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OSM location of Bost Castle

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jun 23, 2022 11:06 AM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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Show area in GeoNames, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap.


{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 64.3591387, 31.5048574 ], [ 64.3574626, 31.5056139 ], [ 64.3556140, 31.5059186 ], [ 64.3544062, 31.5041639 ], [ 64.3547883, 31.5005912 ], [ 64.3556633, 31.4997505 ], [ 64.3568347, 31.4993366 ], [ 64.3576125, 31.4993321 ], [ 64.3579344, 31.4992406 ], [ 64.3581919, 31.4992452 ], [ 64.3586747, 31.4995196 ], [ 64.3587766, 31.4999130 ], [ 64.3588785, 31.5004893 ], [ 64.3586908, 31.5011296 ], [ 64.3584709, 31.5019712 ], [ 64.3582777, 31.5027122 ], [ 64.3589107, 31.5037001 ], [ 64.3591387, 31.5048574 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 565550782, version 1, osm:changeset=56801126, 2018-03-01T21:13:54Z)