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You are here: Home Ancient Places Uxellodunum

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a Pleiades place resource

Creators: H.S. Sivan, R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: DARMC, R. Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Dec 25, 2024 09:20 AM History
Uxellodunum was an oppidum on the Dordogne river in the territory of the Cardurci tribe, mentioned by Caesar. Although Uxellodunum has been widely identified since the 19th century with the Gallic site at modern Puy d'Issolu (French commune of Vayrac, near the village of Saint-Denis-lès-Martel) -- and a commision of the French culture ministry officially confirmed this identification in 2001 -- a number of other sites are possible matches (see further sub "Details").
500 km
Base style derived from Mapbox Satellite Streets. | Pleiades layers and interaction design by Sean Gillies, David Glick, Alec Mitchell, Ryan M. Horne, and Tom Elliott.

44.7697888675, 1.58896495944


Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 14 H4 Uxellodunum

The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: "Capdenac? Puy d’Issolud? St-Projet?". New Pauly enumerates the following possible identifications "l'Impernal de Luzech, le Puy d'Issolu near Vayrac, Murcens-Cras, Capdenac." OCD lists "Puy d'Issolu (Lot, near Vayrac), Capdenac-le-Haut (Lot, south-east of Figeac), l'Impernal (Lot, Luzech), and Murcens (Lot, north-east of Cahors)".

Atom, JSON, KML, RDF+XML, Turtle

H.S. Sivan, R.W. Mathisen, DARMC, R. Talbert, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, and Tom Elliott, 'Uxellodunum: a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2024 <> [accessed: 26 March 2025]

            {{cite web |url= |title=Places: 138636 (Uxellodunum) |author=Sivan, H., R. Mathisen |accessdate=March 26, 2025 7:37 am |publisher=Pleiades}}