Porta Mugonia
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
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- None
- Mucionis (Latin, 30 BC - AD 300)
- Mugionia porta (Latin, 30 BC - AD 300)
- Vetus Porta Palatii (Latin, 30 BC - AD 300)
- Porta Mugonia located at Roma (unspecified date range)
unlocated, gate (of a city), city gate
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The location of the Porta Mugonia, as well as the etymology of its name, remains hotly debated by topographic scholars. It is generally agreed that it lay on the north side of the Palatine Hill, putting it close to the similarly controversial Temple of Iuppiter Stator.
Jeffrey Becker, and Tom Elliott, 'Porta Mugonia: a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2022 <https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/547584100> [accessed: 09 March 2025]
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