund
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Diane Braund, Tom Elliott - Titus Tunnel
A Flavian period channel cut for the purpose of diverting the course of a river.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Tofet
The Punic tofet at Sulcis.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Tomb of Horemheb (KV57)
Horemheb, final ruler of the 18th dynasty, was buried in KV57.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Tomb of Nebamun at Thebes
Theban Tomb no. 65 (TT65), the tomb of Nebamun, dated to the reign of Hatshepsut. The tomb was reused in the Twentieth Dynasty for Imiseba, a member of the Theban Clergy. In late antiquity it (along with several of the surrounding tombs) was repurposed as an anchorite dwelling, called in modern times the "Monastery of Cyriacus."
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Gabriel McKee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Tomb of Puimre at Thebes
Tomb TT39 in the Theban Necropolis, the burial site of Puimre (or Puyemre), an Egyptian official of the 18th Dynasty.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Gabriel McKee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Tomb of Seti I
Tomb KV17 in the Valley of Kings was the burial place of the 19th dynasty Pharaoh Seti I.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Gabriel McKee
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker - Tomen y mur
The Roman fort at modern day Tomen y Mur, presumably Flavian in date, was likely abandoned by the middle of the second century A.D.
Modifications: Edited type for fort. Removed deprecated modified location place type.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Tom Elliott
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Torre degli Embrici
An imperial Roman villa with a bath complex that emerged in the first and second centuries AD, transitioning to a fortified site after the sixth century AD.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated references. Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Tour de Biran
The remains of a fortified Gallo-Roman tower.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Trawscoed fort
A Roman auxiliary fort located on the river Ystwyth in Ceredigion, Wales. The fort overlooks a Roman bridge and was built during the AD 70s.
Modifications: Edited. Edited type for fort; wikidata Q16901948.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Tumulus of Marcinelle
A Gallo-Roman tumulus located nesr Marcinelle Charleroi in Belgium.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q2455642.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Tumulus of Xhendremael
The Tumulus of Xhendremael (known also as Li Tombe di Hên'mâl) is a Gallo-Roman burial mound near Xhendremael in Belgium. In 1933 the remains of a Roman villa were discovered in its vicinity.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q2235189.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Turret 0A
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; added Turret 0A.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 10B (Throckley)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 12A (Heddon West)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 12B (North Lodge)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 13A (Rudchester East)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 13B (Rudchester West)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 14A (Eppies Hill)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 14B
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 15A
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 19A (East Clarewood)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 19B (West Clarewood)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 20A (Carr Hill)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 21A (Red House)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited. Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 22B (Stanley)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 23A (Stanley Plantation)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 23B (Wall Fell)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type; updated references. RIB turret 23B.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 25B (St Oswald's)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall. The site was excavated in 1930; there are no surface remains.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 33B (Coesike)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 34B
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 35A (Sewingshields Crag)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; 1505: Turret 35A (Sewingshields Crag).
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 36B
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 38A (Milking Gap)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 38B (Highshield Crag)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 39A (Peel Crag)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 39B (Steelrigg)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 40A (Winshields)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 40B (Melkridge)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 43A (Cockmount Hill)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; 1403: Turret 43A (Cockmount Hill).
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 45A (Walltown)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 49B (Birdoswald)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower; updated references. Edited.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 65B
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 74A
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 7A
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Edited type for tower.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Maxime Guénette - Turret 9B (Walbottle)
A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Updated references, update deprecated modified place type.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Scott Vanderbilt
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Ulcisia Castra/Castra Constantia
A Roman fort on the Pannonian Limes, at modern Szentendre in Hungary.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Šašel Kos, P. Kos
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott, Holger R.E. Jürgenliemk - Umm el-Qa'ab
A necropolis at Abydos, Egypt, with royal tombs from the Pre-dynastic period as well as from the Early Dynastic (First and Second dynasties) period.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Carolin Johansson, Rune Rattenborg - Unnamed Aqueduct at Sexi/Saxetanum
One of five aqueducts known from Roman-era Sexi. This one is represented by an aqueduct bridge whose extant remains parallel the SO-02 between the Ctra. de Málaga - Velilla and the Carrera de la Concepcion in modern Almuñécar, Spain.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Tom Elliott - Unnamed Roman bridge
A Roman bridge on the Rio Murtazzolu near Birori, Sardinia.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Unnamed Roman bridge
A Roman bridge crossing the Rio Mannu stream in Sardinia.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Unnamed Roman Villa
The site of a probable Roman villa located near Farndon, Cheshire.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Untitled
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 72 B2 unnamed aqueduct (Soloi)
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: D. Rupp
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Untitled
Drobeta → Vulcan → Petroşeni → Sîntămăria-Orlea
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Untitled
Sapaja → Dierna → Drobeta → Hinova → Basarabi
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: J.J. Wilkes
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Varis
Probable Roman fort and settlement in St Asaph, Wales
Modifications: Edited type and description. Updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette, Jeffrey Becker
Modifications published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Velunia(te)
A Roman fort associated with the Antonine Wall at modern day Carriden House. It does not lie on the Wall itself, but rather is 1.3 km to the south east of the Wall's eastern terminus at Bridgeness.
