Creators: N. Purcell
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40.7573908393, 14.4527291195
- Representative Locations:
- DARE Location (330 BC - AD 300) accuracy: +/- 10 meters.
- OSM location of Scavi archeologici di Oplonti (330 BC - AD 300) accuracy: +/- 20 meters.
- Oplont[.]s (Oplontis: Latin, 330 BC - AD 300)
- Oplontis (English, modern)
- None
- Villa of L. Crassius Tertius located at Oplontis (30 BC - AD 300)
settlement, villa
- Evidence:
- See Further:
- BAtlas 44 F4 Oplontis
- Bowling et al. 2023
- Clarke 2019
- Clarke and Muntasser 2014
- De Franciscis 1973
- De Franciscis 1975
- FOLD&R 2013-295: Thomas, Michael L., Ivo van der Graaff , Paul Wilkinson . 2013. The Oplontis Project 2012-13: A Report of Excavations at Oplontis B.
- GAL Pompei 250-55
- McGinn 2002
- Oplontis Project
- PECS (Perseus) OPLONTIS (Torre Annunziata) Campania, Italy
- Pompeii Sites Oplontis
- Pompeii Sites Poppea's Villa
- Thomas 2015, 403-11
- Thomas and Clarke 2007
- ToposText Oplontis (Italy)
- Van der Graaff et al. 2019
- WHL 829: Archaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata
- Wikipedia (English) Torre Annunziata
- Wikipedia (Italian) Scavi archeologici di Oplonti
- Zarmakoupi 2017
- See Also:
- Related:
- Arachne Villa A - sogenannte Villa der Poppaea sog. Villa der Poppea Sabina, Torre Annunziata
- Arachne Villa B Oplontis, (Oplontis / Oplontis / Oplontis), Neapel (Metropolitanstadt)
- DARE 21354
- DARMC 18715
- GeoNames 10626953: Villa Poppaea
- TGN 7008405: Torre Annunziata (inhabited place)
- TM GEO ID 32518: Oplontis (Torre Annunziata)
- vici.org 1877: Oplontis
Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 44 F4 Oplontis
The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Torre Annunziata
N. Purcell, DARMC, R. Talbert, Brady Kiesling, Sean Gillies, Johan Åhlfeldt, Jeffrey Becker, and Tom Elliott, 'Oplontis: a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2024 <https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/432992> [accessed: 26 March 2025]
{{cite web |url=https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/432992 |title=Places: 432992 (Oplontis) |author=Purcell, N. |accessdate=March 26, 2025 6:02 am |publisher=Pleiades}}