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, Scott Vanderbilt, Tom Elliott, DARMC, James Cowey, R. Warner, Sean Gillies - Venonis
Venonis was a Roman site located at the intersection of Watling Street and Fosse Way in Britannia.
Modifications: Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Venta
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 8 F3 Venta
Modifications: Wikidata Q538969.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Richard Talbert, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - *Vercovicium
A fort on Hadrian's Wall.
Modifications: Updated references. Wikidata Housesteads Roman Fort (Q1812832).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Scott Vanderbilt, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Villa de Santa Catarina de Sítimos
A Roman villa of the imperial period, in use from the first through fifth centuries A.D.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q66429452.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Villa Faustini
Villa Faustini, now unlocated, was a Roman road station near Colchester.
Modifications: Updated references.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: R. Warner, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Villa of Manius Antoninus
The Villa of Manius Antoninus at Nicopolis.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker - Villas at Castelporziano
Since antiquity, the 6,000-ha estate at Castelporziano has been an elite seaside compound. Where a modern pleasure villa for the Italian president now sits are remains of Roman villas on the Laurentine shore; these remains have been the object of continued study since 1983.
Modifications: Edited.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker - Volustana
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 50 B4 Volustana
Modifications: Wikidata Volustana (Q7941102).
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: E.N. Borza
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott - Walton Castle
The site of a Roman Saxon Shore fort known as "Walton Castle". The fort was built ca. A.D. 276-285 and was destroyed by sea erosion in the eighteenth century.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited type for fort; updated references.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A.S. Esmonde Cleary
Contributors: DARMC, Richard Talbert, Maxime Guénette, R. Warner, Jeffrey Becker, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott - Washing Wells Roman Fort
The site of a Roman fort has been identified via aerial photos. It is situated in agricultural land on Dunston Hill overlooking the River Tyne, 3 miles southwest of Newcastle and ca. 1 km southeast of Whickham.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Feature type = fort. Edited type for fort; wikidata Q16248636.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Gabriel Moss, Maxime Guénette - Wheathampstead
A Belgic oppidum in England, founded sometime after 50 BC.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne - Woden Law hill fort
Woden Law hill fort is a multi-vallate Iron Age site in Scotland.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Updated feature type. Edited type for hill fort; wikidata Woden Law (Q31105689).
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Woodhouses Hill Fort
Woodhouses hill fort is an Iron Age hillfort located in Cheshire, England.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Edited type for hillfort; wikidata Woodhouse Hill Camp (Q8032761).
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Maxime Guénette - Yeavering Bell
The Yeavering Bell is a twin-peaked hill fort in Northumberland, England, that forms part of the Cheviot Hills.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance. Edited. Edited type for hill fort. Wikidata Q17643662.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Maxime Guénette
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Ryan M. Horne, Maxime Guénette - Yumuktepe
Yumuktepe is the site of a settlement mound (tell) near Mersin, Turkey, that was inhabited from the Neolithic period until the Middle Ages. During the Bronze Age, the tell was part of Kizuwatna, a vassal kingdom of the Hittite Empire.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Yumuktepe (Q4818905). Edited modified summary.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
Contributors: Adam Rabinowitz - Zabala
This Sumerian/Babylonian city (also known as Zabalam, now as modern Tell Ibzeikh) was a cult centre of the goddess Inanna/Ishtar. It was located near the Iturungal and Ninagina canals.
Modifications: Reimported full node geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: Jamie Novotny
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Carolin Johansson, Rune Rattenborg - Zabas Megas (river)
The Great Zab river originates near Lake Van and flows some 400 km until it joins the Tigris River.
Modifications: Updated references. Added topostext. Reimported full relation geometry and updated provenance.
Modified by: Jeffrey Becker, Brady Kiesling
Modifications published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, St J. Simpson
Contributors: Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, W. Röllig, Tom Elliott, H. Kopp, Richard Talbert, B. Siewert-Mayer, Francis Deblauwe, Eric Kansa - Zabas Mikros/Kapros?/Zerbis? (river)
Zabas Mikros/Kapros?/Zerbis? fl. (Little Zab River) flows from the Zagros Mountains to the Tigris River.
Modifications: Wikidata Little Zab (Q954645). Reimported full relation geometry and updated provenance.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: M. Roaf, St J. Simpson
Contributors: Sean Gillies, Jeffrey Becker, W. Röllig, Tom Elliott, H. Kopp, Richard Talbert, B. Siewert-Mayer, Francis Deblauwe, Eric Kansa - Zoreh/Or(o)atis? (river)
An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 93 F3 Zoreh/Or(o)atis? fl.
Modifications: Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance. Wikidata Q12645787.
Modified and published by: Jeffrey Becker
Creators: A. Hausleiter, M. Roaf, St J. Simpson, R. Wenke
Contributors: Richard Talbert, Sean Gillies, Tom Elliott, P. Flensted Jensen, Jeffrey Becker